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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]

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CHOTE, a settlement of Indians of N. Carolina ; situate on the shore of the river Tennessee.

CHOTECHEL, a settlement of Indians of the kingdom of Chile ; situate in the interior of it, and on the shore of the river ComoLeuvre.

CHOUEE, Montañas de, mountains in the province and colony of N. Carolina, which follow the course of the river Tennessee,

CHOUMANS, a settlement or village of the province and colony of Louisiana ; situate on the bank, and at the source of the river Maligna or Sabloniere.

CHOUSSIPI, a small river of the country of Labrador. It runs s. w. and enters that of St. Lawrence.

CHOWAN, a district and jurisdiction of the province and colony of Virginia, between that of Pequima and the river Pansemond. The principal settlement bears the same name.

[Chowan County, in Edenton district, N. Carolina, on the n. side of Albemarle sound. It contains 5011 inhabitants, of whom 2588 are slaves. Chief town, Edenton.]

[Chowan River, in N. Carolina, falls into the n. w. corner of Albemarle sound. It is three miles wide at the mouth, but narrows fast as you ascend it. It is formed, five miles from the Virginia line, by the confluence of Meherrin, Nottaway, and Black rivers, which all rise in Virginia.]

CHOXLLA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cicasica in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Yanacache.

[CHRIST CnuacH, a parish in Charleston district, S. Carolina, containing 2954 inhabitants, of whom 566 are whites, 2377 slaves.]

[CHRISTENOES, a wandering nation of N. America, who do not cultivate, nor claim any particular tract of country. They are well disposed towards the whites, and treat their traders Avith respect. The country in which these Indians rove is generally open plains, but in some parts, particularly about the head of the Assinniboin river, it is marshy and tolerably Avell furnished with timber, as are also the Fort Dauphin mountains, to which they sometimes resort. From the quantity of beaver in their country, they ought to furnish mofe of that article than they do at present. They are not esteemed good beaver-hunters. They might probably be induced to visit an establishment on the Missouri, at the Yellow Stone river. Their number has been reduced by the small-pox since they Avere first known to the Canadians.]

[CHRISTIANA, a post-town in Newcastle county, Delaware, is situated on a navigable creek of its name, 12 miles from Elkton, nine s. w. of Wilmington, and 37 s. w. of Philadelphia. The town, consisting of about 50 houses, and a Presbyterian church, stands on a declivity which commands a pleasant prospect of the country towards the Delaware. It carries on a brisk trade with Philadelphia in flour. It is the greatest carrying place between the navigable Avaters of the Delaware and Chesapeak, which are 13 miles asunder at this place. It was built by the Swedes in 1640, and thus called after their queen.]

[Christiana Creek, on which the above town is situated, falls into Delaware river from the w. a little below Wilmington. It is proposed to cut a canal of about nine miles in length, in a s. to. direction from this creek, at the toAvn of Christiana (six miles w. s. w. of Newcastle) to Elk river in Maryland, about a mile below Elkton. See Delaware and Wilmington.]

[Christiana, St. one of the Marquesa isles, called by the natives Waitahu, lies under the same parallel with St. Pedro, three or four leagues more to the w. Resolution bay, near the middle of the w. side of the island, is in lat. 9° 58' s. long. 139'^ 840' w. from Greenwich ; and the w. end of Dominica 15 71. Captain f^ook gave this bay the name of his ship. It Avas called Port Madre de Dios by the Spaniards. This island produces cotton of a superior kind. A specimen of it is deposited in the museum of the Massachusetts Historical Society.]

CHRISTIANO, San, a settlement of the province and captainship of Serigipé in Brazil ; situate on the coast, and at the mouth of the river Cirii.

[CHRISTIANSBURG, the chief town of Montgomery county, Virginia. It contains A’ery few houses ; has a court-house and goal, situated near a branch of Little river, a water of the Kanhaway. Lat. 37° 5' ».]

[CHRISTIANSTED, the principal town in the island of Santa Cruz, situated on the n. side of the island, on a fine harbour. It is the residence of the Danish governor, and is defended by a stone fortress.]

[CHRISTMAS Island, in the Pacific ocean, lies entirely solitary, nearly equally distant from the Sandwich islands on the n. and the Marquesas on the s. It Avas so named by Captain Cook, on account of his first landing there, on Christmas day. Not a drop of fresh Avater was found by digging. A ship touching at this desolate isle must expect nothing but turtle, fish, and a few birds. It is about 15 or 20 leagues in circumference, and bounded by a reef of coral rocks, on the xc. side of

Last edit over 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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