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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


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close to those of Perlas and Mosquitos ; they are three in number, small and desert.

CARNERO, Punta del, a point on the coast of the S. sea, and of the province and government of Guayaquil ; one of the two which form the great bay of Tumbez. It is close to the point of Santa Elena.

Carnero, Punta del, another, on the coast of the kingdom of Chile ; it is very low, extending itself with a gentle slope towards the sea. The e. winds are prevalent here, rendering it dangerous to be passed.

Carnero, Punta del, another point of land on the coast of the same kingdom.

Carnero, Punta del, a port of the coast of the kingdom of Chile, between tlie mouth of the river Lebo and the point of Rumena.

(CARNESVILLE, the chief town of Franklin county, Georgia, 100 miles n. w. of Augusta. It contains a court-house, and about 20 dwellinghouses.)

CAROLINA, a province of N. America, and part of that extensive country anciently called Florida, bounded n. by Virginia, s. by the true Florida, w. by Louisiana, and e. by the Atlantic. It is divided into N. and S. Carolina. Its extent is 135 leagues in length, nearly from s. w. to n. e. and 75 in width from e. to w. from 30® to 36° 30' of lat. It was discovered by Juan Ponce de Leon in 1512, though it was not settled by the Spaniards then, but abandoned until the reign of Charles IX. king of France, when the French established themselves in it, under the command of admiral Chatilon, protector of the Protestants. He founded a colony and a fort called Charles fort, and gave the name of Carolina to the country, in lionour to his monarch. This establishment, however, lasted but a short time, for it was destroyed by the Spaniards, who put to the sword the new colonists, and went away under the impression that they had now left the country in a perfectly abandoned state. But the English, at this time, were maintaining a footing here, under the command of Sir Walter Raleigh, though they were not under any formal establishment until the reign of Charles II. in 1663, when the country was granted as a property to the following nobility, viz. the Count of Clarendon, Duke of Albemarle, Count of Craven, John Berkley, John Ashley, afterwards Count of Shaftsbury, George Carteret, John Colleton, and William Berkley; by these it was divided into as many counties, and by them names were given to the rivers, settlements, &c. Their privilege of proprietorship and


jurisdiction extended from lat. 31° to 36° «. and they had an absolute authority to form establishments and governments, according to the laws and statutes laid down by that famous and renowned philosopher John Locke ; accordingly the government partook largely of the despotic, and the rulers had the power of acknowledging or renouncing laws, of conferring titles, employments, promotions, and dignities, according to their own caprice. They divided the population into three classes: The first was composed of those entitled the Barons, and to these were given 120,000 acres of land; the second were two lordships, with the title of Counts, to whom were given 240,000 acres ; and the third, who were called Landgraves, a title corresponding to Dukes, had a portion of 480,000 acres. This last body formed the high councilchamber, and the lower was composed of the representatives of the counties and cities, both of these together forming the parliament, this being the real title, and not assembly, as in the other colonies. The first establishment was the city of Charlestown, between two navigable rivers called Ashley and Cowper ; the same offered an asylum to the Europeans, who on account of religious disturbances fled from Europe, and who having suffered great distresses there, had afterwards to encounter a very unfriendly reception from the Indians. Such was the state of affairs until 1728, when this city was taken under the protection of the English crown ; a corresponding recompence having been paid to the lords, the proprietors, who yielding it up, thus made a virtue of necessity ; the Count Grenville, however, persisted in keeping his eighth share. From that time it was divided into two parts, called North and South. The climate differs but little from that of Virginia, although the heat in the summer is rather more powerful here ; the winter, however, is shorter and milder ; the temperature is serene and the air healthy ; tempests and thunder storms are frequent, and this is the only part of this continent wherein have been experienced hurricanes; although they are but rare here, and never so violent as in the islands. The half of March, the whole of April, May, and the greater part of June, the season is mild and agreable ; in July, August, and nearly all September, the heat is intense ; but the winter is so mild, especially when the wind prevails, that the water is seldom frozen. It is extremely fertile, and abounds in wheat, barley, rice, and all kinds of pulse, flowers, and fruits of an exquisite flavour; and the soil, which is uncultivated, is covered with all kinds of trees. The principal

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Same name, another (settlement), of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the shore of a river to the n, n. w. of the city of Nirua.

Same name, another (settlement), of the province and government of Yucatan ; situate on the coast between the settlements of Silan and Sisal.

Same name, another (settlement), of the missions belonging to the religious of St. Francis, in the kingdom of Nuevo Mexico.

Same name, another (settlement), of the island of Cuba ; situate on the n. coast.

[CLARE, a township on St. Mary’s bay, in Annapolis county, Nova Scotia. It has about 50 families, and is composed of woodland and salt marsh.]

CLARE, a small island of the South sea, close to the port of Guayaquil. It is desert, and two leagues in length. It is commonly called Amorta~ jado, since, being looked upon from any part, it bears the resemblance to a dead man. Twentyfive leagues from Cape Blanco.

[Clare, a very lofty mountain of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espaila, near the coast of the gulf of California, and in the most interior part. It was discovered in 1698.]

Same name, a small lake of New France, which is formed by the strait of Misisagues, between lake Huron and that of Erie.

Same name, a bay on the coast of the country and land of Labrador, in the strait of Belle-isle.

[CLAREMONT, a township in Cheshire county, New Hampshire, on the e. side of Connecticut river, opposite Ascutney mountain, in Vermont, and on the n. side of Sugar river ; 24; miles i. of Dartmouth college, and 121 s.w. hy w. of Portsmouth. It was incorporated in 1764, and contains 1435 inhabitants.]

[Claremont County, in Camden district, S. Carolina, contains 2479 white inhabitants, and 2110 slaves. Statesburg is the county town.]

CLARENDON, a county of South Carolina, [the southernmost in Camden district, about SO miles long and SO broad, and in 1792 contained 1790 whites and 602 slaves.]

Same name, a settlement of the island of Jamaica ; situate on the s. coast.

[Clarendon, a township near the centre of Rutland county, Vermont, watered by Otter creek and its tributary streams; 14 or 15 miles e. of Fairbaven, and 44 «. e. of Bennington. It contains 1478 inhabitants. On the s. e. side of a mountain in the w. part of Clarendon, or in the edge of Tinmouth, is a curious cave, the mouth of which is not more than two feet and a half in diameter ; in its descent the passage makes an angle with the horizon of 35° or 40°; but continues of nearly the same diameter through its whole length, which is 31^ feet. At that distance from the mouth, it opens into a spacious room, 20 feet long, 12| wide, and 18 or 20 feet high ; every part of the floor, sides, and roof of this room appear to be a solid rock, but very rough and uneven. The water is continually percolating through the top, and has formed stalactites of various forms ; many of which are conical, and some have the appearance of massive columns ; from this room there is a communication by a narrow passage to others equally curious.]

CLARINES, a settlement of the province of Barcelona, and government of Cumana, in the kingdom of Tierra Firme; lying to the e. of the city of Barcelona, and on the shore of the river Unare.

CLARKE, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district of the parish of St. Joseph, and on the e. coast.

Same name, another (settlement), of the same island (Barbadoes), on the 5 .. coast.

[Clarke, a new county of Kentucky, between the head waters of Kentucky and Licking riversIts chief town is Winchester.]

[CLARKSBURG, the chief town of Harrison county, Virginia. It contains about 40 houses, a court-house, and gaol ; and stands on the e. side of Monongahela river, 40 miles s. w. of Morgantown.]

[CLARKSTOWN, in Orange county. New York, lies on the w. side of the Tappan sea, two miles distant, n. from Tappan township six miles, and from New York city 29 miles. By the state census of 1796, 224 of its inhabitants are electors.]

[CLARKSVILLE, the chief town of what was till lately called Tennessee county, in the state of Tennessee, is pleasantly situated on the e. bank of Cumberland river, and at the mouth of Red river, opposite the mouth of Muddy creek. It contains about SO houses, a court-house, and gaol, 45, miles w. w. of Nashville, 220 n. w. by w. of Knoxville, and 940 zso. by s. of Philadelphia. Lat. 36° 25' n. Long. 87° 23' a).]

[Clarksville, a small settlement in the n, w. territory, which contained in 1791 about 60 souks. It is situate on the n. bank of the Ohio, opposite Louisville, a mile below the rapids, and 100 miles s. e. of post Vincent. It is frequently flooded when the river is high, and inhabited by people who cannot at present find a better situation.]

CLARO, a river of the district of Rexe in the

Last edit almost 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson




tirely unknown to tiiis. Its inlmbitants lead a regular life ; they give without cxjicctation of indemnification, and are governed l!)roughoiit the ■whole tribe by the sounding of a bell. In short, they might serve as a model for all the other settlements of Indians in the kingdom.

COLLANA, another settlement of the same province and corregimicnto ; annexed to the curacy of Mecacapaca.

COLLANES, a chain of very lofty mountains, almost continually covered with snow, in the province and corre"imiento of Riobamba in the kingdom of Quito, to the s. of the river Pastaza, and of the mountain runguragua. They take their name from the nation of barbarous Indians who live scattered in the woods of these mountains, which run from w. to e. forming a semicircle of 20 leagues. The mountain which out-tops the rest, they call the Altar.

COLLANI, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of the Jesuits in Nuevo Mexico.

COLLATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Santa Olaya.

COLLAY. See Pataz.

COLLETON, a county of the province of Carolina in N. America ; situate n. of the county of Grenville, and watered by the river Stone, which unites itself with an arm of the Wadrnoolan. That part which looks to the n, e. is peopled with establishments of Indians, and forms, with the other part, an island called Buono, which is a little below Charlestown, and is well cultivated and inhabited. The principal rivers of this country are, the Idistows, the S. and N. Two or three miles up the former river, the shores are covered with plantations, which continue for more than three miles further n. where the river meets with the N. Edistow, and in the island formed by both of them, it is reckoned that 20 freeholders reside. These are thus called, from the nature of the assignment and distribution of lands which took place in the new colonies. But the English governor did not grant an absolute and perpetual property, save to particular individuals : the concession was sometimes for life, sometimes considered as lineal, sometimes to descend to the wife, children, or relations, and sometimes with greater restrictions. The above-mentioned people have, however, their vote in the assembly, and send to it two members. In the precinct of this county is an Episcopal church.

Colleton, another county, of the province and colony of Georgia.

Colleton, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district of the parish ot Todos Santos.

COLLICO, a small river of the district of Tolten Baxo in Ihe kingdom of Chile. It runs h. n. w. and enters the river Tolten.

COLLIQUEN, a llanura, or plain, of the corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It is fertile, and of a dry and healthy climate, although thinly inhabited and uncultivated.

COLLIUE, a settlement of Indians of the kingdom of Chile, situate on the shore of the river Tolpan.

COLLQUE, an ancient, large, and well peopled settlement of Peru, to the n. of Cuzco ; conquered and carried by force of arms by the Inca Huayna Capac, thirteenth Emperor of Peru.

COLNACA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chichos and Tarija in Peru, of the district of the second, and annexed to the curacy of its capital.

COLOATPA, a settlement of the head settlement of Olinalá, and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 29 families of Indians, who occupy themselves in the commerce of chia^ a white medicinal earth, and cochineal, which abounds in this territory. It lies to the n. w. of its head settlement.

COLOCA, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Peru, situate on the shore of the river of La Plata, and to the n. of its capital.

COLOCINA, San Carlos de, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena, in the district of the town of Tolu; founded in 1776 by the governor Don J uan Pimienta.

COLOCINA, some mountains of this province and government, also called Betanzi, which run n. for many leagues from the valley of Penco.

COLOCOLO, a settlement of Indians of the kingdom of Chile ; situate on the shore of the river Carampangue, and thus called from the celebrated cazique of this name, one of the chiefs in the war in which these Indians were engaged with the Spaniards.

COLOLO, a small river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs n. and enters the river Negro, near where this enters tire Uruguay.

COLOMBAINA, a small settlement of the juriscidiction of Tocaima, and government of Mariquita, and in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; annexed to the curacy of the settlement of Ambaleina. It is situate on the shore of the river Magdalena; is of a very hot temperature, and

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Oaxaca. It contains only 20 families of Indians, wbo live by the cultivation of the cochineal plant and seeds.

COZCATLAN, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tasco in Nueva Espana. It contains 200 families of Indians, and is five leagues c. of its capital.

COZEL, a settlement of the jurisdiction and aknld'ia mayor of Culiacan in Nueva Espaila.

COZINAS, a bay of the coast of the province and government of Yucatán.

COZINERA, a shoal of rocks on the coast of the S. sea, of the province and government of Tierra Firme, very near the point of Paytilla, in the bay of Panama.

COZOCOZONQUE, a settlement of the head settlement of Puxmecatan, and alcaldia mayor of ViUalta, in Nueva Espana. It is of a hot temperature, contains 85 families of Indians, and is 29 leagues to the e. of its capital.

COZTLA, San Miguel de, a settlement of the head settlement of Coronango, and alcaldia mayor of Cholula, in Nueva Espana. It contains 48 families of Indians, and is two leagues to the n. of the capital.

COZUMEL, an island of the N. sea, opposite the e. coast of Yucatan, to the province and government of which it belongs. It is 10 leagues long n. w.f s. w. and from four to five wide. It is fertile, and abounds in fruit and cattle, and is covered with shady trees. The Indians call it Cuzamel, which in their language signifies the island of swallows. Here was the most renowned sanctuary of any belonging to the Indians in this province, and a noted pilgrimage, and the remains of some causeways over which the pilgrims used to pass. It was discovered by the Captain Juan de Grijalba in 1518, and the Spaniards gave it the name of Santa Cruz, from a cross that was deposited in it by Hernan Cortes, when he demolished the idols, and when at the same time the first mass ever said in this kingdom of Nueva Espana, was celebrated by the Fray Bartolome de Olrnedo, of the order of La Merced, At present it is inhabited by Indians only. It is three leagues distant from the coast of Tierra Firme.

(CRAB-ORCHARD, a post-town on Dick’s river, in Kentucky, eight miles from Cumberland river, and 25 miles s. e. of Danville. The road to Virginia passes through this place.)

CRABS, or Boriquen, an island of the N. sea ; situate on the s. side of the island of St. Domingo, first called so by the Bucaniers, from the abundance of crabs found upon its coast. It is large and beautiful, and its mountains and plains arc covered

with trees. The English established themselves here in 1718, but they were attacked and driven out by the Spaniards of St. Domingo in 17^0, who could not suffer a colony of strangers to settle so near them. The women and children were, however, taken prisoners, and carried to the capital and Portobelo. See Boriquen.

CRAMBERRI, a small river of the province and colony of N. Carolina. It runs s. and enters the source of the Conhaway.

CRAMBROOK, a river of the province and colony of Pennsylvania in N. America.

(CRANBERRY, a thriving town in Middlesex county. New Jersey, nine miles e. of Princeton, and 16 s. s. w. of Brunswick. It contains a handsome Presbyterian church, and a variety of manufactures are carried on by its industrious inhabitants. The stage from New York to Philadelphia passes through Amboy, this town, and thence to Bordentown.)

(Cranberry Islands, on the coast of the district of Maine. See Mount Desert Island.)

(CRANEY, a small island on the s. side of James river, in Virginia, at the mouth of Elizabeth river, and five miles 5. w. of fort George, on point Comfort. It commands the entrance of both rivers.)

(CRANSTON is the s. easternmost township of Providence county, Rhode Island, situated on the w. bank of Providence river, five miles s. of the town of Providence. The corajiact part of the town contains 50 or 60 houses, a Baptist meeting house, handsome school-house, a distillery, and a number of saw and grist mills^and is called Pawtuxet, from the river, on both sides of whose mouth it stands, and over which is a bridge connecting the two parts of the town. It makes a pretty appearance as you pass it on the river. The whole township contains 1877 inhabitants.)

CRAVEN, a county of the province and colony of Carolina in N. America, situate on the shore of the river Congaree, which divides the province into South and North. It is filled with English and F'rench protestants. The latter of these disembarked here to establish themselves in 1706, but were routed, and the greater part put to death by the hands of the former. The river Sewee waters this county, and its first establishment was owing to some families wlio had come hither from New England. It has no large city nor any considerable town, but has two forts upon the river Saute, the one called Sheuinirigh fort, which is 45 miles from tlie entrance or mouth of the river, and the other called Congaree, 65 miles from the other. [It contains 10,469 inhabitants, of whom S658are slaves.}

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