VOL. XXXIII. October, 1920 No. 1 What so Good?
Numerous issues of bonds issued by towns and
counties of the South for roads, street paving, school
improvement, sewer and water works construction,
are now on the market. They yield around six per
cent. The ncome from them is non-taxable by state,
county and town and federal gevernment. Eight
months or more ago they fetched from 10 to 12 per
cent more than they fetch now.
Devoted to Modern Permanent Construction.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES. We hear of farmers who have sold cotton and
don’t know what to do with the money,
of thrifty
workingmen with savings, of all sorts and conditions
of men and women who do not know how to invest
their accumulations.
In the United States and Possessions (Hawaii, Phillippine
Islands and Canal Zone), Mexico and Cuba, $l.OO per year.
Canada, $1.50. All other
foreign countries, $2.00 per year.
So far as The Concrete Age is informed, there is
never default :n the payment of interest or principal
of municipal bonds.
rates given upon application.
Entered as second-class matter October 18, 1905, at the Post-office
at Atlanta, Ga., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Every dollar of the public debt of any Southern
state or their subdivisions ought to be owing to
residents of state.
They have the money to assume
them. They can make no better investments that,
in our opinion, will, in the long run, pay so .well and
that are absolutely safe.
T.he Editor solicits correspondence from readers on matters per-
taining to the concrete industry. Descriptions of concrete work
done anywhere that is of general interest accompanied by clear,
sharp photographs and going into details as to methods employed
will be published and paid for if found acceptable.
What better rule of business than that South-
erners “buy their own paper?” Shall
they allow
the bonds to pass into hands of the “bloated bond-
holders’' in order that they may enjoy the privilege
of abusing the bondholders a little later?
Our advertisers are requested to have copy and
cuts for changes for advertisements in this office not
later than the 10th preceding the month for publi-
cation. Six
cent interest
payable twice a
year, with
a smile of defiance for all the tax •odector.s, what
is better?
TFe cannot be responsible for changes not made,
copy and cuts are received later, or submit
What so good?
Building Good Roads.
Editorial 7-8
Street and Road Construction 10
Why Men Strive to Get Ahead 12
Concrete Tanks for Oil Storage 14
Advantages of Lime in Construction 16
Modern System of State Highways 19
Amer. Engineering Societies Meet 20
( ommercial Concrete Building 22
Concrete and Cement Plants 25
Foreign Trade Opportunities 25
How Executive Board is Eelected 26
Highways that are really worthy the terms are
being constructed by counties and states of the
Southeast. The remarkable rate at which the num-
ber of federal-aid road building projects has increas-
ed since the war s shown in a summary relating to
all such work from September 30. 1916. to April 30.
1920, which has been
prepared by the bureau of pub-
lic roads, United States
department of agriculture.
On the latter date the states had filed with the bu-
reau 2,885 project statements, of which 2,790 had
been approved, representing 27,796 miles of high-
way. The tota’s on April 30. 1919, were little more
than one-third these amounts. Up to May 1 of tin's
year 1,974 projects had preceded to the stage at