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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





caldia mayor of Zacattan, in Nueva España, five leagues from its head settlement.

CAXIBARI, a settlement of the province and captainship of Itamaraca in Brazil, situate near the s. side of the town of La Concepcion.

CAXICA, or Busongote, a settlement of the corregimiento of Zipaquira in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, is of a moderately cold temperature, being agreeable and healthy, and producing much wheat, maize, barley, and other productions incidental to a cold climate. Its population amounts to 150 families, and as many families of Indians, who had in it a capital fortress, in which the Zipa or king of Bogota shut himself up in order to defend the entrance into his kingdom against the Spaniards: he was, however, routed and taken by Gonzalo Ximenez de Quesada in 1537. Is five leagues to the n. of Santa Fe.

CAXITITLAN, the alcaldia mayor and district or jurisdiction of the kingdom of Nueva Galicia, and bishopric of Guadalaxara : in its district is a large, fertile valley, abounding in every kind of seed, as maize, wheat, French beans, and various sorts of pulse : is of a mild temperature, and the district of its jurisdiction consists of six settlements : in it is the great lake or sea of Chapala : it is seven leagues s, e. of Guadalaxara. Long. 102° 43'. Lat. 20° 35'.

San Luis, Istahuacan,

Cuyatan, Santa Cruz,

Coscomatitlan, Axixiqui.

CAXITLAN, a settlement of the head settlement of Almololoyan, and alcaldia mayor of Colina, in Nueva España : it contains 30 families of Spaniards, 20 of Mustees, and five of Mulattoes : in its district are various estates of palms of Cocos, (palmasde Qocos)^ and some herds of large cattle : is seven leagues to the w. of its head settlement.

(CAYAHAGA, or Cayuga, sometimes called the Great River, empties in at the s. bank of lake Erie, 40 miles e. of the mouth of Huron ; having an Indian town of the same name on its banks. It is navigable for boats ; and its mouth is wide, and deep enough to receive large sloops from the lake. Near this are the celebrated rocks which project over the lake. They are several miles in lengtl), and rise 40 or 50 feet perpendicular out of the water. Some parts of them consist of several strata of different colours, lying in a horizontal direction, and so exactly parallel, that they resemble the work of art. The view from the land is grand, but the water presents the most magnificent prospect of this sublime work of nature ; it is attended, however, with great danger ; for if the least storm Arises, the force of the surf is such that no vessel

can escape being dashed to pieces against the rocks . Colonel Broadshead suffered shipwreck here in the late war, and lost a number of his men, when a strong wind arose, so that the last canoe narrowly escaped. The heathen Indians, when they pass this impending danger, offer a sacrifice of tobacco to the water. Part of the boundary line between the United States of America and the Indians begins at the mouth of Cayahaga, and run‘< up the same to the portage between that and the Tuscarawa branch of the Muskingum. The Cayuga nation, consisting of 500 Indians, 40 of whom reside in the United States, the rest in Canada, receive of the state of New York an annuity of 2300 dollars, besides 50 dollars granted to one of their chiefs, as a consideration for lands sold by them to the state, and 500 dollars from the United States, agreeably to the treaty of 1794. See Six Nations.)

CAYENNE, a large island of the province and government of Guayana : it is six leagues in length from n. to s. and three quarters of a league in its broadest part. On the n. side it has the sea, on the VO . the river Cayenne, on thee, the Ou>ti, and on the s. an arm which is formed by this and the Orapii. The soil is excellent, fertile, and irrigated by many streams. That part whicli looks to the n. is the most pleasant and healthy ; and in it are many mountains well cultivated and covered with country seats. The part facing the s. is much lower, and abounds in meadows, called salanas, and which arc inundated in the rainy seasons. The point of the island formed by the mouth of the river Cayenne, is called Caperoux, where there is a fortress with a French garrison, and below this a convenient and large port, capable of containing in security 100 ships. The French established themselves in this island in the year 1625, and abandoned it in 1654, when the English entered it, and were routed by Mr. de la Barre, in the year 1664. The Dutch had their revenge in 1676 : but the year following it was recovered by the French, under the command of D’Estrees, on whom the celebrated Jesuit Carlos de la Rue made the following inscription :


Comiti Eslrceo

Vice Ameralio Cayana. Tabaco VI. Captis Batavorum Americana classe deleta

Colonii. excisis.

[The capitulation of Cayenne to the English arms, in conjunction with the Portuguese, took

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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