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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]

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at the most, of 360 houses : for having been destroyed by tlie Araucanians, in 1599, it as never sine e been able to reach its former degree of splendour. Jt lies between the river Nuble to the n. and the Itala to the s. in lat. 35° 56' s.

another, a mountain or volcano of the same province and corregimiento (Chillan), at a little distance from the former city. On its skirts are the Indian nations of the Puclches, Pehuenches, and Chiquillanes, who have an outlet by the navigation ot the river Demante.

another, a small river of the same province (Chillan).

CHILLAOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of this name in Peru. It is of a hot temperature, and produces some tobacco and almonds.

CHILLOA, a llanura of the kingdom of Quito, near this capital, between two chains of mountains, one very lofty towards the e. and the other lower towards the s. It is watered by two principal rivers, the Pita and the Amaguana, which at the end of the llanura unite themselves at the foot of the mountain called Guangapolo, in the territory of the settlement of Alangasi, and at the spot called Las Juntas. In this plain lie the settlements of Amaguana, Sangolqui, Alangasi, and Conocoto, all of which are curacies of the jurisdiction of Quito. It is of a mild and pleasant temperature, although sometimes rather cold, from its proximity to the mountains or paramos of Pintac, Antisana, Rurainavi, and Sincholagua. Here was formerly celebrated the cavalgata, by the collegians of the head- college and seminary of San Luis dc Quito, during the vacations. The soil produces abundance of wheat and maize. It is much resorted to by the gentlemen of Quito as a place of recreation, it is eight or nine leagues in length, and six in width.

CHILLOGALLO, a settlement of the kingdomof Quito, in the district of Las Cinco Leguas de su Capital.

[CHILMARK, a township on Martha’s Vineyard island, Duke’s county, Massachusetts, containing 771 inhabitants. It lies 99 miles s. by e. of Boston. See Maktha’s Vineyard.]

CHILOE, a large island of the Archipelago or Ancud of the kingdom of Chile, being one of the 18 provinces or corregimientos which compose it. It is 58 leagues in length, and nine in width at the broadest part ; and varies until it reaches only two leagues across, which is its narrowest part. It is of a cold temperature, being very subject to heavy rains and fresh winds ; notwithstanding '

which its climate is healthy. Around it are four other islands ; and the number of settlements in these are 25, which are,

























Isla Grande.

All of these are mountainous, little cultivatad, and produce only a small proportion of wheat, barley, flax, and papas ^ esteemed the best of any in America ; besides some swine, of which hams are made, which they cure by frost, and are of so delicate a flavour as not only to be highly esteemed here, but in all other parts, both in and out of the kingdom, and are in fact a very large branch of commerce. The principal trade, however, consists in planks of several exquisite woods, the trees of which are so thick, that from each of them ars cut in general 600 planks, of 20 feet in length, and of 1| foot in width. Some of these trees have measured 24 yards in circumference. The natives make various kinds of woollen garments, such as ponchos f quilts, coverlids, baizes, and bor~ dillos. The whole of this province is for the most part poor ; its natives live very frugally, and with little communication with any other part of the world, save with those who are accustomed to come hither in the fleet once a-year. Altliough it has some small settlements on the continent, in Valdivia, yet these are more than 20 or 30 leagues distant from this place, and are inhabited by infidel Indians. These islands abound in delicate shellfish of various kinds, and in a variety of other fish ; in the taking of which the inhabitants are much occupied, and on which they chiefly subsist. This jurisdiction is bounded on the n. by the territory of the ancient city of Osorno, which was destroyed by the Araucanian Indians, by the extensive Archipelagoes of Huayaneco and Huaytecas, and others which reach as far as the straits of Magellan and the Terra del Fuego, e. by the cordilleras and the Patagonian country, and w. by the Pacific or S. sea. On its mountains are found amber, and something resembling gold dust, which is washed up by the rains, although no

Last edit over 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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