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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





found in the environs of Cumana what the Spaniards call til spa, a species of the Jesuits’ bark ; the calaguala, a plant, the root of which is dissolvent, aperitive, and sudorific ; the pissiphii, a species of emetic ; the caranapire, a species of sage ; and the tualua, a more powerful purgative than jalap. There arc also a great number of spices, which are suffered to rot on the spot where ' first they grew. In lat. 10° 27'. Long. 64° IS'.] The settlements of the province of Cumana are,

San Baltasar de los Cum pa,

Arias, Rio Caribes,

San Felipe de Austria, A raja.

Those of the missions,

Cocuisas, San Francisco,

San Feliz, Santa Maria de los An-

San Lorenzo, geles,

Chacaracuan, San Antonio.

Of the doctrines {dodrinas),















Cumana, a river of the above province (Cumaná) and government, which rises in the spot called Cocoyan, in the serrama. It runs n. following this course continually through the sierra until it flows down to the plain near the city, from whence it enters the gulf, first having divided itself into four arms. In the winter time it generally overflows ; but as the distance from the sierra to its mouth, or where it enters the sea, is so short, it quickly subsides within its proper bed, when it leaves water enough for the navigation of a barge ; and there w ould be sufficient for large vessels, were it not for the bar which is at its mouth and impedes its entrance. In the summer time, however, it becomes so dry, tliat it is scarcely navigable for canoes.

CUMANACOA, a city lying s. e. of Cumana 14 leagues ; in the middle of the valley of the same name. The population amounts to 4200 people ; the air is wholesome, the w aters have a diureticquality not commonly to be met with. This city wants nothing but hands to avail itself of the productions which the richness of the land would yield, if it were cultivated. The fruits have here an uneommonly fine savour, taste, and substance. The government gives this city the name of San Baltasar de los Arias, but that of Cumanacoa has so much prevailed, that it is the only one by which it is now known. See Cumana.


CUMANAGOTA, a city of the former province and government ((Cumaná), in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, called also San Baltasar de los Arias. It has a good, convenient, and secure port ; is situate on the skirts of the most elevated part of the serrama, in a fertile valley, which abounds in streams, which irrigate 26 estates of yucales, some small plantations of cacao, and some cattle. The productions of all these estates are consumed in the country ; since, through the unevenness of the roads, it is impossible to carry^them out of it, with the exception, however, of tobacco, with which Cumana is supplied. The soil is the most fertile of any in the province, especially to the n. of the sietTa, where there might be established some very good cacao estates ; but this is not to be accomplished, considering the scarcity of its inhabitants, and their great poverty. This city, just after the conquest of these countries, was noted for its famous pearl-fisheries, which were afterwards abandoned. Its vicinity was inhabited by many gentile Indians, who were at continual enmity with the Spaniards and the other inhabitants ; but these troublesome people were reduced to obedience by Don Juan de Urpin, who had held consultations for that purpose with the council of the Indies. The population amounts to 800 souls, including the Negro slaves and the people of colour.

CUMAPI, a large lake of the country of Las Amazonas. It is a waste water of the large river Caqueta, in the territory of the Guayonas Indians.

CUMARA, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the territory possessed by the Portuguese, is an arm of the Cuchivara or Purus, which enters the Maranon before the other streams which are tributary to this river.

CUMAREBO, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the seacoast, and at the point of its name, with a good, though small port, and one that is much frequented by vessels.

CUMARU, Los Santos Angeles de, a settlement of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the part possessed by the Portuguese; situate on the shore of a large river.

CUMATEN, a small river of the province and colony of Surinam, or part of Guayana possessed by the Dutch. It rises in the mountain of Areyuctuquen, and runs, collecting the waters of many others, to enter the Cuyuni on the s. side.

CUMATl, a small river of the province and government of Paraguay. It runs s. and enters the large river of the Portuguese.

CUMAYARIS, a barbarous nation of Indians,

Last edit almost 6 years ago by jgo384
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