T HE’ CONC R E T E AG E October 1920. 36 “Why we prefer WALKER SILO SCAFFOLDS” By Heim Construction Co., 617 Lockerbie St., Indianapolis, Ind. “We wish to state that the two scaffolds we purchased of you are in use every day and give perfect satisfaction; we have just finished building 17 coal pockets ranging from 16 by 30 ft., to 20 by 30J/2 ft, and at the present cost of lumber and labor you can see we saved money by using your scaffolds; that isn’t taking into consideration the element of safety for we have had from two to five men working on your scaffold every day and we have not had an accident serious enough to lay a man up for an hour during the entire summer. “Your scaffold is made heavy enough to be absolutely safe and light enough to make it perfectly easy for two men to handle. Thanking you for the square deal you have given us in every way, we remain. “Heim Construction Co., “By H. E. Heim, V.-P.” The Walker Scaffold is quickly adjusted to different sized silos, strong, rigid, easily raised, quickly taken down and handily transported. Walker Adjustable Scaffold Co. URBANA, ILLINOIS mmmm roofing t Concrete Roofing Tile for Factory and Residence; also Roofing Tile Machines. Brock Bros. Manufacturing Co., 4334 Hunt Ave., ST. LOUIS, MO. A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS’ DERRICKS &T SASGEN’S = Latest Illustrated Circular E E Will show you how to get the right derrick at = = the right price, and get it quick. Write now E E for Circular No. 20. =
SASGEN DERRICK CO., Grand & Albany Aves., CHICAGO |