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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



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in Nueva Espana, is of a mild temperature ; situate in a pleasant and fertile plain, and one which abounds in maize, wheat, and other seeds. It contains S68 families of Indians, 13 of Spaniards, and a convent of the religious order of St. Francis; is one league n. of its capital,

Chiautla, with the addition of La Sal, another settlement, the capital of its jurisdiction, in the same kingdom, thus called from the salt mines found in it formerly, and from which the inhabitants used to derive a great commerce. At present it is in a thorough state of decay, not only as its trade has fallen off in the other provinces ; but as the Indians have applied themselves rather to the cultivation of the soil and the planting of fruits and pulse, from the traffic of which they derive their maintenance. It is inhabited by 650 families of Mexican Indians, and 40 of Spaniards, J\/us~ iees, and Mulattoes. It contains a convent of the religious order of St. Augustin. The jurisdiction is so much reduced that it is not more than five leagues in length and three in width, void of commerce, and has but a small revenue. Its inhabitants, although they are somewhat given to the breeding of small cattle, yet this must hardly be considered with them a branch of commerce, since they have scarcely enough of these wherewith to support theiiiselves. It contains only two other settlements, and these are,

Xicotlan, Huehetlan.

Forty-five leagues s. e. to the s. w. of Mexico.
CHIBACOA, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the shore of a river to the w. of the town of Nirua.

CHIBATA, a settlement of the . province and corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, and the head settlement of the corregimiento of Indies, is of a very cold and fresh temperature, abounding in productions, and particularly in cattle, from the fleeces and hides of which are made quantities of blankets, linen cloths, and other articles for garments. It may contain about 200 Indians, and it is eight leagues to the n. e. of Tunja, lying between this latter place and the settlement of Siachoque.

CHIBAI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Collahuas in Peru.

CHICA, an island of the N. sea, one of the Lucayas ; situate between the islands Siguate and St. Andrew. The English gave it the name of Little.

CHICACHAE, a settlement of the province and government of Louisiana or S. Carolina, in which the English have a fort and establishment to carry

on commerce with the Indians, is situated on the shore of the river Sonlahove.

CHICACHAS, a settlement of Indians of this nation, in the territory thus called, where the English have an establishment or factory for commerce.

CHICAGOU, a port of Canada, on the w. side of the lake Michigan.

Chicagou, a river of the same province and government, which runs s. then ?i. e. and enters the former port.

CHICAHOMINI, a river of the province and colony of Virginia, runs s.e. and turning its course to the s. enters the Thames.

CHICAHUASCO, a settlement of the head settlement of Huipuxtla, and alcaldia mayor of Tepetango, in Nueva Espana, contains 72 families of Indians.

CHICAHUASTEPEC, San Miguel de, a settlement of the head settlement of Zoyaltepec, and alcaldia mayor of Yanguitlan. It contains 48 families of Indians, and is 10 leagues from its head settlement.

CHICAHUAZTLA, San Andres de, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tepozcolula, in the province and bishopric of Oaxaca, in the kingdom of Nueva Espana, is of a cold temperature, inhabited by 332 families of Indians, including those of the settlements or wards of its district, and they maintain themselves by bartering cotton garments for salt on the coast of Xicayan ; 12 leagues s. w. of its capital.

Chicahuaztla, another, a small settlement or ward of the alcaldia mayor of Guachinango in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of that of Tlaola.

CHICAMA, a large, fertile, and beautiful valley of the province and corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It was one of the most populous in the times of the gentilisra of the Indians, owing to its agreeable and benign temperature : is watered by a river of its name, which divides it from that of Chimu. In 1540, the friar Domingo de Santo Tomas founded here a convent of his order, for the instruction of the Indians, which immediately was turned into a priory and a house for noviciates. It is at present, however, fallen into decay, through the ravages of time. This valley is six leagues from the capital, to the n. in the road which leads to the provinces of Quito, Sana, and Piura.

Chicama, a river of this province and corregimiento. It rises in the province of Guamachuco, from two very lofty mountains, called Y ulcaguanca and Yanaguanca, to the n. e . ; and waters and fer-

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Cotagaitilla, Escara, Chacnacocha, Chequelti, Colnaca, Calccha, Tomola, Tumula, Estarca,




Ingenio del Oro

Nueva Cbocaya, Talina,












And in the district of Tarija,

Tarija de Vieja, La Concepcion,

San Bernardo de Tarija, Berraeo.

The district of Tarija is a territory full of quehradas and craggy mountains, as far as the punas and lofty plains of Escayache and Tacsora, where there are two salt lakes. It is composed of four fertile valleys lying on the skirts of hills, and in these are found human bones of a prodigious size, petrified, shin-bones of a yard and a quarter long, and teeth larger than a fist. In the midst of one of these valleys is the town of San Bernardo de Tarija, which is the capital of the province. Its repartimiento used to amount to 82,350 dollars, and its alcavala to 558 dollars per annum. For the settlements of this district, see above.

Chichas, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Condesuyos de Arequipa in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Salamanca.

Chichas, a river of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Xuxuy, which divides this city from that of the capital of San Miguel.

(CHICHESTER, Upper and Lower, two townships in Delaware county, Pennsylvania.)

(Chichester, a small township in Rockingham county, New Hampshire, about 35 miles n. w. of Exeter, and 45 from Portsmouth. It lies on Suncook river, was incorporated in 1727, and contains 491 inhabitants.)

CHICHIBACOA, Cabo de, a cape on the coast of the province and government of Santa Marta, and kingdom of Tierra Firrae ; 80 leagues to the w. of that city.

CHICHICAPA, a settlement and capital of the alcaldia mayor of the province and bishopric of Oaxaca in Nueva Espana. It is of a mild temperature, and was anciently the real of the most esteemed silver mines; but is at present much fallen of, the working of the mines having been for

the most part abandoned from the want of hands, in as much as the natives have given themselves up to the trade of cochineal, in which its territory abounds : it produces also much seed and maize. Its jurisdiction includes some of the finest and richest provinces. It consists of five head settlements of districts, to which are subject as many other. Its capital contains 430 families of Indians, and some of Spaniards, Muslees, and Mulattoes. Ninety leagues s. e. of Mexico. The other settlements are.

Zimitlan, Tepezimatlan, La Magdalena, Atzozola.

Rio Hondo or Thequila,

San Agustin de Losi-



Cozan tepee,

CHICHICATEPEC, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Villalta in Nueva Espana, is of a cold temperature, contains 26 families of Indians, and is seven leagues to the s. e. of its capital.

CHICHICOAUTLA, St. Francisco de, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Metepeque in Nueva Espana. It contains 91 families of Indians.

CHICHIMEQUILLA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Zitaquaro, and alcaldia mayor Maravatio, in the bishopric of Mechoacan and kingdom of Nueva Espana. It contains 84 families of Indians, and is a quarter of a league to the s. of its head settlement.

CHICHIQUILA, a settlement of the head settlement of Quinuxtlan, and alcaldia mayor of San Juan de los Llanos, in Nueva Espana. It contains 180 families of Indians.

CHICHOI, a settlement of the province and kingdom of Guatemala.

CHICHOPON, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Xuambos.

CHICIBICHE, a point of the coast of the province and government of Venezuela, opposite the island of Aves.

(CHICKAHOMINY, a small navigable river in Virginia. At its mouth in James river, 37 miles from point Comfort, in Chesapeak bay, is a bar, on which is only 12 feet water at common flood tide. Vessels passing that may go eight miles up the river; those of 10 feet draught 12 miles ; and vessels of six tons burden may go 32 miles up the river.)

(CHICKAMACOMICO Creek, in Dorchester county, Maryland, runs s. between the towns of Middletown and Vienna, and empties into Fishing bay.)

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(CHICKAMAGES, a part of the Cherokee nation of Indians, known by this name, inhabit five villages on Tennessee river. See CHICCAMOGGA.)

CHICKAMINE, a river of the province and colony of Virginia.

(CHICKASAW Bluff is on the e. bank of the Mississippi, witiiin the territories of the United States, in lat. 35 n. The Spaniards erected here a strong stockaded fort, with cannon, and furnished it with troops, all in the space of 24 hours, in the month of June 1795. It has since been given up, .according to the treaty of 1796.)

(Chickasaw, a creek which falls into the Wabash from the c. a little below Post St. Vincent.)

(Chickasaw, a river which empties into the Mississippi, on the e. side, 104 miles from the mouth of Margot, and 67 s. w. of Mine au Fer. Tlie lands here are of an excellent quality, and covered with a variety of useful timber, canes, &c. This river may be ascended during high floods upwards of SO miles with boats of several tons burden.)

(Chickasaws, a famous nation of Indians, who inhabit the country on the e. side of the Mississippi, on the head branches of the Tombigbee, Mobile, and Yazoo rivers, in the n. zo. corner of the state of Georgia, and n. of the country of the Chactaws. Their country is an extensive plain, tolerably well watered from springs, and of a pretty good soil. They have seven towns, the central one of which is in lat. 34° 23' «• long. 89° 30' w. The number of souls in this nation has been formerly reckoned at 1725, of which 575 were fighting men. There are some Negroes among the Chickasaws, who either were taken captive in war, or ran away from their masters, and sought safety among the Indians. In 1539, Ferdinand de Soto, with 900 men, besides seamen, sailed from Cuba with a design to conquer Florida. He travelled n. to the Chickasaw country, about lat. 35° or 36° ; and three years after died, and was buried on the bank of Mississipi river.)

CHICLAIO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Saña in Peru, in which there is a convent of the religious order of St. Francis.

CHICO, Rio, a settlement and garrison of the province and government of Sonora ; situate on the shore of the river Yaqui.

Chico, a river of the province and government of Panamá in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains to the s. of the istmo, or isthmus, near the settlement of Chepo ; and runs s. ze. and enters the sea in the bay or gulf of Panama.


Chico, another river of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru. It runs to the e. of the jurisdiction of the city ofXuxuy,

Chico, a small island, called Morro, near the coast of the province and government of Santa Marta ; opposite this city, and not far from another island, distinguished by the name of Morro Grande.

CHICOANTEPEC, a settlement of the province and alcaldla mayor of Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHICOLAPA, a settlement of the head settlement, and alcaldla mayor of Coatepec, in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the curacy of its capital. It contains 187 families of Indians, who celebrate every Friday throughout the year a teanguis or fair, at which are sold cattle and other productions of the country. At these times it is a place of general rendezvous for the inhabitants of all the contiguous provinces ; and this fair has, from the great concourse of people usually assembling here, obtained the title of the famous teanguis of S. Vicente de Chicolapa. It is extremely fertile and pleasant, and surrounded by several very small settlements or wards.

CHICOMESUCHIL, a settlement and head settlement of tlie alcaldia mayor of Yxtepexi of the province and bishopric of Oaxaca in Nueva Espana, is of a hot temperature, and contains 300 families of Indians, who exercise themselves in the making scarlet cloths and cotton garments.

CHICOMI, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Tampico in Nueva Espana. It contains 45 families of Indians, and lies 10 leagues to the s. of its capital.

CHICOMOCELO, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Chiapa. in the kingdom of Guatemala ; [having a cave very narrow at the entry, but spacious within, with a stagnant lake, which is, however, clear, and is two fathoms deep towards the banks.]

CHICONAUTA, St. Tomas de, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Ecatepec in Nueva Espana; annexed to the curacy of its capital; from whence it is distant one league to the n. n. e. It contains 160 families of Indians.

CHICONCUAC, S. Miguel de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tezcuco in Nueva Espana. It contains 123 families of Indians, and six of Spaniards. It produces a good proportion of grain, seeds, and cattte, from the fleeces of which they derive great emolument, as also from the coarse stuffs manufactured of the same. It is one league to the n. of its capital.

CHICONCUASO, a settlement of the head

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c o z

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same kingdom. It contains 180 families of Indians, and 60 of Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulattoes. Here is an hospital of the religious order of St. Francis. Seven leagues from its capital.

(COXHALL, a township in York county, district of Maine, containing 775 inhabitants.)

COXIMAR, a large plain of the coast of the island of Cuba, close by the city of Havana, in which is a fortified tower. On this plain the English drew up their troops when they besieged that place, in 1762.

COXIMES, a settlement of the province and government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the sliore of the S. sea, on the point formed by the port Palmar, under the equinoctial line.

COXO, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the sea-coast, close to the settlement of Carvalleda.

(COXSAKIE, a township in the w. part of Albany county, New York, containing S406 inhabitants, of whom 302 are slaves. Of the citizens 613 are electors.)

COXUMATLAN, a settlement of the head settlement of Zanguio and afcaldia mayor of Zamora in Nueva Espana ; situate on the shore of the sea of Chapala, and being backed by a large mountain covered with fruit-trees of various kinds, and excellent timber and woods. It contains 17 tamilies of Indians, who employ themselves in fishing and in agriculture. Four leagues to the w. of its head settlement.

COYAIMAS, a barbarous and ancient nation of Indians of the province and government of Popayán in the kingdom of Quito, and district of the townofNeiba. Tliese Indians are valorous, robust, faithful, and enemies to the Pijaos. Some of tl)ern have become converted to the Catholic faith, and liveuniteil in settlemenis.

(COYAU, a settlement on Tennessee river, SO miles below Knoxville.)

COYONES, a barbarous nation of Indians, who inhabit the s. w. of Tocuyo. They are ferocious and infidels, and live upon the mountains. Their numbers at the present day are much reduced.


COZAL, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Zacapula in the kingdom of Guatemala.

COZALCAQUE, San Felipe de, a settlement of the head settlement of Tenantitlan, and alcaldia mayor of Acaynca, in Nueva Espana. It contains 51 families of Indians, and is 10 leagues to the e. and one-fourth to the a. e, of its head settlement.

COZAMALOAPAN, a province and alcaldia viayor of Nueva España, the capital of which

bears the same name, with the dedicatory title of San Martin, and which is situate on a plain half a league long, and somewhat less broad, surrounded by mountains so knit together, that, at the time of its foundation, passes were obliged to be o[>ened. Through this province runs a river, which flows down from the sferTflA of Zongolica, and which afterwards takes the nam.e of Alvarado, it is of a hot and moist temperature, and continually exposed to inundations during the rainy seasons, owing to the immense overflowings of the rivers. Its population is composed of 38 families of Spaniards, 128 of Mulattoes, and 34 of Mexican Indians, who maintain themselves by the gathering of cotton and maize ; and this last in such abundance as to supply Vera Cruz. The Spaniards employ themselves in fishing in the rivers, which abound with fish the three last months of the year, and they carry them for sale into the other jurisdictions. It has, besides the parish church, a temple of superior architecture, dedicated to Nuestra Seilora de la Soledad, though it be commonly called, Of Cozomalotipan, being of such ancient origin as to be said to liave existed 12 years before the conquest of the kingdom. This temple was inhabited by a religious fraternity, approved by his holiness Gregory XIII. he having granted to the same many favours and indulgences, which, through the devotion of the communily, were perpetuated, through several prodigies and miracles which afterwards took place in the settlement, and in its district. One hundred and fifteen leagues s. s.xo. of Mexico, in lat. 17^ 47' ; long. 274° 50'. The jurisdiction of this alcaldia consists in the folloAving settlements :

A rnatlnn, Acula,

Ixmaluliacan, Chacaltiaiiguis, Texliuacaii, Tlacotalpan,







COZAQUl, Santa Maria de, a settlement of the head settlement of Acazingo and alcaldia mayor of Tepeaca, in Nueva Espana. It contains four families of Spaniards, 33 Aluslees and Mulattocs, and 51 of Indians. It is a quarter of a league lioni its head settlement.

COZATLA, San Juan de, a settlement of the head settlement of Axixique, and ahaldia mayor of Zayula, in the same kingdom. It contains 60 familie.s of Indians, its head settlement.

COZAUTEPEC, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Chichicapain Nueva Espana, of the province and bishopric of 3

iid is two leagues to the w. of

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lake is as cold as snow itself, This province, like all the others of the kingdom which lie to the s. e. of the cordilfcra, is ever subject to terrible tempests of thunder and lightning, accompanied with boisterous winds and rains from October to March; the same not happening in the provinces which lie to the to. The Indians of this province are of a darker complexion than those of any other ; but they are also of loftier stature, better made, agile, and extremely addicted to the chase, in which they greatly excel, and more particularly in the taking of ostriches, which abound in the llanuras to \X\cs. ; and by all of these exercises they become so light and active as to be able to keep pace with a horse. These Indians are generally known here by the name of Guapes, and are descendants of the Pampas, their neighbours to the e. with whom they trade in the fruits of the country in exchange for clothes and other articles, money not being known amongst any of these barbarians. The Guapes are of a docile and generous disposition, but of great spirit, and very warlike, robust, and well formed. This country, considering its extent, is but thinly peopled, since its inhabitants amount to only 25,000 of all sexes and ages, according to the latest calculation. The capital is the city of Mendoza. [See Chile.] _ _

CUYO, a shoal formed by two rocks in the N. sea, near the coast of the province and government of Yucatan, close to the cape of Cotoche.

[ CUYOACAN, a settlement of the intendancy of Mexico, containing a convent of nuns founded by Hernan Cortes, in which, according to his testament, this great captain wished to be interred, " in whatever part of the world he should end his days." This clause of the testament was never fulfilled.] CUYOCUYO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carabaya in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of its capital. CUYOTAMBO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Quispicanchi in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Quishuares. CUYOTEPEC, San Bartolome de, a head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Antequera, in the province and bishopric of Oaxaca in Nueva Espana. It is of a middle temperature, contains 358 families of Indians, and a convent of the religious order of St. Dominic. In its district are sown in abundance various kinds of seeds and American aloes, of which is made pulque: Four leagues s. of its capital. CUYUANA, an island of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the territory of the Portuguese, formed by two arms of the river Cudiivara or Purus, which separate before they c u z enter the Maranon. It is large, and of an irregular square figure. CUYUM, or Cuyuni, a large river of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana. Its origin is not known for certain ; but, from the accounts of the Caribes Indians, it is somewhere near the lake Parime, in the interior of the province, and to the n. e. of the said lake. It runs nearly due from n. to s. making several turnings, until it enters the Esquivo. By this river the Dutch merchants of this colony, assisted by the Caribes, go to entrap the Indians, to make them labour in the estates ; and they have built two forts on either side of the mouth of this river.

CUZABAMBA, a large settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lamas in Peru ; close to which passes a small river of the same name, and which afterwards unites itself with the river Moyobamba. Cuzabamba, another settlement in the province and corregimiento of Tacunga, of the kingdom of Quito.

CUZALAPA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Ayotitlan, and alcaldia mayor of Amola, in Nueva Espana. Its population is very small, and its inhabitants employ themselves in the cultivation of seeds and breeding of cattle. Nine leagues to the w. of its head settle ment. CUZAMALA, a head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Azuchitlan in Nueva Espana, lying 10 leagues to the n. of its capital, and being divided from the same by two large rivers. It is of a hot and dry temperature ; its population is composed of 36 families of Spaniards, 30 of Mustees, 48 of Mulattoes, and 53 of Indians, who speak the Taracan language. The trade here consists in large cattle, in the cultivation of maize, and making cascalote. Some emolument also is derived from renting the lands belonging to the capital and the neighbouring settlements. CUZCATLAN, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of San Salvador in the kingdom of Guatemala. CUZCO, as it is called by the Indians, a city, the capital of a corregimiento in Peru, the head of a bishopric, erected in 1536, founded by the first Emperor of the Incas, Manco Capac, in 1043, who divided it into Hanam Cozco and Hurin Cozco, which signify Cuzco Lofty and Low, or Superior and Inferior ; the former towards the n. and the second towards the s. It is situate upon a rough and unequal plain formed by the skirts of various mountains, which are washed by

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