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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]

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shore of the Rio Grande Colorado, (large coloured river), or of the North.

ALCO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Libitaca.

ALCOHOLADES, a nation of Indians of the province of Venezuela. They are of a docile and affable disposition, and live upon the borders of the lake Maracaibo. Their numbers are much diminished, from the treatment they received from the German Weltzers, who, through a covetousness to possess the gold of these people, killed the greater part of them.

ALCOZAUCA, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana. It contains 104 families of Spaniards, Mulattoes, and Mustees; not a single Indian dwells in it. It is of a mild temperature, and in its district were the once celebrated mines of Cayro, which were crushed in and destroyed, having been almost unparalleled for the quantity of silver that they produced. Eight leagues from its capital.

ALDAS, a small settlement or ward of the head settlement of the district of Santa Ana, and alcaldia mayor of Zultepec, in Nueva Espana.

ALDEA, DEL Espiritu Santo, a settlement of the province and captainship of Tondos Santos in Brazil, situate on the coast, at the mouth of the river Joana.

Aldea, del Espiritu Santo, another settlement of the province and captainship of Seregipe, in the same kingdom (Brazil), situate on the shore, and at the entrance of the river Real.

[ALDEN, Fort, in Cherry Valley, in the state of New York.]

ALU WORT, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district and parish of Santiago, on the coast.

ALEBASTER, or Eleuthera, an island of the channel of Bahama. See Alabaster.

ALEGRE, a settlement of the province and captainship of S. Vincente in Brasil, situate s. of the settlement of Alto.

[ALEMPIGON, a small lake northward of lake Superior.]

ALEXANDRIA, a city of Virginia, [formerly called Belhaven, and situated on the southern bank of the Patowmac river, in Fairfax county, about five miles s. w. from the Federal city, 60 L from Baltimore, 60 n, from Fredericksburgh, 168 n. of Williamsburgh, and 290 from the. sea; 38° 54' n. lat. and 77° 10' w. long. Its situation is elevated and pleasant. The soil is clayey. The original settlers, anticipating its future growth and importance, laid out the streets

on the plan of Philadelphia. It contains about 400 houses, many of which are handsomely built, and 2748 inhabitants. This city, upon opening the navigation of Patowmac river, and in consequence of its vicinity to the future seat of the federal government, bids fair to be one of the most thriving commercial places on the continent. Nine miles from hence is Mount Vernon, the celebrated seat of the late General Washington.]

[Alexandria, a township in Grafton county. New Hampshire, containing 298 inhabitants, incorporoted in 1782.]

[Alexandria, a township in Hunterdon county. New Jersey, containing 1503 inhabitants, inclusive of 40 slaves.]

[Alexandria, a small town in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, on the Frankstown branch of Janiatta river, 192 miles n. w. of Philadelphia.]

ALEXO, S. an island of the N. sea, near the coast of Brazil, in the province and captainship of Pernambuco, between the river Formoso and Cape S. Agustin.

ALFARO, S. Miguel de, a settlement of the province and government of the Chiquitos Indians; situate on the shore of the river Ubay. It has a good port, from whence it is also known by the name of Port of the Chiquitos. It is, however, at present destroyed, and the ruins alone remain.

ALFAXAIUCA, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Kilotepec in Nueva Espana. It contains 171 Indian families, and is seven leagues e. n. e. of its capital.

ALFEREZ, Valley of the, in the province and correscimienlo of Bogota in the new kingdom of Granada.

Alfeuez, a river of the province and captainship Rey in Brazil; it runs w. and enters the lake of Mini.

[ALFORD, a township in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, containing 577 inhabitants ; 145 miles w. from Boston.]

[ALFORDSTOWN, a small town in Moor county, North Carolina.]

ALfjrARROBO, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquia in the new kingdom of Granada ; situate on the bank of an arm of the river Perico, in an island which it forms in th« serranias of Guamoca.

ALGODON, Island of the, one of those which are in the N. sea, between the s. point of the Cayco Grande and the Panuelo Quadrado.

Algodon, a settlement of the same name. See Biezmet.

ALGODONALES, a .settlement of the province

Last edit almost 6 years ago by admin




residences here, it has fallen into decay ; and although it is now reduced to a small town, the-4itle of Capital has not been taken from it. Its only inhabitants are those who own some estates in its district, and this forms a government subordinate to that of the Havana. [The damage done by the earthquake of October 1810, to the shipping at tlie Havana, was computed at 600,000 dollars.; the injury at St. Jago could not be correctly estimated, but the loss of the lives at both places was believed to be not fewer than 350. In long. 76° 3', and lat. 20° r.l

CUBAGUA, an island of the N. sea, near the coast of Tierra Firme, discovered by tiie Admiral Christopher Columbus. It is three leagues in circumference, and is barren, but has been, -in former times, celebrated for the almost incredible abundance of beautiful pearls found upon the coast, the riches of which caused its commerce to be very great, and promoted the building in it the city of New Cadiz; but at present, since the fishery is abandoned, this town has fallen entirely into decay, and the island has become desert. It is a little more than a league’s distance from the island of Margareta, in lat. 10° 42' n.

CUBAZ, a settlement of the province and captainship of San Vincente in Brazil ; situate between the rivers Pedroza and Recisto.

CUBIGIES, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Riobamba in the kingdom of Quito.

CUBILLI, a lake of the kingdom of Quito, in the province and corregimiento of Alausi, near the paramo or mountain desert of Tioloma.

CUBZIO, a settlement of the corregimiento of Bogota in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada; situate ort the shore of the river Bogota, near the famous waterfal of Tequendama. Its climate is agreeable and fertile, and it abounds in gardens and orchards, in which are particularly cultivated white lilies, these meeting with a ready sale for ornamenting the churches of Santa Fe and the other neighbouring settlements.

CUCAITA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate in a valley which is pleasant, and of a cold and healthy temperature. It produces in abundance very good wheat, maize, truffles, and other fruits of a cold climate ; here are some fiocks of sheep, and of their wool are made various woven articles. It is small, but nevertheless contains 23 families and 50 Indians. It is a league and an half to the s. w. of Tunja, in the road which leads from Leiba to Chiquinquira and Velez, between the settlements of Samaca and Sora.

CUCHERO, San Antonio de, a settlement of the province and government of Guanuco in Peru ; situate at the source and head of the river Guallaga.

CUCHIGAROS, a barbarous nation of Indians, little known, who inhabit the shores of the river Cuchigara, which enters the Maranon, and is one of the largest of those which are tributary to the same. The natives call it Purus ; it is navigable, although in some parts abounding with large rocky shoals, and is filled with fish of different kinds, as also with tortoises ; on its shores grow maize and other fruits : besides the nation aforesaid, it has on its borders those of the Gtimaiaris, Guaquiaris, Cuyaeiyayanes, Curucurus, Quatausis, Mutuanis, and Curigueres ; these last are of a gigantic stature, being 16 palms high. They are very valorous, go naked, have large pieces of gold in their nostrils and ears ; their settlements lie two long months’ voyage from the mouth of the river.

CUCHILLO, San Pedro del, a settlement of the mission which is held by the religious order of St. Francis, in the precinct of New Mexico.

CUCHILLO, with the addition of Parado, another settlement of the missions of the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate on the shore of the river Conchos.

CUCHIN, a small river of the territory of Cuyaba in Brazil. It runs n. and enters the Camapoa; on its shore is a part called La Estancia, through which the Portuguese are accustomed to carry their canoes on their shoulders, in order to pass from the navigation of this latter river to that of the Matogroso.

CUCHIPIN, a small river of the same kingdom (Brazil) and territory as the two former. It rises in the mountains of the Caypos Indians, runs n. n» w. and enters the Taquari.

CUCHIPO, a river of the kingdom of Brazil, in the same territory as the former. It rises in the mountains, and runs w.

CUCHIRIHUAY, a settlementof the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pampachucho.

CUCHIUARA, or Cuckiguara, an island of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the part possessed by the Portuguese. It is in the river of its name, at the sama mouth by which it enters the Maranon.

CICHIUERO, a river of the province and government of Guayana or Nueva Andalucia. It rises in the sierra of Mataguaida, runs n. and enters the Ytari.

CUCHUMATLAN, a settlement of the king-

Last edit almost 6 years ago by jgo384
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