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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




DEL PUERTO, a city of the province and government of Antioquia in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; founded by Gaspar de Kodas, on the spot of the Matanza of Valdivia, in 1676. It has changed its place several times, on account of the badness of.its temperature : and, lastly, in the year 1588, it was removed by Francisco Redondo to the spot where it now stands : is one league from the river Cauca, on a very steep declivity, which is also of an unhealthy temperature, although abounding greatly in gold mines, which are, however, but little worked. Jt is the native place of,

Fr. Marcos Vetancur, provincial of St. Domingo in Santa Fe:

Fr. Lorenzo de Figueroa, of the province of San Francisco :

Don Andres de Vetancur, elected bishop of La Concepcion in Chile;

Fr. Diego de Figueroa, provincial of San Augustin in Santa Fe : and

Don Luis de Vetancur, precentor of Quito, inquisitor of Lima, and bishop-elect of Popayan ; all brothers, and men of singular virtue and learning.

CEAPA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Marques in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Pampacucho.

CEBACO, a settlement of the province and alcaldia major of Matagalpa in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CECIL, a county, being one of the ten which compose the colony and province of Maryland.

(Cecil, a township in Washington county, Pennsylvania.)

CECILIA, Dona, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate on the shore of the large river Magdalena, opposite the lake Zapatosa, three leagues from the town of Mompox.

CECONTEPEC, a settlement of the province and alcaldia major of San Salvador in the kingdom of Guatemala.

(CEDAR Point, a port of entry in Charles county, Maryland, on the e. side of Potowmac river, about 12 miles below port Tobacco, and 96 s. by w. of Baltimore. Its exports are chiefly tobacco and Indian corn, and in 1794 amounted in value to 18,593 dollars.)

(Cedar Point, a cape on the w. side of Delaware bay, in St. Mary’s county, Maryland.)

(Cedar Lick, a salt spring in the state of Tennessee, 19 miles from Nashville, four from Big spring, and six from Little spring.)

Cedar, a river of the province and colony of


Pennsylvania, which traverses New Jersey, and enters the sea.

Cedar, another small river of the province and colony of Delaware, which runs e. and enters the sea in the bay of its name.

Cedar, a small island of South Carolina; situate within the strait of Parapticoe.

Cedar, another island of the province and colony of Maryland, between that of Chingoteag and that of Little Matompkin.

CEDAZOS, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zapopan in Nueva España, in which dwell some Maslees, Mulattoes, and Indians, who live by cultivating seeds.

CEDROS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucartambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Challabamba.

Cedros, another settlement in the province and government of Cinaloa ; situate on the shore of the river Mayo, on the confines of the province of Astimuri.

Cedros, a river of New France or Canada. It runs s. e. and enters the lake Erie near the mouth of the strait of Misigagues.

CEGUEHUE, a small river of the province and government of Quijos y Macas in the kingdom of Quito. It enters, a little way from its source, into the Azuela.

CELAYA, a town of the intendancy of Guanaxuato in the kingdom of Nueva Espana. Sumptuous edifices have been recently constructed here, as also at Queretaro and Guanaxuato. The church of the Carmelites of Celaya has a fine appearance ; it is adorned with Corinthian and Ionic columns. Its height is 1833 metres, or 6018 feet.

CELEDIN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru.

CELLACACA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chichas and Tarija in Peru.

CENDRE, a cape or point of land of the coast of Acadia.

CENEGUANGA, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme; situate on the coast near the river Piedras.

CENEGUETAS, a settlement of the province and government of Guayaquil in the kingdom of Quito.

CENGUYO, San Pedro de, a settlement of the head settlement of Yrimbo, and alcaldia mayor of Maravatio, in the bishopric of Mechoacan, and kingdom of Nueva Espaiia. It contains 60 families of Indians, and is two leagues to the n. zo. of its head settlement.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934
Needs Review



constitution left the lower people little more freedom than they would have possessed under the government of the Aztec kings.]

The capital is the city of the same name, founded as far back as the time ofthegentilism of the Mexican empire, when this nation was at enmity with that of Chichimeca ; it was then one of the most populous cities, and contained 30,000 inhabitants and 300 temples, and served as a barrier to Moctezuma, in the attack against the republic of Tlaxclala ; the latter place never having been subjected to the Mexican yoke. This was the city which of all others most thwarted the designs of Hernan Cortes, but the inhabitants were discovered in the conspiracy they had laid against him, when they pretended to receive him with open arrhs and a peaceable and friendly disposition, and were made by him to suffer severely for their hypocrisy ; after which he and his whole army escaped uninjured. This city has many monuments denoting its antiquity ; and although in ancient times idolatry was here carried to its highest pitch, yet the light of the gospel has spread widely around its enlivening rays. It is of a mild and healthy temperature, rather inclined to cold than heat, being situate on a level, fertile, and beautiful plain. It has a good convent of the order of St. Francis, which is also a house of studies. Its inhabitants are composed of 50 families of Spaniards, 458 of Mustees, Mulattoes and Negroes, and 606 of Indians. On a lofty spot which lies close to the entrance, on the c. side of the city, is a handsome chapel, in which is venerated the image of the blessed virgin, which also bears the dedicatory title of Los Rentedios. It is a little more than 20 leagues to the e. of Mexico, and four from Tlaxclala. Long. 98° 14'. Lat. 19° 4'. [Its population is at present estimated at about 16,000 souls.]

CHONE, a settlement which in former times was considerable, but now much impoverished, in the ancient province of Cara, which is at present united to that of Esmeraldas. It lies upon the shore of the river Chones to the n. and is of an hot and moist climate, in lat. 33° s.

CHONES, a large river of the province of Cara in the kingdom of Quito. It runs to the w. and collects the waters of the Sanchez and theTossagua on the n. and on the s. those of the Camaron and the Platanal. At its entrance on the n. stood the city of Cara, of which the vestiges still remain. Where it runs into the sea it forms the bay of Cara, between the s. point of Bellaca and the n. point of laca. Its mouth is nearly two miles and an half wide.

CHONGO, San Miguel de, a settlement of the alcaldíta mayor of Huamelula. It is of a very cold temperature, from its being situate in the vicinity of the sierra Nevada (or Snowy) of the Chontales, which lies on the n. side of it. Its inhabitants amount to 24 families of Indians, who trade in cochineal, seeds, and fruits, of which the country, being naturally luxuriant, produces great quantities. It is watered by rivers which pass at a little distance, and is annexed to the curacy of Tepaltepec of the jurisdiction and alcaldia mayor of Nexapa, from whence it lies 20 leagues. It is-, on account of this great distance, combined with the badness of the roads, that the natives so seldom can avail themselves of any instruction in the holy faith ; dying, as they often do, without the administration of the sacraments. Indeed, there is only one day in the year, which is the 29th of September, and on which the Indians celebrate the festival of their titular saint Michael, when they are visited by their curate, who then hears their confessions and says mass. At this time this settlement has somewhat the appearance of a Catholic people ; but being all the rest of the year left to themselves, it is not to be wondered that many relapse into their pristine state of gentilisra and idolatry. Three leagues w. of its capital.

CHONGON, a settlement of Indians of the province and government of Guayaquil in the kingdom of Quito; situate near a small torrent, renowned for the stones which it washes down, of a certain crystallized matter, which being polished, resemble brilliants, and are used as buttons, rings, and other trinkets.

CHONGOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Xauxa in Peru.

CHONTA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Abancay in Peru.

Other, another settlement in the province and corregimiento of Guamalies of the same kingdom, famous for its mine of quicksilver.

CHONTAI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chorrillo.

CHONTALES, a district of the corregimiento or alcaldia mayor of Matagulpa, in the kingdom of Guatemala and province of Nicaragua. It is but small, and its natives have this name from the Spaniards, who would by it express their natural uncouthness and stupidity.

CHOPADA, a settlement of the Portuguese, in the kingdom of Brazil and country of the Guayazas Indians ; situate on the bank and at the source of the river Tocantines.

CHOPARE, a river of the province and government of Moxos in the kingdom of Quito. It flows

Last edit almost 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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