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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]

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villa, president of the courts of chancery of Granada and Valladolid, elected bishop ; he died in Lima before he took possession.

7. Don Alonso Ramirez Granero, and not Pedro, as Gil Gonzalez will have it ; a native of V illaescusa in the bishopric of Cuenca, a collegiate of this city, dean of the church of Guadix, and Jiscal of the inquisition of Mexico ; elected archbishop in 1574 ; he governed until 1578.

8. Don Frai/ Juan de Vivero, native of Valladolid, of the order of St. Augustin ; he passed over to Peru, was prior of his convent of Lima, presented to the archbishopric .of Cartagena of the Indies, and to this archbishopric ; but these dignities he would not accept ; he returned to Spain, and died in his convent of Toledo.

9. Don Alonso Ramirez de Vergara, native of Segura de Leon, collegiate in Malaga, Alcala, and Salamanca, professor of arts, and canon of Malaga ; he was presented to the archbishopric of Charcas in 1594, and died in 1 603.

10. Don Fra^ Luis Lopez de Solis, native of Salamanca, of the order of St. Augustin ; he passed over into Peru, where he was master of his religious order, professor of theology, prior provincial, and qualificator of the inquisition; he was promoted to the church of Quito, and to this metropolitan see.

11. Don Fra?y Ignacio de Loyola, a monk of the barefooted order of St. Francis ; he was commissary in the province of Pilipinas, and on his return to Spain elected archbishop of Charcas.

12. Don Alonso de Peralta, native of Arequipa, archdeacon and inquisitor of Mexico, and archbishop of Charcas, where he died.

13. Don Frn^ Geronimo de Tiedra, native of Salamanca, of the order of St. Domingo ; he was prior of his convent, and preacher to the king, and archbishop of Charcas in 1616.

14. Don Fernando Arias de Ugarte, native of Santa Fe of Bogota, of whom we have treated in the catalogue of the bishops of Quito ; he passed over from the archbishopric of Santa Fe to this in 1630.

15. Don Francisco de Sotomayor.

16. Don FVr/y Francisco de Borja, of the order of San Benito, master in the university of Salamanca, and professor of theology ; elected bishop of Charcas in 1634.

17. Don Fru7/ Pedro de Oviedo, of the order of San Benito, native of Madrid ; he studied arts and theoloijy in Alcala, was abbot of the monastery of S. Cloclio, and difinidor of his order ; he was promoted from the bishopric of Quito to this archbishopric in 1645 : he died in 1649.

18. Don Juan Alonso de Ocon, native of La Roja, collegiate-major of San Ildefonso in Alcala, doctor and professor of theology, curate of Elechosa in the archbishopric of Toledo, and of the parish of Santa Cruz of Madrid ; he was promoted from the church of Cuzco to this of La Plata.

19. Don Fray Gaspar de Villaroel, of the order of St. Augustin, native of Riobamba ; he studied in the royal university of Lima, and with the reputation of being very learned, of which, indeed, his works bear testimony ; he was promoted from the church of Arequipa to this in 1658.

20. Don Bernardo de Izaguirre, native of Toledo ; he was fiscal of the inquisition of Cartagena and of Lima, and was promoted from the church of Cuzco to this metropolitan see.

21. Don Fray Alonso de la Cerda, of the order of preachers, native of Lima, provincial of his order, bishop of Honduras ; from whence he was promoted to this church.

22. Don Melchor de Lilian and Cisneros, native of Tordelaguna, of Avhom we speak in the catalogue of the bishops of Santa Marta ; he was removed from the bishopric of Popayan in 1672, governed until 1678, when he was promoted to the metropolitan see of Lima.

23. Don Bartolome Gonzalez de Poveda, who became archbishop, and governed until 1692.

24. Don Fray Diego Morcillo Rubio de Aunon, of the bishopric of La Paz in 1711, where he remained until 1724, when he was promoted to the archbishopric of Lima.

25. Don Francisco Luis Romero, promoted from the archbishopric of Quito ; he governed until 1725.

26. Don Alonso del Pozo and Silva, of the bishopric of Santiago of Chile.

27. Don Agustin Delgado, in 1743 ; governed until 1746.

28. Don Salvador Bermudez, from the aforesaid year ; governed until 1747.

29. Don Gregorio de Molleda y Clerque, of the bishopric of Truxillo, in 1748 ; he governed until 1758, when he died.

30. Don Cayetano Marcellano y Agramont, of the bishopric of Buenos Ayres, in 1758 ; he governed until 1761, when he died.

31. Don Pedro de Argandoua, promoted in the above year ; he governed until 1776, when he died.

32. Don Francisco Ramon de Herboso, who governed from 1776 to 1784.

33. Don Arqy Joseph Antonio de San Alberto, who governed in 178.5.

CHUQUISONGO, San Pedro de, a settlement

Last edit almost 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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