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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



place on the 12th of January 1809 ; the English in this brave contest having been commanded by Lieutenant-colonel Marques, and Captain Yeo.J Besides the capital tliere are in this island the towns of Armire, inhabited by Jews, as likewise those of Matuiri, Matahuri, Courrou, and Conanama, inhabited by French, Negroes, Mustees, and Mulattoes ; but few by Indians, these living for the most part retired in the mountains and Avoods to the s. These towns were converted to the faith by the society of the Jesuits, who had here established a mission, Avhich afterwards fell to decay.

(The province of Cayenne is bounded on the n. by the Dutch colony of Surinam; w. by tlie woods and mountains inhabited by barbarians, and s. by the country of the Portuguese on the borders of the Maranon.) The principal rivers which water it, and which empty themselves into the Atlantic ocean, are the Cabo, Apurvaca, Cayenne, Vuya, and Barca. Its chief commerce is in sugar, Avhich is manufactured in various mills by the Negroes. (In 1752 the exports of the colony were 260,541 lbs. of arnotto, 80,365 lbs. sugar, 17,919 lbs. cotton, 26,881 lbs. coffee, 91,916 lbs. cacao, beside timber and planks.)

Cayenne, the capital of the above island, is small, well built, and populous. It is at the n. point of the island, at the foot of the castle of San ljuis, and defended by two other redoubts, the one called Courrow, and the other Sinarari, with a handsome, convenient, and large port ; the greater part of the houses, which amount to about 200, are built of wood. Besides the parish called San Salvador, there is a fine one which belonged to the Jesuits, as also an excellent house for the governor. The form of the city is an irregular hexagon, well fortified ; in Lat. 5“ n. Long. 52° 16' w.

Cayenne, a river of the above province, (which rises in the mountains near the lake of Parime, runs through the country of the Galibis, a nation of Caribe Indians, and is 100 leagues long; the island which it environs being 18 leagues in circuit.)

(CAYES, Les, a sea-port town on the s. side of the s. peninsula of the island of St. Domingo, 13 leagues w. by s. of St. Louis. Lat. 18° 12' n.)

CAYETANO, San , a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate on the mountain of the division of Maria ; six leagues to the n. n. e. of the swamp which takes the name of this town. It is one of those new establishments founded in the year 1776 by the Governor Don Juan Pimienia.

Cayetano San, another settlement of the province and government of La Sonora in Nueva España; situate in the country of the Sobaipuris

Indians, on the banks of a river between the settlements of San Louis, and San Francisco Xavier.

Cayetano San, another settlement of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil ; situate on the shore of the Rio Grande.

(CAYLOMA, a jurisdiction under the bishop of Arequipa, 32 leagues e. of that city, in S. America, in Peru, famous for the silver mines in the mountains of the same name, which are very rich, though they have been worked for a long time. The country round it is cold and barren. There is an office here for receiving the king’s fifths and vending quicksilver. See Cailloma.)

(CAYMANS, three small islands, 55 leagues n. n. w. of the island of Jamaica, in the West Indies the most s. of which is called the Great Caymans, which is inhabited by 160 people, who are descendants of the old Buccaniers. It has no harbour for ships of burden, only a tolerable anchoring place on the s. w. The climate and soil are singularly salubrious, and the people are vigorous, and commonly live to a great age. 'I'hey raise all kinds of produce for their own use and to spare. Their chief employment is to pilot vessels to the adjacent islands, and to fish for turtle ; with w hich last they supply Port Royal and other places in great quantities. Great Caymans lies in Lat. 19° 15' n. Long. 81° 33' w.)

(CAYMITE, Grande, an island on the n. side of the s. peninsula of the island of St. Domingo, two leagues long and one broad.)

(CAYUGA, a beautiful lake in Onondaga, county, Ncav York, from 35 to 40 miles long, about two miles wide, in some places three, and abounds with salmon, bass, cat-fish, eels, &c. It lies between Seneca and Owasco lake, and at the n. end empties into Scayace river, which is the 5 . e. part of Seneca river, Avhose waters run to lake Ontario. On each side of the lake is a ferry-house, where good attendance is given. The reservation lands of the Cayuga Indians lie on both sides of the lake, at its n. end.)

CAZAPE, or Cazapa, a settlement of the province and government of Paraguay ; situate to the s. of the town of Espiritu Santo.

(CAZARES, a town of Mexico. See Angelo.)

CAZAUTAS, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquía ; situate in the sierra Morena, on the shore of an arm of the river San Jorge.

(CAZENOVIA, a new and thriving township in Herkemer county, New York, 40 miles w. of Whitestown. By the state census of 1796, 274 of its inhabitants are electors.)

CAZERES, San Augustin de, or San Martin

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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