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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





3. Don Fray Geronimo de Corella, of the order of St. Jerome, native of Valencia, descended from tlic Connls of Cocentayna ; prior of the convent of his country, and afterwards of tliat of Nuestra Sehora del Prado, when he was elected bishop of this diocese in J562.

4. Don Fray Alonso de la Cerda, of the order of preachers ; promoted to the archbishopric of Charcas in 1577.

5. Don Fray Caspar de Andrada, a Franciscan monk, and native of Toledo ; collegian of the college of San Pedro and San Pablo of Alcala de Henares, guardian of the convents of S. Juan dc los Reyes in Toledo and in Madrid, visitor of the provinces of Arragon, a celebrated preacher, and elected to this bishopric in 1588 ; he governed 24 years, and died in 1612.

6. Don Fray Alonso Galdo, a monk of the order of St. Dominic, native of Valladolid, presented in 1612; he visited its bishopric, was of exemplary conduct, and being full of years and infirmities, he requested that a coadjutor might be nominated in 1628 ; and this was,

7. Xion Fray Luis de Canizares, a religious minim of St. Francis of Paula, native of Madrid ; he was lecturer in his convent, and in that of Alcala, calificador and consultor of the inquisition in Valladolid ; nominated through the nuncio of of his holiness; was visitor of the province of Andalucia, bishop of Nueva Carceres in Philippines, and promoted to this see, where he died, in 1645.

8. Don Juan Merlo de la Fuente, doctoral c^Lnon of the church of the Puebla de los Angeles, elected bishop of Nuevo Segovia in the Philippines, which oflBce he did not accept, and was bishop here in 1648.

9. Don Pedro de los Reyes Rios of Madrid, native of Seville, monk of the order of San Benito, master, preacher in general, theological doctor, and poser to the cathedrals of the university of Oviedo, difinidor and abbot of the monasteries of San Isidro de Dueilas, San Claudio de liCon, and San Benito de Sevilla, preacher to Charles II. elected bishop of this church, and before he went over to it, promoted to that of Yucatan in 1700.

10. Don Fray Juan Perez Carpintero; elected in the same year, 1700.

11. Don Fray Angel Mnldonado, native of Ocaila, monk of San Bernardo, doctor and professor of theology in the university of Alcala ; he wrote in defence of the right of Philip V. to the crown of Spain ; presented to the bishopric of Honduras, and after taking possession, promoted to the church of Antequara in 1702.

12. Don Fray Antonio Guadalupe Lopez Por-

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tillo, native of Guadalaxara in Nueva Espaha, of the order of St. Francis, a man of great learning and virtue, domestic prelate of his holiness Benedict NHL; presented to the bishopric of Comayagua in 1725 ; he died in 1742.

13. Don Flay Francisco Molina, of the order of St. Basil, master of theology, abbot of the monastery of Cuellar, thrice of that of Madrid, and twice difinidor general of Castille ; elected in 1743.

14. Don Diego Rodriguez Rivas de Velasco, native of Riobamba in the kingdom of Quito, doctor of both laws in the university of Alcala, collegian of the college of Los Verdes, titular archdeacon of the holy church of Guatemala; electetl bishop in 1750, and promoted to the bishopric of Guadalaxara in 1762.

15. Don Miguel Anselmo Alvarez de Abreu, native of Teneriffe, secretary of the bishop, of Segovia, and canon in the church of Canarias, judge of the apostolical chamber, and of the tribunal of the holy crusade, auxiliary bishop of the Puebla dc los Angeles, presented to this in 1762, and promoted to that of Antequera in 1767.

16. Don Isidore Rodriguez ; he died in 1767.

17. Don Antonio de Macarulla, elected in 1767, and promoted to that of Durango in 1773.

18. Don Francisco Joseph de Palencia, elected, in 1773.

19. Don Fray Antonio de San Miguel, in 1776, until 1783.

20. Don Joseph Antonio de Isabella, in 1783.

COMBAGUEN, a settlement of Indians of the district of Tolten Alto in the kingdom of Chile.

(COMBAHEE, a considerable river of S. Carolina==, which enters St. Helena sound, between Coosa and Ashepoo rivers.)

(COMBAHEE Ferry, on the above river, is 17 miles from Jacksonsborough, 15 from Pocotaglio, and 52 from Charlestown.

COMBACA a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru.

COMBAPATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tinta in Peru ; situate upon an eminence near the royal road which leads from La Plata to Lima. Its natives say that it has the best and most healthy temperature of any in the kingdom, and they mention some persons who have lived here to the age of 140 years.

COMBAPATA, a river of the above province and corregimiento. it rises in the cordillera near the settlement of Punoa, runs some distance e. and then turning n. enters the source of the Vilcomayo.

COMBEIMA, a large river of the province

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Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934


CONGACA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Angaraes in Pern ; annexed to the uracy of Yulcamarca.

CONGARI, a large river of S. Carolina. It runs s. e. taking various names, till it enters the sea. It is first called Trente Milles, or Thirty Miles, then Congari, and afterwards Santi.

CONGAS, a settlement of the province and rorregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Ocros.

CONGER, Rock of, a small island or rock, close to the e. coast of the island of Barbadoes.

CONGO, a settlement of the province and government of Darien, and kingdom of Tierra N ueva ; situate on the shore of a river, which gives it its name, and of the coast of the S. sea, within the gulf of S. Miguel.

CONGOHAS, a settlement of the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil ; situate to the w. of the Villa Rica.

CONGURIPO, Santiago de, a- settlement of the head settlement of Puruandiro, and alcaldta mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan ; situate on a plain or shore of the Rio Grande. It is of a hot temperature, and contains 12 families of Spaniards and Mustees^ and 57 of Indians. Twenty-six leagues from the captital Pasquaro.

CONHAWAY, a large river of N. Carolina. It runs many leagues ; first n. e. then n. and afterwards n. w. and enters the Ohio. It is called also Wood river and New river.

CONHAWAY, another, in the province and colony of Virginia, with the additional title of Petit, or Little. It also runs n. w, and enters the Ohio.

(CONHOCTON Creek, in New York, is the n. head water of Tioga river. Near its mouth is the settlement called Bath.)

CONICARI, a settlement of the province and government of Cinaloa in Nueva Espana ; situate on the shore and at the source of the river Mayo. It is a reduccion of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits.

CONIGUAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the province and government of Tarma in Peru, who inhabit the mountains of the Andes, united with the Cunchos, and of whom but little is known.

CONIL, Bocas de, entrances which the sea makes upon the coast of the province of Yucatán, between the river Lagartos, and the baxos or shoals of Cuyo.

CONILABQUEN, a small river of the district of Tolten Alto in the kingdom of Chile. It runs s. and enters the Token.

CONIMA, a settlement of the province and cor-

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regimiento of Paucarcolla in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Moxo.

CONNECTICUT, a county of the province and colony of New England in N. America. It is bounded w. by New York and the river Hudson ; is separated from the large island by an arm of the sea to the s. ; has to the e. Rhode island, with part of the colony of Massachusetts, and the other part of the same colony to the n. It is traversed by a river of the same name, which is the largest of the whole province, and navigable by large vessels for 40 miles. This province abounds in wood, turpentine, and resins ; in the collecting of which numbers of the inhabitants are occupied, although the greater part of them are employed in fishing, and in hewing timber for the building of vessels and other useful purposes. The merchants of the province once sent to King Charles II. some timber or trees, of so fine a growth as to serve for masts of ships of the largest burthen. The great trade of woods and timbers carried on by means of the river has much increased its navigation. This territory is not without its mines of metal, such as lead, iron, and copper: the first of these have yielded some emolument, but the others have never yet produced any thing considerable, notwithstanding the repeated attempts which have been made to work them. This county is well peopled and flourishing, since it numbers upwards of 40,000 souls, notwithstanding the devastations that it has suftered through the French, the Indians, and the pirates, in the reign of Queen Anne, when all the fishing vessels were destroyed. When this colony was first founded, many great privileges were given it, which have always been maintained by the English governor, through the fidelity which it manifested in not joining the insurrection of the province of Massachusetts, until, in the last war, it was separated from the metropolis, as is seen in the article U n ited States OF America.

(Connecticut, one of the United States of North America, called by the ancient natives Qunnihticut, is situated between lat. 41° and 42° 2' n. and between long. 71° 20' and 7.3° 15' w. Its greatest breadth is 72 miles, its length 100 miles; bounded «. by Massachusetts ; e. by Rhode island ; s. by the sound which divides it from Long island ; and w. by the state of New York. This state contains about 4674 square miles; equal to about 2,640,000 acres. It is divided into eight counties, viz. Fairfield, New Haven, Middlesex, and New London, which extend along the sound from w. to c. : Litchfield, Hartford, Tolland, and Windham, extend in the same direction on the border of the] 3 T 2

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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