Pages That Mention Genessee
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
Chuquibamba, and the other settlements of its jurisdiction, -which comprehend nine curacies, are the following :
San Pedro de Illotnas, Andaray, Yanaquihua, Chorunga,
Cliilca and Marca, Viraco,
Pampacolca, Umachulco,
H uancarama, Orcopampa,
San J nan Crisostomo de Choco,
Ucuchacas, Machahuay,
Arirahua, Tipan.
CONDIRAS, an arm of the river Jamunda, in the country of Las Amazonas, and in the Portuguese possessions. It runs from the lake Maripava, and enters the Maranon.
CONDOCONDO, a settlement of the province and corre^imiento of Pariá in Peru.
CONDONOMA, a mine, celebrated for its abundance of silver, of the province and corregimiento of Tinta in Peru.
CONDORGUASI, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru ; belonging to the jurisdiction of Jujui, situate on the shore of the river Laquiaca.
CONDOROMA, a settlement and asiento of the silver mines of the province of Canes and Canches or Tinta in Peru, -where, during tempests of thunder and lightning, is experienced a singular phenomenon ; namely, a certain prickly sensation upon the hands and face, -which they called moscas, (flies), though none of these insects are ever seen. It is indeed attributed to the air, which is at that time highly charged with electric fluid ; the effects of which may be observed on the handles of sticks, buckles, lace, and other metal trinkets ; the same effects ceasing as soon as the tempest is over. It is observed, that in no other parts is the same phenomenon known to exist.
CONDOROMA, another settlement, of the province and government of Chucuito in the same kingdom ; situate on the shore of the lake.
CONDUITE, or CoNDUITA, a small river of the province and country of the Iroquees Indians. It runs w. forming a curve, and enters the lake Oswego.
(CONDUSKEEG, a settlement in the district of Maine, in Hancock county, containing 567 inhabitants.)
CONEUAGUANET, a small river of the pro-
vince and colony of Pennsylvania and counfy of Cumberland. It runs c. and enters the Susquehanna.
CONEGA, a small island of the s. coast of the island of Newfoundland, between the isle of Despair and port Bartran.
CONEGHTA, a small river of S. Carolina. It rises in the territory of the Tuscaroras Indians, runs s. e. and enters the Neus.
(CONEGOCHEAGUE Creek rises near Mercersburg, Franklin county, Pensylvania, runs s. in a -winding course, and after supplying a number of mills, empties into the Potowmack, at William port, in W ashington county, Maryland ; 19 miles s. e. of Hancock, and eight miles s, of the Pennsylvania line.)
CONEGOGEE, a small river of the province and colony of Maryland. It runs s. and enters the Potowmack.
CONEIUAGA, a small river of the province and colony of Pennsylvania, in the county of York, It runs e. and enters the Susquehanna.
(CONEMAUGH River, and Little Cor emaugh, are the head waters of Kiskemanitas, in Pennsylvania : after passing through Laurel hill and Chesnut ridge, Conemaugh takes that name, and empties into the Alleghany, 29 miles n. e. of Pittsburg. It is navigable for boats, and there is -a portage of 18 miles between it and the Frankstown branch of Juniata river.)
(CONENTES, Las, a city of La Plata or Paraguay in S. America, in the diocese of Buenos Ayres.)
(CONESTEO, a w. w. branch of Tioga river in New York. See Canjcodeo Creek.)
CONESTOGA, a settlement of Indians of the same province and colony as the former river ; situate between the e. and w. arms of the river Susquehanna, where the English have a fort and establishment for its defence.
Conestoga, a river of this province, whichruns w. then turns s. and enters the Susquehanna.
(CONESUS, a small lake in the Genessee country. New York, which sends its waters n. w, to Genessee river.)
CONETLA, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Comitlan in the kingdom of Guatemala.
CONFINES. See Villanueva de los Infantes.
CONFUSO. See Togones.
CONG, a small river of the province and c^piainship of Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises near the coast, runs e. and enters the sea between the river Goyana and the settlement of Gonzalo.
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moiily called Acklin’s island), and Long Kej, (or Fortune island), are tlie principal, Castle island (a very small one) is the most s. and is situated at the s. end of Acklin’s island, which is the largest of the group, and extends about 50 miles in length ; atthew. extremity it is seven miles in breadth, but grows narrow towards the s. N. Crooked island is upwards of 20 miles long, and from two to six broad; Long Key, about two miles in length, l)ut very narrow : on this latter island is a valuable salt pond. Near Bird rock, which is the most w, extremity of the group, and at the w. point of N. Crooked island, is a reef harbour, and a good anchorage ; a settlement has been lately established there, called Pitt’s Town, and this is the place where the Jamaica packet, on her return to Europe through the Crooked island passage, leaves once every month the Bahama mail from England, and takes on board the mail for Europe ; a port of entry is now established there. There is likewise very good anchorage, and plenty of fresh water at the French w'ells, which lie at the bottom of the bay, about half-way between Bird rock and thes. end of Long Key. There is also a good harbour, (called Atwood’s harbour) at the w. end of Acklin’s island, but fit only for small vessels, and another at Major’s Keys, on the n. side of N, Crooked island, for vessels drawing eight or nine feet water. The population in ISOtf amounted to about 40 whites, and 950 Negroes, men, women, and children; and previous to May 1803, lands were granted by the crown, (o the amount oi 24,2 18 acres, for the purpose of cultivation. The middle of the island lies in lat. 22^ 30' «. ; long. 74° tii). See Bahamas.)
(Crooked Lake, in the Genessee country, communicates in an e, by n. diiection with Seneca lake.)
(Crooked Lake, one of tlie chain of small lakes which connects the lake of tiie Woods with lake Superior, on the boundary line between the United States and Upper Canada, remarkable for its rugged cliff, in the cxacks of which are a number of arrow's sticking.)
(Crooked River, in Camden county, Georgia, empties into the sea, opposite Cumberland island, 12 or 14 miles n. from the mouth of St. Mary’s. Its banks are well timbered, and its course is e. by ??.)
(CROSS-CREEK, a township in Washington county, Pennsylvania.)
(Cross-Creeks. See Fayettevilee.)
(Cross-Roads, the name of a place in N. Carolina. near Duplin court-house, 23 miles from
Sampson court-house, and 23 from S. Washington.)
(Cross-Roads, a village in Kent county, Maryland, situated two miles s. of Georgetown, on Sassafras river, and is thus named from four roads which meet and cross each other iu the village.)
(Cross-Roads, a village in Chester county, Pennsylvania, where six ditferent roads meet. It is 27 miles s. e. of Lancaster, 11 n. by w. of Elkton in Maryland, and about 18 w.n.w. of Wilmington iu Delaware.)
CROSSING, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district of the parish of San Juan.
(CROSSWICKS, a village in Burlington county, New Jersey; through which the line of stages passes from New York to Philadelphia. It has a respectable Quaker meeting-house, four miles 5. ti;. of Allen town, eight s. e. of Trenton, and 14 s. w. of Burlington.)
(CROTON River, a n. e. water of Hudson river, rises in the town of New Fairfield in Connecticut, and running through Dutchess county, empties into Tappan bay. Croton bridge is thrown over this river three miles from its mouth, on the great road to Albany ; this is a solid, substantial bridge, 1400 feet long, the road narrow, piercing through a slate hill; it is supported by 16 stone pillars. Here is an admirable view of Croton falls, where the water precipitates itself between 60 and 70 feet perpendicular, and over high slate banks, in some places 100 feet, the river spreading into three streams as it enters the Hudson.)
(CROW Creek falls into the Tennessee, from the n. w. opposite the Crow town, 15 miles below Nickajack town.)
(Crow Indians, a people of N. America, divided into four bands, called by themselves Ahah'ar-ro-pir-no-pah, No6-ta, Pa-rees-car, and Eliart'-sar. They annually visit the Mandans, Menetares, and Ahwahhaways, to whom they barter liorses, mules, leather lodges, and many articles of Indian apparel, for which they receive in return guns, ammunition, axes, kettles, awls, and other European manufactures. When they return to their country, they are in turn visited by the Paunch and Snake Indians, to whom they barter most of the articles they have obtained from the nations on the Missouri, for horses and mules, of which those rrations have a greater abundance than themselves. They also obtain of the Snake Indians bridle-bits and blankets, and some other articles, which those Indians purchase from the Spaniards. Their country is fertile, and well watered, and in many parts well timbered.