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Pages That Mention San Gabriel de Casablanca

The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





also De Piedras ; at its top is, according to the account of Don J nan de la Cruz, the Bugio del Gato, which serves as a watch-tower, which others maintain is situate upon the point Canoa, just by its side.

CARUMAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Mosquehua in Peru.

CARUPANO, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, on the sea-shore, at the cape of Tres Puntas i there are in its district 25 small estates of cacao, 35 of sugar-cane, a few of yucas and other fruits ; some of them belonging to its inhabitants, and others to tlie inhabitants of Margareta and Cumana.

CARUPARABAS, a nation of Indians but little known, who inhabit the woods and shores of the rivers which run into the Negro.

(CARVEL OF St. Thomas, a rock between the Virgin isles e. and Porto Rico on the w. at a small distance it appears like a sail, as it is white and lias two points. Between it and St. Thomas, passes Sir Francis Drake’s channel.)

(CARVEL, a township in Plymouth county, Massachussetts. Here is a pond with such plenty of iron ore, that 500 tons have been dragged out of the clear water in a year. They have a furnace upon a stream which runs from the pond ; and the iron made of this ore is better than that made out of bog ore, and some is almost as good as refined iron.)

(Carver’s River, a branch of St. Peter’s river, which empties into the Mississippi. See St. Pierre or Peter’s River.)

CASA, a settlement of the island of Joanes or Marajo, on the coast of Brazil, near the mouth of the great arm of the river Amazonas, on the e. coast.

CASABAMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Andahuailas in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Chincheros.

CASABLANCA, San Gabriel de, a settlement of the head settlement of Teutitlan, and alcaldia mayor of Cuicatlan, in Nueva Espana: it contains 34 families of Indians, who live by the commerce of salt from some saMnes which they have in their district, at about a league’s distance from this settlement ; here are also some crops of maize : it is of a hot temperature, and lies two leagues from its head settlement.

Casablanca, also with the dedicatory title of Santa Barbara, a town of the province and corregimiento of Quillota in the kingdom of Chile, situate on the coast : it formerly belonged to the jurisdiction of Valparaiso, from which it was separated.

CASACACHA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paria in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Condocondo.

(CASACORES, a lake in Paraguay or La Plata in S. America, about 100 miles long.)

CASA-GRANDE, a town of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana ; situate in the country of the Apaches Indians, on the shore of the large river of Gila.

CASAGULA, a snowy mountain or páramo of the province and corregimiento of Amboto in the kingdom of Quito.

CASANARE, a large river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; on the shores of which are various settlements of the missions, which under this name were held at the expence of the regulars of the society of Jesuits, and which are at present under the care of the monks of St. Domingo : it rises in the paramos or mountain-deserts of Chita, of the district of the city of Pamplona, and after running many leagues, divides itself into two branches : the one, named the Uruhi, enters the Meta ; and the other, named the Sirapuco, enters the Orinoco, first receiving those of Purare and Tacoragua. To the w. of this river are the reducciones of the Pantos Indians, and to the n. those of the Pautes ; to the e. and upon a plain, is the river San Salvador, aftbrding an handy port for communication with the Meta and the Orinoco : it is afterwards entered by the river Tame, which pours into it in a large stream from the same sierras, and has upon its banks the two numerous nations, the reducciones of the Giraras and Botoyes Indians.

Casanare, some very extensive llanuras or plains which lie between the rivers Orinoco, Sinaruca, and Meta.

Casanare, a settlement of Indians, of the reducciones which were made by the regulars of the society of Jesuits, in the same province and government as the former river : it consists of the Achaguas Indians, being situate on the shore of that river, with a good and well-frequented port : it is fertile^ and abounds in maize, yucas, and above all in cattle : its natives, who are very numerous, employ themselves in making little trunks of cane neatly painted of various colours, and mats and sieves^ which they call manares : here are also some white inhabitants, and the reduccion is now under the care of the religion of St. Domingo.

CASANAY, a settlement of the province and government of Cumana in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, situate near the coast and the city of Cariaco.

CASAPA, a settlement of the missions which

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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