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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


vernment of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito. It runs from 7i. to s, and enters tlie Chinchipe on the n. side, somewhat lower than where this latter is entered by the Naraballe, and near a small settlement of Indians.

CHERNAL, a port of the coast of the kingdom of Chile, in the district of the province and ccrregimiet7tn of Copiapó. Lat. 27° 27'.

CHEROKEE, a settlement of North Carolina, where there is a fort built by the English on the shore of the river of its name, and at the mouth of the Agiqua.

Cherokee, a large river of the above colony and province, called also Hogohegee and Callamaco. It rises in the county of Augusta, and takes its name from a numerous nation of Indians ; runs V). for many leagues, forming a curve, and enters the Ohio near the fourches of the Mississippi. Near to this river are some very large and fertile plains ; and according to the account rendered by the Indians, there are, at the distance of 40 leagues from the Chicazas nation, four islands, called Tahogale, Kakick, Cochali, and Tali, inhabited by as many other different nations of Indians. (Cherokee was the ancient name of Tennessee river. The name of Tennessee was formerly confined to the fourteenth branch, which empties 15 mites above the mouth of Clinch river, and 18 below Knoxville.)

Cherokee, the country of the Indians of the nation of this name in North Carolina. It stands w. as far as the Mississippi, and w. as far as the confines of the Six Nations. It was ceded to the English by the treaty of Westminster, in 1729. (This celebrated Indian nation is now on the decline. They reside in the n. parts of Georgia, and the s. parts of the state of Tennessee ; having the Apalachian or Cherokee mountains on the e. which separate them from North and South Carolina, and Tennessee river on the n. and w. and the Creek Indians on the s. The present line between them and the state of Tennessee is not yet settled. A line of experiment was drawn, in 1792, from Clinch river across Holston to Chilhove mountain ; but the Cherokee commissioners not appearing, it is called a line of experiment. The complexion of the Cherokees is brighter than that of the neighbouring Indians. They are robust and well made, and taller than many of their neighbours ; being generally six feet high, a few are more, and some less. Their women are tall, slender, and delicate. The talents and morals of the Cherokees are held in great esteem. They were formerly a powerful nation ; but by continual wars, in which it has been their destiny lo be engaged with the n. Indian tribes, and with the whites, they are now reduced to about 1500 warriors ; and they are becoming weak and pusillanimous. Some writers estimate their numbers at 2500 warriors. They have 43 towns now inhabited.)

Cherokee, a settlement of Indians of this nation, in the same country as that in which the English had a fort and establishment, at the source of the river Caillon ; which spot is at present abandoned.

CHERREPE, a port of the coast of Peru, and of the S. sea, in the province and corregimienlo of Saña, is open, unprotected, and shallow ; and consequently frequented only by vessels driven to it through stress, and for the sake of convenience. It is in lat. 7° 70' s.

CHERRITON, a port of the coast of the province and colony of Maryland, within the bay of Chesapeak, behind cape Charles.

(CHERRY Valley, a post-town in Otsego county, New York, at the head of the creek of the same name, about 12 miles >/. e. of Coopersfown, and 18 s. of Canajohary, 61 w. of Albany, and 336 from Philadelphia. It contains about 30 houses, and a Presbyterian church. There is an academy here, which contained, in 1796, 50 or 60 scholars. It is a spacious buildit)g, 60 feet by 40. The township is very large, and lies along the e. side of Otsego lake, and its outlet to Adiqnatangie creek. By the state census of 1796, it appears that 629 of its inhabitants are electors. This settlement sutlered severely from the Indians in the late war.)

(CHESAPEAK is one of the largest and safest bays in the United States. Its entrance is nearly e. n. e. and s. s. between cape Charles, lat. 37° 13' and cape Henry, lat. 37°, in Virginia, 12 miles wide, and it extends 70 miles to the ??. dividing Virginia and Maryland. It is from 7 to IS miles broad, and generally as much as 9 fathoms deep ; affording many commodious harbours, and a sale and easy navigation. It has many fertile islands, and these are generally along the c. side of the bay, except a few solitary ones near the xo. shore. A number of navigable rivers and other streams empty into if, the chief of which are Susquehannab, Fatapsco, Patuxent, Pofowmack, Rappahannock, and A^ork, which are all large and navigable. Chesapeak bay'- afibrds many excellent fisheries of herring and shad. There are also excellent crabs and oysters. It is the resort of swans, but is more particularly remarkable for a species of wild duck, called camashac/c, whose flesh is entirely free from any fishy taste, and is admired by epicures for its richness and delicacy. In a coinnierciul point of view, this bay is of im--

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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