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9 revisions | Ben Brumfield at Sep 09, 2018 07:22 PM | |
17A G U A G U captainship of the Rio Grande in Brazil. It Aguada, a sharp point or small island of the Aguada (point in Cartagena), a point on the coast of Tierra Firme, AGUADILLA, a river of the province and AGUADORES, River of the, in the island AGUAIO, a settlement of the province and go- Aguaio, another settlement, with the dedicatory AGUAIUS, a settlement of the province and go- AGUAGE, a settlement and real of mines of the AGUAJES, a settlement of the province of AGUALEI, a small river of the province and AGUALULCO, a settlement and capital of the VOL. T, 17 AGUAMENA, a settlement of the jurisdiction AGUAMIRO, a settlement of the province and AGUAN, a river of the province and govern- AGUANATO, Santa Maria de, a settlement AGUANO, a lake of the province and govern- AGUANOS, San Antonio de, a settlement Aguanos, another settlement, with the dedica- AGUAPAI, a river of the province and go- Aguapai, another river of the same province AGUAPEI, a river of the same province and AGUARAU, a river of the province and go- AGUARICO, San Pedro de, a settlement of n Translation | 17A G U A G U captainship of the Rio Grande in Brazil. It Aguada, a sharp point or small island of the Aguada (point in Cartagena), a point on the coast of Tierra Firme, AGUADILLA, a river of the province and AGUADORES, River of the, in the island AGUAIO, a settlement of the province and go- Aguaio, another settlement, with the dedicatory AGUAIUS, a settlement of the province and go- AGUAGE, a settlement and real of mines of the AGUAJES, a settlement of the province of AGUALEI, a small river of the province and AGUALULCO, a settlement and capital of the VOL. T, 17 AGUAMENA, a settlement of the jurisdiction AGUAMIRO, a settlement of the province and AGUAN, a river of the province and govern- AGUANATO, Santa Maria de, a settlement AGUANO, a lake of the province and govern- AGUANOS, San Antonio de, a settlement Aguanos, another settlement, with the dedica- AGUAPAI, a river of the province and go- Aguapai, another river of the same province AGUAPEI, a river of the same province and AGUARAU, a river of the province and go- AGUARICO, San Pedro de, a settlement of n Translation |