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4 revisions
Katie Pierce Meyer at May 01, 2024 04:35 PM



M. P. Lindsey, Atlanta, Ga.; and on motion of Mr. L. F.
, the by-law regarding the Letter Ballot was sus-
pended, and they were unanimously elected members of this

The Board of Directors also recommended that such pro-
visional action be taken by this Convention as will be neces-
sary, and that the Secretary be requested to correspond fur-
ther, with reference to membership, with the following named
architects: Thos. Sully, Paul Andry, C. A. Favrot, and S. G.
Delisle, New Orleans, La.; N. J. Clayton, Galveston, Tex.;
J. F. Baumann, Knoxville, Tenn.; and A. DeLisle, Chat-
tanooga, Tenn.; which on motion of Mr. Norrman was unani
imously adopted.

On motion of Mr. Nixon it was resolved that the paper
known as the "Southern Architect" be sustained by this
Chapter, and be used as the official organ to spread before the
public generally, the deliberations of all its meetings, and all
other matters of interest to the profession.

On motion of Mr. Nixon the Secretary was instructed to
prepare and have inserted in the "Southern Architect" an
article extending an invitation to the architects of the South-
ern States, to join this Chapter.

An invitation from the architects of Birmingham, Ala.;
was presented by Mr. Helmich to this Chapter, to hold the
next annual meeting in their city; and on motion of Mr. L.
F. Goodrich
, the invitation was accepted, and it was decided,
unanimously, that the next meeting be held in Birmingham
by a rising vote.

On motion of Mr. Morgan a vote of thanks was tendered to
the press, and to all persons who have contributed to the suc-
cess and welfare of the meeting of the Chapter.

On motion of Mr. Woodruff the convention of the Chapter
at twelve (12) o'clock M., adjourned, sine die.



M. P. Lindsey, Atlanta, Ga.; and on motion of Mr. L. F.
Goodrich, the by-law regarding the Letter Ballot was sus-
pended, and they were unanimously elected members of this

The Board of Directors also recommended that such pro-
visional action be taken by this Convention as will be neces-
sary, and that the Secretary be requested to correspond fur-
ther, with reference to membership, with the following named
architects: Thos. Sully, Paul Andry, C. A. Favrot, and S. G.
Delisle, New Orleans, La.; N. J. Clayton, Galveston, Tex.;
J. F. Baumann, Knoxville, Tenn.; and A. DeLisle, Chat-
tanooga, Tenn.; which on motion of Mr. Norrman was unani
imously adopted.

On motion of Mr. Nixon it was resolved that the paper
known as the "Southern Architect" be sustained by this
Chapter, and be used as the official organ to spread before the
public generally, the deliberations of all its meetings, and all
other matters of interest to the profession.

On motion of Mr. Nixon the Secretary was instructed to
prepare and have inserted in the "Southern Architect" an
article extending an invitation to the architects of the South-
ern States, to join this Chapter.

An invitation from the architects of Birmingham, Ala.;
was presented by Mr. Helmich to this Chapter, to hold the
next annual meeting in their city; and on motion of Mr. L.
F. Goodrich, the invitation was accepted, and it was decided,
unanimously, that the next meeting be held in Birmingham—
by a rising vote.

On motion of Mr. Morgan a vote of thanks was tendered to
the press, and to all persons who have contributed to the suc-
cess and welfare of the meeting of the Chapter.

On motion of Mr. Woodruff the convention of the Chapter
at twelve (12) o'clock M., adjourned, sine die.