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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




(CHICKAMAGES, a part of the Cherokee nation of Indians, known by this name, inhabit five villages on Tennessee river. See CHICCAMOGGA.)

CHICKAMINE, a river of the province and colony of Virginia.

(CHICKASAW Bluff is on the e. bank of the Mississippi, witiiin the territories of the United States, in lat. 35 n. The Spaniards erected here a strong stockaded fort, with cannon, and furnished it with troops, all in the space of 24 hours, in the month of June 1795. It has since been given up, .according to the treaty of 1796.)

(Chickasaw, a creek which falls into the Wabash from the c. a little below Post St. Vincent.)

(Chickasaw, a river which empties into the Mississippi, on the e. side, 104 miles from the mouth of Margot, and 67 s. w. of Mine au Fer. Tlie lands here are of an excellent quality, and covered with a variety of useful timber, canes, &c. This river may be ascended during high floods upwards of SO miles with boats of several tons burden.)

(Chickasaws, a famous nation of Indians, who inhabit the country on the e. side of the Mississippi, on the head branches of the Tombigbee, Mobile, and Yazoo rivers, in the n. zo. corner of the state of Georgia, and n. of the country of the Chactaws. Their country is an extensive plain, tolerably well watered from springs, and of a pretty good soil. They have seven towns, the central one of which is in lat. 34° 23' «• long. 89° 30' w. The number of souls in this nation has been formerly reckoned at 1725, of which 575 were fighting men. There are some Negroes among the Chickasaws, who either were taken captive in war, or ran away from their masters, and sought safety among the Indians. In 1539, Ferdinand de Soto, with 900 men, besides seamen, sailed from Cuba with a design to conquer Florida. He travelled n. to the Chickasaw country, about lat. 35° or 36° ; and three years after died, and was buried on the bank of Mississipi river.)

CHICLAIO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Saña in Peru, in which there is a convent of the religious order of St. Francis.

CHICO, Rio, a settlement and garrison of the province and government of Sonora ; situate on the shore of the river Yaqui.

Chico, a river of the province and government of Panamá in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains to the s. of the istmo, or isthmus, near the settlement of Chepo ; and runs s. ze. and enters the sea in the bay or gulf of Panama.


Chico, another river of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru. It runs to the e. of the jurisdiction of the city ofXuxuy,

Chico, a small island, called Morro, near the coast of the province and government of Santa Marta ; opposite this city, and not far from another island, distinguished by the name of Morro Grande.

CHICOANTEPEC, a settlement of the province and alcaldla mayor of Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHICOLAPA, a settlement of the head settlement, and alcaldla mayor of Coatepec, in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the curacy of its capital. It contains 187 families of Indians, who celebrate every Friday throughout the year a teanguis or fair, at which are sold cattle and other productions of the country. At these times it is a place of general rendezvous for the inhabitants of all the contiguous provinces ; and this fair has, from the great concourse of people usually assembling here, obtained the title of the famous teanguis of S. Vicente de Chicolapa. It is extremely fertile and pleasant, and surrounded by several very small settlements or wards.

CHICOMESUCHIL, a settlement and head settlement of tlie alcaldia mayor of Yxtepexi of the province and bishopric of Oaxaca in Nueva Espana, is of a hot temperature, and contains 300 families of Indians, who exercise themselves in the making scarlet cloths and cotton garments.

CHICOMI, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Tampico in Nueva Espana. It contains 45 families of Indians, and lies 10 leagues to the s. of its capital.

CHICOMOCELO, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Chiapa. in the kingdom of Guatemala ; [having a cave very narrow at the entry, but spacious within, with a stagnant lake, which is, however, clear, and is two fathoms deep towards the banks.]

CHICONAUTA, St. Tomas de, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Ecatepec in Nueva Espana; annexed to the curacy of its capital; from whence it is distant one league to the n. n. e. It contains 160 families of Indians.

CHICONCUAC, S. Miguel de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tezcuco in Nueva Espana. It contains 123 families of Indians, and six of Spaniards. It produces a good proportion of grain, seeds, and cattte, from the fleeces of which they derive great emolument, as also from the coarse stuffs manufactured of the same. It is one league to the n. of its capital.

CHICONCUASO, a settlement of the head

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CHIMALAPA, Santa Maria de a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Tehuantepec in Nueva Espana. It is of a cold temperature, and the whole of its district is covered with very large trees, especially firs fit for ship-building. Twenty-five leagues n.w. of its capital,

CHIAMLHUACAN, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Coatepec in Nueva Espana. It contains a good convent of the religious order of St. Domingo, 300 families of Spaniards, il/wsfees, and Mulattoes, who employ themselves in labour, and in the commerce of seeds and large and small cattle, which are bred in the estates contiguous ; but the latter in no great degree, owing to the scarcity of water and pasture which prevails here.

Same name, another settlement and head settlement of the district in the alcaldia mayor of Chaleo, of the same kingdom. It contains 166 families of Indians, and a convent of the religious order of St. Domingo. Five leagues n. of its capital.

CHIMALTENANGO, a province and corregimiento of the kingdom of Guatemala ; situate in the valley of this capital. It is very pleasant and fertile, and peopled with Indians.

CHIMALTEPEC, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana. It contains 29 families of Indians, and is two leagues from the real of the mines of Cairo.

Same name, another small settlement of the head settlement of Malcatepec, and alcaldia mayor of Nexapa, very near its head settlement.

CHIMAN, a settlement of the province and government of Darien, in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate near the coast of the S. sea, and on the shore of the river of its name, having a small port, which is garrisoned by a detachment from Panama, for the purpose of restraining the invasions which are continually made by the Indians.

Same name, a river of this province, and government, which rises in the mountains on the s. coast, and runs into the sea opposite the island of Narranjal,

CHIMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile. It has the celebrated talc gold-mine which was discovered 36 years ago by a fisherman, who pulling up a plant of large and prickly leaves, called cordon, or fuller’s thistle, for the purpose of fuel for his fire, observed that particles of gold dropped from its roots; and having more narrowly inspected it, found pieces amidst the mould of considerable size and of very fine quality. Thus


a mine became established here, and when it was first dug it yielded from 300 to 500 dollars each caxon.

Same name, another settlement of the province and corregimienio of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Andajes.

CHIMBACALLE a settlement of the kingdom of Quito, in the corregimienio of the district of Las Cinco Leguasde la Capital, (ofthe Five Leagues from the Capital), of which this is looked upon as a suburb from its proximity.

CHIMBARONGO, a river of the kingdom of Chile. It rises in the mountains of its cordillera^ and unites itself with that of Tinguiragua to enter the Napel. This river waters and fertilizes some very pleasant and delightful valleys, abounding in pastures, whereon breed and fatten an infinite number of cattle. On its shores are two convents, one ofthe religious order of Nuestra Senora de la Merced, for the instruction of the Indians in the Christian faith ; and another a house for novices, which belonged to the regulars of the society of Jesuits ; and also within a league’s distance from the latter, is a convent of the order of St. Domingo.

Same name, a settlement of the province and corregimienio of Colchagua in the same kingdom ; situate in the Former valley, between the rivers Tinguiririca and Teno. There is also another small settlement annexed, with a chapel of ease. In its district is a convent of the religious order of La Merced.

[CHIMBO, a jurisdiction in the province of Zinto in South America, in the torrid zone. The capital is also called by the same name.]

CHIMBO Y ALAUSI, a province and corregimiento of the kingdom of Quito ; bounded n. oy the serrania of the asiento of Ambato ; s, by the government and jurisdiction of Guayaquil ; e. by the district of the point of Santa Elena of this government; and ro. by the province of Riobamba. Its district is barren and poor, and the country being mountainous, the inhabitants have no resource for getting their livelihood other than by acting as carriers between the provinces of Riobamba and Tacunga on the one hand, and the warehouses of Babahoyo on the other, where also are the royal magazines ; and thus they bring back goods from the provinces of Peru, having for this traffic a number of requas, or droves of mules, amounting in the whole to 1500 head. This commerce can only be carried on in the summer, the roads being impassable in the winter through the mountains, when they say that these are shut up : at the same season the rivers become swollen to such a degree

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4S0 C O A


Santiaijo de la Monclava, and the other settlements arc as follows :

J>an Buenaventura, Catano,

Villa del Saltillo,

Las Juntas,

La Hacienda del Alamo, Los Ranchos,

San Pedro de Boca Leo-

San Francisco Aguayo,

San Miguel,

El Presidio del Sacramento,

San Juan Bautista de

Rio Grande,


San Francisco de Bizar. nes,

ron, Monte Rey.

Nra. Sra. de la Victoria,

COAHUITLAN, Santiago de, a settlement of the head settlement of Amuzgos, alcaldia ynayoT of Xicayan, of Nueva Espana. It is composed of 10 families of Indians, who are busied in cultivating cochineal, cotton, and hainilla. Twenty -two leagues to the w. of its head settlement.

COAI, a small river of the province and government of Paraguay. It runs e. and enters the Parana close to the settlement of the mission of St. Thomas.

COAILLO, a settlement of the province and 4torreeimiento of Cañete in Peru.

COAJUSCO, San Francisco de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zultepec in Nueva Espana. It contains S6 families of Indians, and is three leagues to the s. of its capital.

COALAQUE, a settlement of the province and torregimiento of Moquehua in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Puguina.

COANDA, a province uncultivated and little known, s. t of that of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito. It is full of forests, rivers, lakes, and pools ; the climate is hot, moist, and unhealthy.

COAPA, a settlement of the head settlement of San Luis, of the coast and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espafia. It is of a hot temperature, and contains 86 families of Indians.

Same name, another settlement in the alcaldia mayor of Comitlan, of the kingdom of Guatemala.

COAPAN, San Pablo de, a settlement of the head settlement of Tlacolula, and alcaldia mayor of Xalapa, in Nueva Espana. It is very close on the s. w. side of its head settlement.

COAPETENGO, San Martin de, a settlement of the head settlement of Zitepec, and alcaldia mayor of Tenango del Valle, in Nueva Espana. It belonged formerly to the jurisdiction of Tancuba, and was united to this of Tenango, on account of being closer to it than to its former jurisdiction. It contains 35 families of Indians.

COAPILLA, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.

COARI, a large river of the kingdom of Peru, the head and course of which are unknown, save that it runs through countries belonging to the infidel Indians till it enters the Maranon : according to the map of Don Juan de la Cruz, it has its source from the large ri vers of Cuchivara or Purus, and of Tefe. It runs $. e. then «. and then turning to a s. e. course, enters with a large body of water into the Maranon, through the territory of the Zurinas Indians.

Same name, a settlement of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions. It is upon the shore of the Maranon, and at the mouth of the fornn;er river.

COATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucarcolla. in Peru. In its vicinity are three eminences of 20 yards in height, and wrought by the hand ; there being a tradition amongst the Indians, that in one of them is inclosed a certain great treasure taken at the time that the Incas conquered this country : in its church is venerated an image of Nuestra Senora de la Presentacion, which is a subject of devotion to all the faithful of the neighbouring provinces. It is situate on the bank of the great lake Titicaca.

COATE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Combaya.

COATEPEC, San Geeonimo de, a head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Xalapa in Nueva Espana. Its district is eight leagues in length, and its own situation is very pleasant, and its productions are many, such as maize, French beans, and tobacco, the latter being its chief article of commerce. Its inhabitants are composed of 12 families of Spaniards, 214 of Mustees and Mulattoes, and 138 of Indians ; of the latter, some employ themselves as drovers, and others in fattening pigs for the supply of Vera Cruz ; land being very deficient, and the Avhole of the territory allotted to them not exceeding 600 yards. Two leagues s.e. of Xalcomulco.

COATEPEC, another settlement, in the head settlement of Teutalpan, and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan, in the same kingdom. It contains 120 families of Indians, and is three leagues from its head settlement.

Same name, another (settlement), which is the head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Zaqualpa in the same kingdom. It contains 150 families of Indians.

Same name, another (settlement), with the dedicatory title of San Francisco, of the head settlement of Esca

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teopan, and alcaldia mayor of Zaqualpa. 11 contains 204 families of Indians.

CAOTEPEC, Santa Maria, another (settlement), with the dedicatory title of Santa Maria, of the alcaldia mayor of Tacuba. It is very poor and much reduced.

Same name, another (settlement), the capital of the alcaldia mayor of the same kingdom ; the jurisdiction of which comprehends three head settlements of the district. It is of a moderate temperature, abounding in seeds and grain, which are cultivated in many estates of its territoiy ; and in these some cattle also are bred. It contains 340 families of Indians, 15 of Spaniards, and Mulattoes, with a good convent of monks of St. Domingo. Nine leagues to the no. of Mexico.

Same name , another (settlement), of the head settlement of Amatepec, and alcaldia mayor of Zultepec, in the same kingdom. It contains 20 families of Indians, who maintain themselves by breeding large cattle, and in sow ing some fruits and maize. Four leagues to the n. of its head settlement.

COATEPEQUE, S. Paulo de, a settlement of the head settlement of Zitaquaro, of the alcaldia mayor of Maravatio, in the bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains 179 families of Indians, and is one eighth of a league’s distance from its head settlement towards the s.

COATETELCO, S. Juan de, a settlement of the head settlement of Mazatepec, and alcaldia of Cuernavaca, in Nueva Espafia ; situate in a valley of a hot temperature. It contains 94 families of Mexican Indians, who pride themselves on their nobility, and suffer no other people to come and dwell among them. Here is a lake formed by the winter rains, in which are caught mojarras^ a fish much esteemed in Mexico.

COATINCHAN, a head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of the Puebla de los Angeles in Nueva Espana. It has, besides the parish church, a convent of monks of St. Francis, 324 families of Indians, and 50 of Spaniards, Mustees^ and Mulattoes, with those of the wards of its vicinity. Two leagues s. e. of its capital.

COATININGA, a river of tlie country of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions. It runs n. n. w. and enters the Madera.

COATLAN, a settlement of the head settlement of Metlatlan, and alcaldia mayor of Papantla, in Nueva Espana. It contains 25 families of Indians, and is little more than three leagues to the s. w. of its head settlement.

COATLAN, San Pablo, another (settlement), with the dedicatory title of San Pablo, the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Miahuatlau in the same kingdom, being of a mild temperature. It con-


tains 532 families of Indians, with those of its immediate wards, all of them employing thennselves in the cultivation of maize and other fruits ofthis region. It lies 12 leagues between the e. and s. of its capital.

Same name, another (settlement), the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Nexapa a in the same kingdom. It has a convent of monks of St. Dcmiingo, and contains 114 families of Indians, employed in the cultivation and sale of grain and

cotton garments.

It lies 12 leagues to the n. of

the capital.

Same name, another (settlement), of the head settlement of Cozcatlan, and alcaldia mayor of Tasco, in the same kingdom. It contains 130 families of Indians, and lies three leagues to thee, of its capital.

Same name, a river of the province and alcaldia mayor of Soconusco in the kingdom of Guatemala, which runs into the S. sea, to the e. ofthe capital.

COATLINCHAN, San Miguel de, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tezcuco in Nueva Espana. It contains 218 families of Indians, including those of its immediate wards, and is one league to the s. of its capital.

COAUCAZINTLA, a settlement of the district and head settlement of Tlacolula, and alcaldia mayor of Xalapa, in Nueva Espana ; situate between three lofty mountains, and in the midst of others with which its territory is covered. It is of a mild temperature, the soil is tortile, but produces only maize and French beans, in which consists the commerce of the inhabitants. These are composed of 44 families of Indians. One league to the n. e. of its head settlement.

COAUTITLAN, the district and alcaldia mayor of Nueva España ; being one of the most fertile and rich territories, however inconsiderable in size, covered with cultivated grounds and estates, which produce quantities of maize, wheat barley, and other grain. It is a grand plainj watered by the river of its name, which traverses it, and runs from s. to n. It has a lake called Zumpango, close to the settlement of Coyotepec which filling itself from the waters of the river* empties itself into the lake Ecatepec. This jurisdiction contains the following settlements :

The capital of the same San Miguel de los Xa«







Santa Barbara,



The capital, which is the residence of the alcaldia mayor., lies in the direct road from Mexico to the interior of the provinces, and upon this account 3 Q

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