Pages That Mention Houston, Texas
Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings
Afternoon session 3 pm
Meeting called to order - President in the chair
The [Com?] on membership reported the following as charter members
[?] J.J. Kain of Fort Worth A.N. Dawson J.E. Flanders Dallas W.C. Dodson Waco W.W. Larmour [?] W.W. Dudley [?] Nathaniel Tobey Galveston N.J. Clayton " W.H. Lydall " J. Larmour Austin A.M.C. Nixon " J.N. Preston " S.A.J. Preston " Oscar Ruffini " Jn. Andrewartha " E. T. Heiner Houston Geo. E. Dickey " Alfred Giles San Antonio James Wahrenberger " Albert Beckmann "
Names accepted report adopted and [com?] discharged
By request the com. on constitution and by law was allowed further time to report
After discussion by [?] Dodson Preston and Andrewartha in regard to standing it was decided by vote to defer
\left margin/ Also Haggart Fort Worth F.W. Kane [dr?]
The conv. also reported and recommended the before mentioned "Rules of Practice" which were adopted -
On motion of J. Andrewartha the sect'y was instructed and authorized to purchase one hundered copies of the Austin Daily Statesman containing each days proceedings and distribute marked copies [?] where they will be calculated to do the most good -
The following resolution was presented by Mr. J. N. Preston - Resolved that the following fellows shall constitute the members of the Executive Com. for the ensuing year. Mr. J. Andrewartha chair, Mr. W. C. Dodson - Waco; Mr. James Wahrenberger San Antonio, Mr. E. J. Heiner - Houston; Mr. J. E. Flanders, Dallas; -adopted-
On motion Mr. J Haggert of Fort Worth was added to the list of charter members
Convention adjourned until 9.30 pm
Committee No. 1 - [Mssrs.] J. and W.W. Larmour, and N. Tobey. No. 2 - [Mssrs.] Dodson, Heiner and Clayton.
A recess was taken to allow the committees to report.
Conm. No. 1 reported:
For President - J. J. Kane - Fort Worth " 1st Vice " J. W. Preston, Austin " 2nd " " Nathaniel Tobey, Galveston " Secretary S. A. J. Preston, Austin " Treasurer W. W. Larmour, Waco
E. J. Heiner - Houston, chairman W. C. Dodson - Waco J. Wahrenberger San Antonio John Andrewartha - Austin
{Place of next meeting - Houston}
Committee No. 1 reported:
For President - J. J. Kane - Fort Worth " 1st Vice " J. W. Preston, Austin " 2nd " " Nathaniel Tobey, Galveston " Secretary S. A. J. Preston, Austin " Treasurer W. W., Larmour, Waco
W. C. Dodson, Waco - chairman E. J. Heiner - Houston N. J. Clayton - Galveston J. Wahrenberger. San Antonio J. Larmour Austin.
On motion of Mr. Preston, the secretary was instructed to cast one ballot for the first five officers in report [?] and the officers were declared elected.
The secretary was also instructed to cast one ballot for each of the
five candidates for Board of Trustees nominated in the report no. 2.
Mr. Heiner moved to ballot for each member of [?] and placed Mr. Andrewartha in [nomination?] and [?] Dodson, Heiner, Clayton, Wahrenberger and LArmour were duly elected.
Mr. Andrewarther [re'd?] 2 votes " Larmour " 8 Scattering 1
The election was made unanimous.
On motion, it was decided that the next convention be held at Houston.
On motion of Mr. Nixon and seconded by Mr. Heiner, the Pres. appointed a commitee of 3 to revise the constitutions and by-laws; and report at next annual meeting. [?] Nixon, Clayton and Heiner were appointed [?] committee. By request, Mr. Clayton was excused from acting on the committee, and Mr. S. P. Herbert of Waco was appointed in his place.
Mr. Wahrenberger presented the follow communication from the Texas Society of Engineers:
"At a meeting of the Texas Society of Engineers held Jan 4 1887, the following motion was made by the President, Mr. C. P. Mattack, and endorsed by the members present -
Recognizing the fact that it is desirable to secure by legislation, protection in the practice of Architects Engineering and kindred
Proceedings of the
Third Annual Convention
of the
Texas State Association of Architects
held at
Houston. January 17th + 18th 1888
Tuesday, January 17th
The Convention was called to order by President J. J. Kane of Fort Worth at 3:06 P.M.
The Secretary S.A.J. Preston being absent in California, the President appointed W.W. Larmour of Waco secretary [pro term?].
The President then delivered his annual address as follows:
The Address.
Gentlemen of the Texas State Association of Architects.
Before proceeding with the regular order or business that will come before our Association today, I desire to address a few words to you as members and representations of The Texas State Association of Architects.
First permit me to thank you, each and every one for your exceeding kindness to me personally,