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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





(CHEGOMEGAN, a point of land about 60 miles in length, on the s. side of lake Superior. About 100 miles w. of this cape, a considerable river falls into the lake ; upon its banks abundance of virgin copper is found.)

CHEGONOIS, a small river of the same province and colony as the former. It runs s. w, and enters the Basin des Mines.

CHEGUEHUE, a river of the province of Sucumbios in the kingdom of Quito. It runs s. w. and enters the Aguarico, in lat. 6' n.

CHEGUIQUILLA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile ; situate to the s. of the town of Copiapo.

CHEJANI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carabaya in Peru ; annexed to tlie curacy of Para.

CHEKOUTIMI, a settlement of Indians of Canada, in the country of the nation of its name, on the shore of the river Saguenay.

CHELEL, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Luya and Chillaos in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Cheto.

(CHELMSFORD, a township in Middlesex county, Massachusetts ; situated on the s. side of Merrimack river, 26 miles n. w. from Boston, and contains 1144 inhabitants. There is an ingeniously constructed bridge over the river at Pawtucket falls, which connects this town with Dracut. The route of the Middlesex canal, designed to connect the waters of Merrimack with those of Boston harbour, will be s. through the e. part of Chelmsford.)

CHELQUE, a settlement of Indians of the district of Guadalabquen in the kingdom of Chile; situate on the shore of the river Valdivia.

(CHELSEA, called by the ancient natives Winnisimet, a town in Suffolk county, Massachusetts, containing 472 inhabitants. Before its incorporation, in 1738, it was award of the town of Boston, It is situated n. e. of the metropolis, and separated from it by the ferry across the harbour, called Winnisimet.)

(Chelsea, a township in Orange county, Vermont, having 239 inhabitants.)

(Chelsea, the name of a parish in the city of Norwich, (Connecticut), called the Landing, situated at the head of the river Thames, 14 miles n. of New London, on a point of land formed by the junction ofShetucket and Norwich, or Little rivers, w hose united waters constitute the Thames. It is a busy, commercial, thriving, romantic, and agreeable place, of about 150 houses, ascending

one above another in tiers, on artificial foundations, on the 5. point of a high rocky hill,)

Chelsea, a settlement of the English in the province and colony of Massachusetts, one of the four of New England, on the shore of the port of Boston.

CHEMIN, Croix de la Molle De, a cross in Canada, standing in the middle of the road near the river W abache.

(CHEMUNG, The w. branch of Susquehannah river is sometimes so called. See Tioga River.)

(CHEMUNG is a township in Tioga county, New York. By the state census of 1796, 81 of its inhabitants were electors. It has Newton w. and Oswego e. about 160 miles n. w. fiom New York city, measuring in a straight line. Between this place and Newton, General Sullivan, in his victorious expedition against the Indians in 1779, hada desperate engagement with the Six Nations, whom he defeated. The Indians werestrongly entrenched, and it required the utmost exertions of the American army, with field pieces, to dislodge them ; although the former, including 250 tories, amounted only to 800 men, while the Americans were 5000 in number, ami well appointed in every respect.)

CHENE, a river of Canada, which runs n. w, and enters the river St. Lawrence, opposite the settlement of New Port.

(CHENENGO is a n. branch of Susquehannah river. Many of the military townships are watered by the n. w. branch of this river. The towns of Fayette, Jerico, Greene, Clinton, and Chenengo, in Tioga county, lie between this river and the e. waters of Susquehannah.)

(Chenengo, a post town, and one of the chief in Tioga county, New York. The settled part of the town lies about 40 miles w. e. from Tioga point, between Chenengo river and Susquehannah ; has the town of Jerico on the n. By the state census of 1796, 169 of its inhabitants are electors. It was taken off from Montgomery county, and in 1791 it had only 45 inhabitants. It is 375 miles n. n. w. of Philadelphia.)

(CHENESSEE or GENESSEE River rises in Pennsylvania, near the spot, which is the highest ground in that state, where the eastern most water of Alleghany river, and Pine creek, a water of Susquehannah, and Tioga river, rise. Fifty miles from its source there are falls of 40 feet, and five from its mouth of 75 feet, and a little above that of 96 feet. These falls furnish excellent mill-seats, which arc improved by the inhabitants. After a course of about 100 miles, mostly n, e. by n. it empties into lakeQntario, four

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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