Texas State Association of Architects

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Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings

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Proceedings of the Executive Committee of the T.S.A.A. - Austin, Jan 17-'87

Meeting called to order Chairman Andrewartha and members Heiner, Dodson, Wahrenberger present, and Sec'y Preston.

Chairman of the committee authorized to telegraph to Mr. Kane to be present to open the Convention.

Application for memberships in the Association was rec'd from Mr. Sam P. Herbert; recommended by W. W. Larmour and W. C. Dodson; - the applicant was admitted.

Also from A. B. Bristol of Dallas - not admitted Also from Mr. Clark of Dallas -not admitted.

Resolution of endorsement and assistance from the Texas Society of Engineers, to be presented to the associatio T.S.A.A Association was received and and ordered spread on the minutes of the proceedings.

The bill of Mr. Andrewartha of expense incurred as Chrm, Executive Com. approved and ordered paid.

Last edit 8 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Proceedings of the second annual meeting of the T.S.A.A.

Meeting called to order by Pres. Kane in the chair -

Reading of minutes of last meeting be dispensed with.

Report of standing com. called for more time; asked which was granted. Meeting adjourned until [F. P. W.]

Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention of the Texas State Association of Architects, held at Austin, Jan 18th 1887

Convention called to order by J. J. Kane, President at 10:30 A.M. with 14 members present.

On motion, the minutes of the last convention were [?] with.

The report of the Executive Board of Trustees was called for and by request were allowed from the time to report.

Adjoined to [?]

Afternoon Session

Convention called to order, Pres. Kane in the chair

The report of the Board of Trustees was read and approved as follows:


Each [need?] from all sources $170 00 " paid [amt] by Sec'y $70.95 " " " [?] Ex Comm 14.50 85.45 Bal. on hand $84.55 In Treas. hands $80.50 " Secy's " $80.50 (Roll of members in good standing) (page 2) Association [shows?] a charter Seal [electrotypes?] Booke stationery [?]

An act regulating the practice of architecture in the state of Texas was also read and approved.'

//left margin// Actions of Ex. Comm. at Bosque Co. (see page 2 printed proceedings)

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Proceedings of the

Third Annual Convention

of the

Texas State Association of Architects

held at

Houston. January 17th + 18th 1888

Tuesday, January 17th

The Convention was called to order by President J. J. Kane of Fort Worth at 3:06 P.M.

The Secretary S.A.J. Preston being absent in California, the President appointed W.W. Larmour of Waco secretary [pro term?].

The President then delivered his annual address as follows:

The Address.

Gentlemen of the Texas State Association of Architects.

Before proceeding with the regular order or business that will come before our Association today, I desire to address a few words to you as members and representations of The Texas State Association of Architects.

First permit me to thank you, each and every one for your exceeding kindness to me personally,

Last edit about 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


a high and honorable place with its sister states associations, by making and enforcing just and honorable rules for the guidance and practice of its members, and to be ever ready to exert our best efforts to elevate the profession to which we belong.

On motion of W. C. Dodson, of Waco, seconded by Eugene J. Heiner of Houston, it was resolved - that the thanks of the association be tendered President Kane for his able address, and that the address be spread upon the minutes and published in the next annual report in full.

Moved by W. C. Dodson that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with, as each member of the association was in possession of a printed of the last minutes. The motion prevailed.

The report of the Executive Committee admitted the following architects as members of the association,

A. B. Bristol, Dallas Cortez Clark, Dallas Guy M. Tozer, Dallas

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Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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