THE CONCit E T E AG E OCTOBKR, 1920. fore, a direct connection between the Council and its Executive Board. meet the requirements of an unprecedented period of construction, good road making, reclamation and irThe By-Laws provide, in Chapter 11, Section 7, “4. Members of the Executive Board repreHow Members of The Executive Board Are Elected. The Joint Conference Committee has recently received the following 'nquiry from one of the organizations which are considering membership in The Federated American Engineering Societies: “Are the members of the Executive Board, outside of the officers of the American Engineering Council and the representatives of the National Societies, to be elected by the organizations of the district of by the members of the American Engineering Council from that district? If the former, how can one properly call it an executive board of the American Engineering Council for there would be no direct connection between the Council and the members of the Executive Board, other than the six officers V’ The Constitution provides that the members of the Executive Board, including the officers, are members of the American Engineering Council as representatives of the Member-Societies of The Federated American Engineering Societies. The intent of the Constitution and By-Laws is that the Executive Board shall be selected from the representatives on the Council and the district member shall he selected from and by the representatives on the Council from that district. The Executive Board is subordinate to and constituted from the American Enginering Council and there is, there26 . out;,;|tV-- -- »: KCTAI. TMM SftliKS '*» >'>*'.■> n.Ji.y.iw,! «*■ MR. CONTRACTOR! With our experience we here present just what you have been long looking for. That a mortar box built of No. 16 ga vanized stock and angle bound, heavy angles, in two sizes 8 and 9 feet long. They are perfectly smooth inside and water-tight. We manufacture WALL TIES in large quantities and can quote attractive prices. Let us have your inquiries. Ask for Bulletin inn R. It tells all about them. EMPIRE METAL TANK WORKS, Uppers* EAST ROCHESTER, N. Y. CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE GIANT PORTLAND CEMENT wants energetic, wide-awake dealers. Drop us a card and we will tell you all about our Cement. GIANT PORTLAND CEMENT CO. i OTLAND 603-610 Pennsylvania Bldg., PHILADELPHIA 30 Church Street, NEW YORK 101 Milk Street BOSTON Works at Egypt and Lesley, Pa., and Norfolk, Va. For 50% Build the Hollow Wall Way 50' aw o'. Like a thermos bottle—warmest in winter—coolest in summer. Fireproof—everlasting. Cheapest, best and most perfect way known to the building world. The reason the most wall can be built for the least money with our forms is—because they are STRONGEST—‘LIGHTEST— SIMPLEST and MOST PERFECT, and the price of a complete set can be saved on one small job. Send for literature. The Universal Cement Mold Co. North Milwaukee Wisconsin
seating national societies shall be selected by the said societies in such manner as they may determine; the secretary shall be advised of this selection.’ “5. Members of the Executive Board representing local, state and regional organizations and affiliations shall be nominated and elected from each of the several districts by the representatives therefrom on the CouncT, at a meeting duly called for the purpose, provided three fourths of all representatives of said district are present or represented; the selection sha’l be reported to the Secretary.’’ Making Concrete Pipe. In the Hume centrifugal process of manufacturing concrete pipe, as described by W. Wolstenholme to the South African Institution of Engineers, the cement is mixed with crushed stone from the Witwatersrand mines, and material from the large quantities of discarded mining ropes is added for reinforcement. The ropes, slowly rotated, are cut into suitable lengths, annealed, unstranded, and then woven into cages which are inserted into the moulds as the skeleton of the pipe. The necessary amount of concrete being- then poured into the moulds, the machine is speeded up, and the centrifugal force both packs the solid material evenly and dries out the water. Six pipes 4to 6 inches in diameter can be completed in 8 or 9 minutes, four of 15 to 18 inches in 15 minutes, and single specimens of larger sizes up to 60 inches in about 20 minutes. In the tests made, the pipes below 9 inches in diameter withstood pressures of 300 to 350 pounds per square inch, the larger sizes resisting 210 pounds. At excessive pressures the pipes do not give way suddenly, but develop pores and cracks. Concrete Institute Meeting. The American Concrete Institute held a sectional meeting July 16 in New York City, which was called by President H. C. Turner. W. A. Slater of the U. S. Bureau of Standards gave a talk in which he described a number of the tests on especially designed beams for the concrete ship section of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, in which special attention was paid to the investigation of shear strength. 27 1' II i; CONCR ET E AG E October, 1920. SNEAD ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORKS LOUISVILLE, KY. Structural Steel and Ornamental Iron. Large Stock of Standard and Bethlehem Shapes. Immediate Shipments Plain or Fabricated Materials. MARTIN SEMI TRAILER METHOD OF HAULING A well-built motor truck can easily PULL from two to three times the weight it can CARRY. 1 heielore a one-ton truck can easily pull a two or three-ton load; a two-ton truck a four or six-ton load, etc. The Martin Semi-trailer method of hauling enables motor truck owners to utilize the entire tractive power of a motor truck, much of which •!-' ordinarily wasted. ROCKING ItII ill m wrmm as Si ill: , mm SEND FOR 32 PAGE CATALOG GIVING FULL DETAILS. ROCKING FIFTH WHEELS FLOATING BEARING AXLES CASTOR JACKS REAR END ASSEMBLIES SEMITRAILERS SEMI-TRAILER PARTS Note that the Martin Fifth Wheel and Fear End Assembly together constitute a chassis. MARTIN ROCKING FIFTH WHEEL COMPANY SPRINGFIELD MASSACHUSETTS
THE CO Nclf H T E AG E October, 1920. 28 Concrete Septic Tanks —an Independent Business 1,,5t01l Sanitary Septic-Tanks. Every home outside of a sanitary sewer district needs it. A one piece Tank Installed in Place; Self-Cleaning Vault. No Chemicals. Large profits, quick returns. Every customer advertises the Septic Tank for you. Anly a small investment required. Patented by M. J. GRIFFITH, Inventor Barberton, Ohio Office 313 E. Tus. Ave., For Ornamental Concrete Work, Granolithic Floors, Sidewalks, Blocks, Sewer and Culvert Pipe and Heavy Concrete THE RELIANCE ADJUSTABLE CRUSHER Will produce Fine or Coarse material at will SO FINE 85% will pass through 10 mesh screen OR COARSE enough for the heaviest concrete work UNIVERSAL ROAD MACHINERY COMPANY KINGSTON, N. Y. -16"'" n Wide Cr 11 Notice the Wide Range of King of Block Machines Adjustment This means that the Monarch wil make any size block you may want from silo blocks to foundation stones, imple, strong inexpensive. This is the machine for your equipment. ARE YOU INTERESTED? 6" :. 10" 12" Then send post • „ -16: LonA * Republic Iron Works Tecumseh, Mich. K card asking for coin plete information aud catalog. PATENTED !* 3HX * MAKE BRICK Make your own concrete brick. Keep you men busy at odd times. Help meet the pay roll with the profits on The Little Giant BRICK MACHINE It makes good, strong, dense brick and saves one-fifth of the material. No pallets required. Discharge the product onto any level surface. The price of the machine will surprise you. La Grange Specialty Co., La Grange, Ind. BRYAN ELECTRIC CO. 58 EDGEWOOD AVENUE, ATLANTA, GA. Electric Light, Power, Telephone and Bell Wiring for Residence, Stores and Fact ores. fsm 505 MOTORS RENTED Ivy 1788-179 Estimates Furnished Rewinding For Motors, Generators All kinds of new and used Electrical Machinery bought, sold and exchanged. ALL KINDS ot ELECTRICAL WORK TELEPHONE YOUR WANTS LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE
29 THE CONCRETE AGE October, 1920. Hotchkiss Steel Forms Use modern methods and save labor. Use the Hotchkiss Steel Forms for Roadways, curbs and gutters, ridge culverts and open sluiceways, Concrete walls, Concrete fence posts, etc. Curb and Gutters—same side-rails used as for curbs or walks, Rails 4" to 12" wide. Hotchkiss Metal Form Co. 3016 JARVIS STREET BINGHAMTON, N. Y. EVERY BARREL DEPENDABLE EVERY BARREL GUARANTE I D For Every Class of Construction in the South CLINCHFIELD Portland Cement Is being used by the leading engineers and architects, city and county engineers, railroad engineers, general contractors and the U. S. Government. In every case where Clinchfield has been used it has met every test and has given complete satisfaction. Every thought of the manufacturing, technical and selling forces of the company is devoted solely to studying the needs of cement users and dealers in the South. The main sales and traffic offices of the company are located at the plant. This enables the managers of these departments to give immediate attention to all orders received. CLINCHFIELD PORTLAND CEMENT CORP., Office and Mills: KINGSPORT, TENN. 4J* TF you are in the market for a Block Machine or Mixer send for our catalog; wo make a line of machines that you should investigate before placing your order; for variety of product and quickness of operation they are unrivaled. Wichita Concrete Machinery Co. 232 North Santa Fa Ave. WICHITA, HAS. Contractors’ Machinery. Supplies and repairs. Steam and Gasoline Engines. Boilers, Tanks, Stacks *and Pipe. Boiler-Flues. Fittings. Concrete bars and Binders. Chain hoist. Rope. Cable and Blocks. Barrows. Shovels. Beams. Lombard Iron Works &. Supply Co. Augusta, Ga. LIBERTY The most desired and prized possession on earth, are sometimes the alternates to be faced. This is particularly true where sanitation is neglected —epidemic among your employes brings business congestion and consequent financial loss to your mill, and death among your employes. Equip your Standard Septic Outfits and liberty from these dangers and responsibilities is yours. Write for the proof— Standard Cement Construction Co. Wilmington, North Carolina. General Office and Main Plant, Castle Hayne Road. Alabama Hewn Oak Timber. r rade V/ Reg. U. S. A. THE S. K. TAYLOR LUMBER COMPANY MOBILE, ALABAMA Force Feed Lubricating Pumps Low Water Alarms Gauge Cocks Hills-McCanna Company 153 W. Kinzie St., B CHICAGO
October, 1920 Tll E CONCRETE AGE 30 SPUR GEAR SPEED TRANSFORMERS MADE IN ANY RATIO AND HORSE POWER TO SUIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS WHY YOU NEED ONE Safety First Small Cost of Installing Highest Efficiency Not Affected by Dust or Grit Oil Tight Small Cost of Maintenance No Noise The Gears in this Transmission are Hardened Steel And Made for Continuous Duty We specialize on Hardened Steel Gears for all purposes and make Cut Gears of all kinds up to 12 ft. diameter. Send for valuable gear data book and price list. Catalog C. A, No. 12. FOOTE BROS. GEAR and MACHINE COMPANY 210 N. CARPENTER STREET •: : : : : CHICAGO, ILL. BEAUTIFUL DURABLE 3 FLEXO-CRETE A new departure in Poured Concrete Building Stone. Cast in FLEXO Galvanized Steel Moulds Economy—Speed—Durability and Beauty are four outstanding features of the FLEXO-CRETE process. A thousand beautiful faces can be obtained without additional cost. These moulds are simple, substantial, easily handled self squaring. The resilient cores fall out when stone is removed. All parts are interchangeable and cannot rust. Write for Literature and Prices. FLEXO CONCRETE MOULD CO. Dearborn Bldg., CEDAR RAPIDS, lOWA