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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



CHI 383

in Nueva Espana, is of a mild temperature ; situate in a pleasant and fertile plain, and one which abounds in maize, wheat, and other seeds. It contains S68 families of Indians, 13 of Spaniards, and a convent of the religious order of St. Francis; is one league n. of its capital,

Chiautla, with the addition of La Sal, another settlement, the capital of its jurisdiction, in the same kingdom, thus called from the salt mines found in it formerly, and from which the inhabitants used to derive a great commerce. At present it is in a thorough state of decay, not only as its trade has fallen off in the other provinces ; but as the Indians have applied themselves rather to the cultivation of the soil and the planting of fruits and pulse, from the traffic of which they derive their maintenance. It is inhabited by 650 families of Mexican Indians, and 40 of Spaniards, J\/us~ iees, and Mulattoes. It contains a convent of the religious order of St. Augustin. The jurisdiction is so much reduced that it is not more than five leagues in length and three in width, void of commerce, and has but a small revenue. Its inhabitants, although they are somewhat given to the breeding of small cattle, yet this must hardly be considered with them a branch of commerce, since they have scarcely enough of these wherewith to support theiiiselves. It contains only two other settlements, and these are,

Xicotlan, Huehetlan.

Forty-five leagues s. e. to the s. w. of Mexico.
CHIBACOA, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the shore of a river to the w. of the town of Nirua.

CHIBATA, a settlement of the . province and corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, and the head settlement of the corregimiento of Indies, is of a very cold and fresh temperature, abounding in productions, and particularly in cattle, from the fleeces and hides of which are made quantities of blankets, linen cloths, and other articles for garments. It may contain about 200 Indians, and it is eight leagues to the n. e. of Tunja, lying between this latter place and the settlement of Siachoque.

CHIBAI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Collahuas in Peru.

CHICA, an island of the N. sea, one of the Lucayas ; situate between the islands Siguate and St. Andrew. The English gave it the name of Little.

CHICACHAE, a settlement of the province and government of Louisiana or S. Carolina, in which the English have a fort and establishment to carry

on commerce with the Indians, is situated on the shore of the river Sonlahove.

CHICACHAS, a settlement of Indians of this nation, in the territory thus called, where the English have an establishment or factory for commerce.

CHICAGOU, a port of Canada, on the w. side of the lake Michigan.

Chicagou, a river of the same province and government, which runs s. then ?i. e. and enters the former port.

CHICAHOMINI, a river of the province and colony of Virginia, runs s.e. and turning its course to the s. enters the Thames.

CHICAHUASCO, a settlement of the head settlement of Huipuxtla, and alcaldia mayor of Tepetango, in Nueva Espana, contains 72 families of Indians.

CHICAHUASTEPEC, San Miguel de, a settlement of the head settlement of Zoyaltepec, and alcaldia mayor of Yanguitlan. It contains 48 families of Indians, and is 10 leagues from its head settlement.

CHICAHUAZTLA, San Andres de, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tepozcolula, in the province and bishopric of Oaxaca, in the kingdom of Nueva Espana, is of a cold temperature, inhabited by 332 families of Indians, including those of the settlements or wards of its district, and they maintain themselves by bartering cotton garments for salt on the coast of Xicayan ; 12 leagues s. w. of its capital.

Chicahuaztla, another, a small settlement or ward of the alcaldia mayor of Guachinango in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of that of Tlaola.

CHICAMA, a large, fertile, and beautiful valley of the province and corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It was one of the most populous in the times of the gentilisra of the Indians, owing to its agreeable and benign temperature : is watered by a river of its name, which divides it from that of Chimu. In 1540, the friar Domingo de Santo Tomas founded here a convent of his order, for the instruction of the Indians, which immediately was turned into a priory and a house for noviciates. It is at present, however, fallen into decay, through the ravages of time. This valley is six leagues from the capital, to the n. in the road which leads to the provinces of Quito, Sana, and Piura.

Chicama, a river of this province and corregimiento. It rises in the province of Guamachuco, from two very lofty mountains, called Y ulcaguanca and Yanaguanca, to the n. e . ; and waters and fer-

Last edit about 6 years ago by kmr3934
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corregimiento of Huamanga in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Anco.

CHUNIANIS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the lands of Magellan, in the vicinity of the straits of Magellan. It is a tribe descended from the Huyellanes. They are numerous and ferocious ; the men and women go entirely naked ; their arms are bows and arrows, the latter being pointed with well-filed flints ; they are robust, of great strength, and fine appearance. Some travellers pretend that these are the fabulous giants of whom so many have written.

CHUPA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Asangaro in Peru.

Same name, a very lofty mountain of the province and government of Veragua in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, to the s. of the capital, midway betw'cen the coasts of the two seas.

CHUPACHOS, a river of Peru, which flows down from the mountains of the Andes. It rises from the lake Patancocho, in lat. 10° 4P s . ; washes the country of the Chupachos Indians, from whence it takes its name, and finishes its course by emptying itself into the Mollobamba, on the®, side, in lat. 7° 21' s.

CHUPAN, a settlement of the province and corregbniento of Huamalies in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Banos.

CHUPANA, a river of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito. It rises iu the cordillera of the Andes, to the n. of the city of Guanuco in Peru, and after collecting the waters of several other rivers in its protracted course, enters the river Maranon in a very broad stream.

CHUPAS, an extensive valley or plain of the province and corregimiento of Huamanga in Peru, near to the city. It is celebrated for the battle which was fought here by the Licentiate Baca de Castro, of the royal council of Castille, governor of Peru, on the 16th September 1542, against the army of the rebels commanded by Diego de Almagro the younger, and son of the conqueror of the same name, when the latter was routed and taken prisoner with the loss of more than 700 men.

Same name, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canta in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Pari.

CHUPE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cicasica in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Y anacache.

CHUQUI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Calca and Lares in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of of Lares.


Same name, settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Yamparaes, not far from the town of Potosi.


CHUQUIBAMBA, a settlement and capital of the province and corregimiento of Condesuyos de Arequipa in Peru. It is of a cold and unpleasant temperature, and lies four leagues from Camana.

Same name, another settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Cochabamba in Peru.

Same name, another settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Chachapoyas, of the same kingdom.

CHUQUICARA, a river of the province and corregimiento of Guamachuco. It rises in the same province, and enters the river Santa, changing its own name to this, immediately that it touche* the boundary of this jurisdiction, which it divide* from those of Truxillo and Guamachuco.

CHUQUICHAMBI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Charangas, archbishopric of Charcas in Peru.

CHUQUICOTA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carangas, and the archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru.

CHUQUILLA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lipas, and archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of San Christoval.

CHUQUl-MAGU, a river of Peru. It rises in the mountains of Jaen de Bracamoros, of the kingdom of Quito, and after laving the territory of the corregimiento ofPiura, enters the S. sea.

CHUQUINGA, a settlement close to that of Nasca, and nearly upon the shore of the river Amancay, where there is a narrow pass, through which two men cannot without great difficulty go abreast ; for on one side rises the mountain nearly perpendicular, and on the other is a precipice which runs into the river ; this is the spot where a signal victory was obtained by the rebel Francisco Hernandez Giron, in 1554, against the Brigadier Alonzo de Alvarado, both of them leaders of factions, maintaining the separate interests enkindled in the civil wars of Peru.

Same name, another settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Aymaraez, also in Peru.

CHUQUIRIBAMBA, a large settlement of Indians, of the province and corregimiento of Loxa in the kingdom of Quito ; on the shore of a small river which enters the Catamayu, on which account some maintain that it is the origin of the latter. It is surrounded by a beautiful and fertile

Last edit over 5 years ago by Werner



tifni appearance. A mountain similar to this is found in the marshes of Maule.]

Copiapo, a river Avhich rises in the cordillera. It runs two leagues to the w. passes near the settlement of its name, and empties itself into the S. sea, serving as a port for vessels.

Morro de Copiapo, a mountain, called Morro de Copiapo, in the coast, at the side of the port of its name.

COPILA, a small settlement or ward of the alcaldia mayor of Guachinango in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the curacy of Naupan.

COPORAQUE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canes and Canches or Tinta in Peru.

COPORAQUE, another, in the province and corregimiento of Collahuas of the same kingdom.

COPORAQUE, another. See Vilcomayo.

(COPPER Mine, a large river of New Britain, reckoned to be the most n. in N. America. Taking a n. course, it falls into the sea in lat, 19P n. and about long. 119° a;, from Greenwich. The accounts brought by the Indians of this river to the Rritish ports in Hudson bay, and the specimens of copper produced by them, induced Mr. Hearne to set out from fort Prince of Wales, in December 1770, on a journey of discovery. He reached the river on the 14th July, at 40 miles distance from the sea, and found it all the way encumbered with shoals and falls, and emptying itself into it over a dry flat of the shore, the tide being then out, which seemed by the edges of the ice to rise about 12 or 14 feet. This rise, on account of the falls, will carry it but a very small way within the river’s mouth ; so that the water in it has not the least brackish taste, Mr. Hearne had the most extensive view of the sea, which bore n. w. by w. and n. e. when he was about eight miles up the river. The sea at the river’s mouth was full of islands and shoals ; but the ice was only thawed away about three-fourths of a mile from the shore, on the 17th of July. The Esquimaux had a quantity of whale-bone and seal-skins at their tents on the shore.)

COPTA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Aricá in Peru.

COPTOS, silver mines of the province and corregimiento of Guamachuco in Peru ; they are most abundant, and have yielded immense wealth.

COPUENO, a settlement of the province and government of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom of Quito.

COQUEROSO, a settlement of the province and captainship of Sergipe in Brazil ; situate on the shore of the river Cirti.

COQUE-UIELLE, a shoal of the n. coast of the island of St. Domingo, in the French possessions, between the point Roche-a-Picoler and the river Grande.

COQUIBACOA, Cabo de, a point of land which runs into the sea, on the coast of the province and government of Venezuela, distinct from that of Chichibacoa. ‘

COQUIMBO, a province and corregimiento of the kingdom of Chile ; bounded e. by the province of Tucuman, of the kingdom of Peru, tho cordillera running between ; s. by the province of Quillota; and w. by the Pacific ocean. It is 80 leagues in length s. and 40 in width e, w. Its temperature is very benign ; and on account of its not raining much in the sierra,, through the low situation of this part of the province, the snow and frost is not so common here, nor does it stay upon the ground so long as it does upon the parts which lie s. of Santiago. For the same reason the rivers are few, and th# largest of them are those of Los Santos or Limari, and that which passes through its capital. Many huanmos and vicunas breed here. The territory is for the most part broken and uneven, and produces, although not in abundance, the same fruits as in the whole kingdom, such as grain, wine, and oil of excel* lent quality. It has many gold mines, likewise some of silver, copper, lead, sulphur, white lime, and salt ; but the most abundant of all are those of copper; large quantities of this metal having been sent to Spain for founding artillery, and indeed from the same source has been made all the artillery in this kingdom. This metal is found of two sorts, one which is called campanal, and is only fit for founding, and the other, which has a mixture of gold, and is called de labrar,, or working metal, and which is known only in this province. Here also they make large quantities of rigging for ships. Its inhabitants may amount to 15,000. [In this province is found tlie quisco tree, with thorns of eight inches long ; the same being used by the natives for knitting needles. It is noted for producing the best oysters, and for a resin which is yielded from the herb chilca. See Chieb.] The capital bears the same name, or that of La Serena. This was the second settlement of the kingdom, and founded by the order of Pedro de Valdivia, by Captain Juan Bohon, in 1543, in the valley of Cuquimpi, which gave it its name, and which, being corrupted, is now called Coquimbo, and El Segundo de la Serena, in memory of the country of Valdivia in Estremadura. It lies at a quarter of a league’s distance from the sea, and is situate

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