Pages That Mention Chuquisaca
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
territory, where the noble families of Loxa have their best possessions.
CHUQUIS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamalies in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Bailos.
CHUQUISACA, La Plata, a city and capital of the province of Peru, founded by Pedro Anzures in 1539, who gave it this name. It had a settlement of Indians on the same spot. The first founders called it La Plata, from the celebrated mine of this metal (silver) in the mountain of Porco, close to the aforesaid settlement, and from whence immense wealth was extracted by the emperors the Jncas of Peru. This city is situate on a plain surrounded by pleasant hills, which defend it from the inclemency of the winds ; the climate is mild and agreeable, but during the winter, dreadful tempests, accompanied with thunder and lightning, are not unusual ; the edifices are good, handsome, and well adorned, having delightful orchards and gardens. The waters are delicate, cold, and salutary, and divided into different aqueducts, by which they are carried to the public fountains, forming an object at once useful and ornamental. Its nobility is of the first and most distinguished families of Peru, who have many privileges and distinctions. The cathedral consists of three naves ; it is very rich, and adorned with fine furniture and beautiful paintings. It contains convents of the religious orders of St. Domingo, St. Augustin, St. Francis, La Merced, and San Juan de Dios, with a good hospital, a handsome college and a magnificent church which belonged to the regulars of the company ; also three monasteries of nuns, the one of Santa Clara, the other of Santa Monica, and the third of the Carmelites ; a royal university with the title of San Francisco Xavier, the rector of which was universally of the college of the regulars of the company of the Jesuits. It has also two houses of study for youth, the one the seminary of San Christoval, and the other the college of San Juan, which were likewise under the controul of the Jesuits until the year 1767 ; also an hermitage dedicated to San Roque. It was erected into a bishopric by the pontiff Julius III. in 1551, and afterwards into a metropolitan in 1608, with an archbishop, five dignitaries, six canons, four prebends, and as many more demi-prebends. The tribunal of audience was erected here in 1559, and afterwards those of the inquisition of the cruzada. Its arms are a shield divided horizontally, having in the upper part two mountains with a cross upon each, in the middle a tree with two columns on the sides, in the lower part to the left two lions rampant,
on the right two towers with two lions, a standard being in the middle, and the whole embossed upon a silver field. At the distance of six leagues from this city passes the river Pilcoraayu, by which it is supplied with good fish, and upon the shores of the Cachimayu, which is only two leagues distant, the nobility have many rural seats. In 1662 a great insurrection took place here amongst the Mustees and the people of colour. It is the native place of several illustrious persons, and amongst others of the following :
Don Rodrigo de Orozco, Marquis of Mortara, captain-general of the principality of Cataluna, and of the council of state and war.
Fra}/ Antonio de Calancha, a monk of St. Augustin, a celebrated author.
Don Rodrigo de Santillana, oidor of Valladolid, and afterwards in his country.
The venerable Friar Martin de Aguirre, of the order of St. Augustin.
Don Alonso Corveda de Zarate, canon of Lima, and professor of languages.
The Father Maestro Diego Trexo, a Dominican monk.
The Father Juan de Cordoba, of the extinguished company of Jesuits, a celebrated theologist.
Its archbishopric has for suffragans, the bishoprics of Santa (3ruz de la Sierra, La Paz, Tucuman, and La Ascencion of Paraguay ; and to its diocese belong 188 curacies. Its inhabitants in and about it amount to 13,000, of which 4000 are Spaniards, 3000 Mustees, 4500 Indians, and 15,000 Negroes and Mulattoes. It is 290 leagues from Cuzco, in lat. 19° 31' s.
Archbishops of the church of La Plata.
1. Don Frau Tomas de San Martin, a monk of the order of St. Dominic, a master in his order, and one of the first monks who passed over into Peru with the Friar Vicente de Valverde; he W 2 is provincial there, returned to Spain with the Licentiate Pedro de la Gasca, and as a reward for his labours, presented by the king to the first archbishopric of Charcas, in 1553: he died in 1559.
2. Don Fraj/ Pedro de la Torre, who was elected, but not consecrated ; and in his place,
3. Don Fray Alonso de la Cerda.
4. Don Fernan Gonzalez de la Cuesta, who laid the foundation of the cathedral church.
5. Don Fray Domingo de Santo Tomas, of the order of St. Dominic, a noted preacher, and one of those who went over to Peru with the Fray Vicente Valverde ; he was prior in different convents, and general visitor of his order in those kingdoms.
6. Don Fernando de Santillana, native of Se-