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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]

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[And the Import of Slaves, by report of privy council, 1788, at a medium of four years, and by a return to house of commons in 1805, at a medium of two years from 1803, was as follows :

Average of




Four years to 1787




Tw o years to 1803




By report of privy council, 1788, and by subsequent estimate, the population amounted to



People of











See Caribe (Leeward) Islands; and for the later political inquiries, see West Indies.]

Same name, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Toluca in Nueva Espana. It contains 64 families of Indians, and lies a small distance to the n. of its capital.

Same name, another, of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan in the same kingdom, lying two leagues from its capital.

Same name, another, of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tetelaxonotla in the same kingdom, lying two leagues to the w. of that place.

Same name, another settlement of the province and corregimienio of Angaraes in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of San Antonio, and situate on the contrary side of the river.

Same name another, settlement of the province and eorreghniento of Conchucos in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of San Marcos.

Same name, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of its capital.

Same name, another settlement of the head settlement of Pinotepa, and alcaldia mayor of Xicayan, in Nueva Espana. It contains 24 families of Indians, and is seven leagues to the n. of its head settlement.

Same name, another settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuquio in the same kingdom ; situate near to the conflux of the rivers Mesquital and Grande, its population is large.

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and it lies 15 leagues to the w. of its capital, an^ 10 to the n. w. of the capital of the province of Guadalaxara.

Same name, another settlement of the head settlement of Axixique, and alcaldia mayor of Zayula, in the same kingdom ; situate on the shore of the great lake or sea of Chapala. It contains 70 fajmilies of Indians, who employ themselves in fishing and agriculture ; is 13 leagues to the s. of its head settlement.

Same name another settlement of the province and country of the Amazonas, in the Portuguese K ossessioiis ; situate on the shore of the river laranon, at the mouth where it enters the Ovaripana.

Same name another settlement of the province and government of Cartagena in the district of Sinu ; situate on the bank of the river Pichelin, in the division of this jurisdiction and that of Tolu. It is one of those which were founded, in 1776, by the Governor Don Juan Piraienta.

Same name another settlement of the kingdom of Brazil ; situate on the shore of a river which enters the Yguan to the s. of the settlement of Jesus Maria.

Same name another settlement of the province and captainship of Sergipé in the same kingdom (Brazil) ; situate on the sea-coast, between the river Sirugipa and thatof Vazabaris.

Same name another settlement of the province and kingdom of Nueva Galicia ; situate near its capital.

Same name,of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of the Jesuits in the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya.

Same name another settlement of Nuevo Mexico ; situate on the shore of the Rio Grande del N. (Large River of tlie N.) where this enters the Conch os.

Same name, a bay on the coast of the province of California, in the part opposite the coast of Nueva Espana.

Same name another settlement, an isle of the N. sea, in the interior of the bay and port of the Cul de Sac Grand, of the island of Guadalupe.

[CHRISTOPHER, Sr. See Christovae.] CHUAO, a port of the coast of the kingdom of Tierra Firme, in the province and government of Venezuela, to the w. of the port of La Guaira.

==CHUAPA, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Villalta in Nueva Espana. It contains 112 familes of Indians, and is 12 leagues n. e. of its capital.

Same name, a river of the kingdom of Chile.


Last edit almost 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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venerated an image of Oar L idy, the most celebrated for miracles of any in the whole kingdom. The wonderful things, indeed, that have been wrought here, have caused it to be the object of great devotion ; accordingly an handsome temple has been erected, and the riches and ornaments which adorn the same are exceedingly valuable. People conse here from all the distant provinces to offer up their prayers, to implore the protection of the Holy Virgin, and to thank her for benefits received. The festival here celebrated is on the 8th of September, when the quantity of people assembled is so large as to give the place, for the space of 12 days, t!ie‘ appearance of a fair.

COCHAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru.

COCHE, an island of the North sea, near the coast of Nueva Andalucia, and belonging to the island of Margarita. It is nine miles in circumference, and its territory is low and barren. It was celebrated for the pearl-fishery formerly carried on here. It is four leagues to the e. of Cubagiia.

COCHEARI, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas. It runs w. and enters the Madera opposite the Yamari.

[COCHECHO, a n.w. branch of Piscataqua river in New Hampshire. It rises in the Blue hills in Strafford county, and its mouth is five miles above Hilton’s point. See Piscat.xqua.J

COCHEIRA, Cumplida, a river of the country of Brazil. It rises to the n. of the gold mines of La Navidad, runs w. and enters the Tocantines on the e. side, between the Salto de Ties Leguas and the settlement of the Portal de San Luis.

COCHIMATLAN, a settlement of the head settlement of Almololoyan, and alcald'ia mayor of Colima, in Nueva Espana. It contains 100 families of Indians, whose trade consists in the manufacturing of salt, and the cultivation of their gardens, which produce various kinds of fruits. Two leagues to the w. of its head settlement.

COCHINOCA, a settlement of the province and governmeist of Tucuman, in the jurisdiction of the city of Xnjui. It has an hermitage, with the dedicatory title of Santa Barbara, which is a chapel of ease, and three other chapels in the settlement of Casivindo. The Indians of this place manufacture gunpowder equal to that of Europe, and in its district are some gold mines.

COCHINOS, Ensenada de, a bay on the s. coast of the island of Cuba, between the point Gorda and the bay of Xagua, opposite the falls of i)iego Perez.

COCHITI, a settlement of the kingdom of Nuevo Mexico ; situate at the source of a river which enters the large river Uel Norte, or of the North.

COCHOAPA, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana; situate upon a dry and barren plain. It contains 150 families of Indians, who are busied in the cultivation of cotton, the only production of the place.

COCHON, a small isle of the North sea, near the island of Guadalupe, in the bay of the Cul de Sac Petit, or Cala Angosta.

COCHUTA, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana.

COCHUY, a province of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, to the n. e. ; bounded by the province of Chita. It has now the name of Laches, from having been inhabited by this nation of Indians. It is very thinly peopled, of a hot climate, and abounding in Avoods.

COCKAHISPEN, a small river of Canada, which runs n. e. and enters Hudson’s bay.

[COCKBCRNE, a township in the n. part of New Hampshire, Grafton county, on the e. bank of Connecticut river, s, of Colebrooke.]

[COCKERMOUTH, a town in Grafton county, New Hampshire, about 15 miles n. e. of Dartmouth college. It was incorporated in 1766, and in 1775 contained 118 inhabitants ; and in 1790, 373.]

[COCKSAKIE. See Coxakie.]

COCLE, a large river of the province and government of Panama in the kingdom of Tierra Firmc. It is formed by the union of the Penome and the Nata, which run to the right and left of the mountain of Toabre, becoming navigable from that part to their entrance into the sea. A contraband trade was in former times constantly carried on through this river into the S. sea ; for which reason Don Dionisio de Alcedo (the father of the author of this Dictionary) built a fort which defended its entrance, as likewise a rvatch-tower or signal-house, to give notice of any strange vessels which might enter the river for the above purposes. The English took this tower, and built another fort by it in 1746, having been assisted by a company of at least 200 smugglers. These w ere dislodged in their turn by the aforesaid president, who inflicted condign punishment upon the heads of all the offenders.

COCMONOMAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of Peru, who inhabit the mountains ol' the province of Guanuco. They are docile, of a noble spirit, and in continual warfare with the Callisecas and Mazupes.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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