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2 revisions | Katie Pierce Meyer at Jan 11, 2024 01:35 PM | ||
31October, 1920. THE CONOR ETE AGE 31
to give satisfaction BECAUSE it is designed and proportioned under the Z! most complete skill and authority America affords. If you are a con- ” tractor you should manufacture them. If you are a Supervisor or in- terested in getting good material you should investigate our culvert. Sj It’s made with slush concrete in steel molds and is properly reinforced, ~ will stand for ages. We have located factories in twelve states and s they are all making good. It’s a money maker and a neat article. “ Let us tell you more about the HALL INTERLOCKING CONCRETE CULVERT and its possibilities in these days of highway construction. “ Write for further information. z: HALL CULVERT COMPANY I Small Truck Answering Call of a Hurry-up Order. 11th and Market Sts., DES MOINES, lOWA = • lIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMISMIIIIIIiIIIMIIIIUIJIimiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIMIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIK ti 111 i 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 111^. lami Trailers Will More Than. theValue ofyourTruck orAutomobile They are built in capacities, from 800 to 6000 pounds. Twenty different models with a body to suit your particular business. This Model No. 3 is being pulled by a Ford with three times the load of the machine. Contractors can trans- form a small pleasure car o: truck into an effi- cient hauling unit with one or more Miami Trailers. 1 Models to haul anything from “House Light- ing Plants to Logs.” Miami Trailer Co. Troy, Ohio, U. S. A. Tut your hauling prob- lems up to us. Let us demonstrate that you can Solve your Traspor- tation Troubles. Send for Literature. -',5 The Mark of Quality RgGl S-T'E-RE D (ECONOMY) U S JPJ C E Blue Print Filing sections. prog... Economize with ECONOMY Economy Filing Cases Everywhere Why? In Wood and Steel Write for illustrated Catalog Today Economy Drawing Table Mfg. Co. Adrian, Mich. | 31 |