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2 revisions | Katie Pierce Meyer at Jan 11, 2024 01:37 PM | ||
36T HE’ CONC R E T E AG E October 1920.
rviimimmimmiimimiiiimimiiimmmiimimimmimmiiE n TIV/II As»Tfr The B ® st Protective Roof OUIVILinO i Coating on the Market. It toughens and cal- louses with age. It will not dry out. peel or crack. it is a scientific com- bination of pure asbestos, gums, waterproof lacquer, and non-volatile oils. It is unaffected by the se- verest cold or most in- tense heat—fireproof and rotproof. Contractors can make big profits coating leaky roofs with Gumlastie roof coating. A gallon covers from 50 to 75 square feet. It is a perfect coating for burlap, canvas, tar and gravel, concrete, felt ... iron ' tin a » cl steel roofs ton can save your customers money by coating their roofs with Gumlastie Write us today for complete information. PYRAMID PRODUCTS CO., Bay Ctty, Midi. ORNAMENTAL Brass and Bronze Work Failings tu? Banks, theatres CHURCHES OFFICES, ’ SCHOOLS, cafeterias hospitals, ’ gymnasiums Write for Catalog NEWMAN MFG. CO. 717-19 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio Branch—6B W. Washington St., Chicago ANCHOR BRAND MORTAR AND CEMENT COLORS Red, Buff, Black and Brown. Strong Coloring Power and Permanency. These are essential features. Finely ground color is our talking point. Our Anchor Brand is the finest ground and strongest manufactured. Write for samples and prices. CO., Easton, Pa., U. S. A. BRUNNER’S PATENT Dustless Floor Finish Responsible Licensees Wanted In Every City P. M. BRUNNER 618 Frisco Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. | 36 |