


Status: Incomplete

The conv. also reported and recommended the before mentioned "Rules of Practice" which were adopted -

On motion of J. Andrewartha the sect'y was instructed and authorized to purchase one hundered copies of the Austin Daily Statesman containing each days proceedings and distribute marked copies [?] where they will be calculated to do the most good -

The following resolution was presented by Mr. J. N. Preston - Resolved that the following fellows shall constitute the members of the Executive Com. for the ensuing year. Mr. J. Andrewartha chair, Mr. W. C. Dodson - Waco; Mr. James Wahrenberger San Antonio, Mr. E. J. Heiner - Houston; Mr. J. E. Flanders, Dallas; -adopted-

On motion Mr. J Haggert of Fort Worth was added to the list of charter members

Convention adjourned until 9.30 pm

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