3. George of Spira, a German knight, nomi-
nated by the Weltzers in 1533 : he died in 1540,
leaving the title of provisional governor to,
4. Captain Juan de Villegas, a title which was
enjoyed but a few days, inasmuch as the audience
of St. Domingo, immediately upon their hearing of
tlie death of Spira, appointed,
5. Don Rodrigo do Bastidas, bishop of that -
holy church ; he governed till the year 1541, and
being promoted to the bishopric of Puertorico,
the government in the mean time devolved upon,
6. Diego Boica, a Portuguese gentleman, a
knight of the order of Christ ; he was confirmed
in the government by the audience of St. Domingo ;
but in a very few days after he was superseded by,
7. Enrique Rembolt, a German ; who also go-
verned a very short time, inasmuch as the excesses
that he committed, and the clamours of the inha-
bitants of Toro, obliged the above tribunal to
send out,
8. The Licentiate Frias, fiscal of that royal
audience ; he entered upon his functions in 1642,
until the royal nomination of,
9. The Licentiate Juan Perez de Tolosa, native
of Segovia ; a very learned and prudent man : he
was chosen by the Emperor to settle the distur-
bances which had arisen from the administration of
the Weltzers; for which reason he deprived them
of it ; he entered Coro in 1546 ; and although he
had not fulfilled the three years of his appointment,
he was, on account of his tried abilities, confirmed
in his office for another three years, and died
in 1548.
10. Juan de Villegas, nominated as intermediate
governor by his antecedent, until the arrival of the
11. The Licentiate Villacinda, nominated by
the Princess Doña Juana, who, in the absence of
her father, the Emperor, held the reins of govern-
ment in Castilla ; this governor took the reins in
1554, and died in 1557, leaving the government
in charge of the alcaldes.
12. Gutierrez de la Peña, nominated provision-
ally bythe audience of St. Domingo ; he entered
upon his functions in 1557, until the year 1559,
when arrived,
13. The Licentiate Pablo Collado, who governed
until the year 1562, when, on account of the ap-
peals made against him to the audience of St. Do-
mingo, this court sent out an inquisitorial judge,
who might call him to account, and order him
back to Spain : this was the Licentiate Bernaldes,
whom they called “ Ojo de Plata,” (Eye of Silver),
he having the defect of one of his eyes supplied by
this artificial means. He having, therefore, dis-
placed the former governor, took the management
of affairs upon himself, until the arrival of the
proper person, who was nominated by the king in
14. Don Alonzo de Manzanedo, who governed a
very short time since ; being of a very advanced
age, he soon fell sick, and died in 1564.
15. The Licentiate Bernaldes; who having
gained a certain reputation for the strictness, affa-
bility, and justice, with which he conducted him-
self in his provisional government, was nominaled
a second time by the audience of St. Domingo,
with the general acclamation of the province ;
he governed until the year following, 1565, when
16. Don Pedro Ponce de Leon, a branch of the
illustrious house of the Dukes of Arcos ; he had
been alcalde of Conil, came to the government in
the aforesaid year, and died in 1569.
17. Don Juan de Chaves, a native of Truxillo
in Estremadura ; who was living as a citizen at
St. Domingo at tiie time that he was appointed
as provisional governor by the audience, as soon as
the death of the former was known to them : he
entered upon the government the same year, and
held it until the year 1572.
18. Diego Mazariego ; who entered Coro in the
above year, and governed until 1576, when his
successor arrived, who was,
19. Don Juan Pimentel, a branch of the house
of the Counts of Benavente, knight of the order of
Santiago ; also the first governor who established
his residence in the city of Santiago. He was
called from thence to take the charge of the go-
vernment, which he exercised until the year 1582,
when his successor arrived.
20. Don Luis de Roxas, native of Madrid ; he
entered Caracas in 1583, reigned until 1587, when
he was succeeded by,
21. Don Domingo de Osorio, commander of the
galleys, and chief officer of the customs of the island
of St. Domingo ; at which place he was residing
when he received advices relative to his succeed-
ing the former governor : he filled his office with
much diligence, and obtained considerable renown,
and in the year 1597 was promoted to the presi-
dency of St. Domingo.
22. Gonzalo de Piña Lidueña, who governed
until 1600, when he died of an apoplectic fit ; and
in the interval the audience of St. Domingo ap-
23. Alonzo Arias Baca, citizen of Coro, and son
of the renowned Dr. Bernaldes, who liad governed