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Pages That Mention Saint Francisco del Valle

The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




Bishops who have presided in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

1. Don Antonio Calderon, native of Vilches, dean of the holy church of Santa Fe, bisliop of Puertorico and Panama; first bishop in 1605; died at the advanced age of upwards of 100 years.

2. Don Fray Fernando de Ocampo, of the religious order of St. Francis, a native of Madrid.

3. Don Juan Zapata y Figueroa, native of Velez-Malaga ; he was canon and inquisitor of Seville ; presented to the brishopric of Santa Cruz in 1634.

Fray Juan de Arguinao, a religious Dominican, native of Lima, was prior and provincial in his religion, first professor of theology and writing in that university, qualificator of the inquisition ; presented to the bishopric of Santa Cruz in 1646, and promoted to the archbishopric of Santa Fe in 1661.

5. Don Fray Bernardino de Cardenas, native of Lima, of the order of St. Francis ; promoted from Paraguay to this bishopric in 1666.

6. Don Fray Juan de Rivera, of the order of St. Augustin, native of Pisco in Peru ; first professor of theology.

7. Don Fray Juan de Esturrizaga, of the order of preachers, native of Lima.

8. Don Pedro de Cardenas y Arbieto, native of Lima, collegian of the royal college of San Martin, canon of its holy church.

9. Hon Fray Juan de los Rios, of the order of St. Dominic, a native of Lima, provincial of his religion in the province of San Juan Bautista del Peru.

10. Don Fray Miguel Alvarez de Toledo, of the order of Nuestra Sexiora de la Merced, elected in 1701.

11. Don Miguel Bernardo de la Fuente, dean of the holy church of Truxillo, elected in 1727.

12. Don Andres de Vergara and Uribe, elected in 1744 ; he died in 1745.

13. Don Juan Pablo de Olmedo, native of Tucuman, elected in 1745, died in 1757.

14. Don Fernando Perez de Obiitas, native of Arequipa, elected in the aforesaid year, died in 1760.

15. Don Francisco Ramon de Herboso, native of Lima, elected in 1760, promoted to the archbishopric of Charcas in 1766.

16. Don Juan Domingo Gonzalez de la Rigucra, elected the aforesaid year, and promoted to the archbishopric of the holy metropolitan church of Lima in 1780.

17. Don Alexandro de Ochoa, elected in 1782.

Cruz, Santa, a city of the above province, which was once the capital ; founded by Nuno de Chaves in 1557, after that he had passed along the shores of the river Paraguay to discover a communication with the other provinces. Its inhabitants, however, not being able to stay in it through the incessant sallies of the Indians who surrounded them, were under the necessity of changing their settlement ; but disagreeing in the choice of place, some of them united together, and founded the city of Santiago del Puerto, and others that of San Lorenzo de la Frontcra, which is to-day the capital, the former city being entirely abandoned.

Cruz, Santa, a settlement of the province and corregimunto of Yauyos in Peru; annexed to the curacy of the settlement of Pacaran in the province of Canete.

Cruz, Santa, another, a conversion of Indians of the missions which were held by tlie regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province and government of Mainas of the kingdom of Quito.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and government of Cumaná in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, between the cities of Cumanagoto and Cariaco.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and government of Popayan ; situate to the s. of the city of Almaguer, in the limits of the jurisdiction ol Quito.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement and alca’d'ia mayor of Jochimilco in Nueva Espana ; situate in a mountainous and cold country, containing 46 families of Indians, who live by cutting timber and making fuel. It is two leagues to the cU. of its capital.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and corregimiento of Chancay in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Paccho.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement of St. Francisco del Valle, and akaldia mayor of Zultepec, in Nueva Espana. It contains 28 families of Indians, dedicated to the cultivation of the land, and cutting bark from trees. Ten leagues from its head settlement.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Pucquin.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and corregimiento of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pari.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement of Huehuetlan, and alcaldia mayor oi Cuicalian, in Nueva Espana; situate on the middle of a raoun-

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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