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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


318 CAR

ment of Paraguay ; situate on a small river about l5 leagues e. of Asuncion. Lat. 23° 30' 27" Long. 56° 52' w.)

CARLISLE, a settlement of the island of Jamaica ; situate on the s.

(Carlisle, the chief town of Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, on the post-road from Philadelphia to Pittsburg ; is 125 miles w. by n. from the former, and 178 e. from the latter, and 18 s. w. from Harrisburgh. Its situation is pleasant and healthy, on a plain near the s. bank of Conedogwinet creek, a water of the Susquehannah. The town contains about 400 houses, chiefly of stone and brick, and about 1500 inhabitants. The streets intersect each other at right angles, and the public buildings are a college, court-house, and gaol, and four edifices for public worship. Of these the Presbyterians, Germans, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholics, have each one. Dickinson college, named after the celebrated John Dickinson, esq. author of several valuable tracts, has a principal, three professors, a philosophical apparatus, and a library containing near SOOO volumes. Its revenue arises from 4000/. in funded certificates, and 10,000 acres of land. In 1787 there were 80 students, and its reputation is daily increasing. About 50 years ago this spot was inhabited by Indians and wild beasts.)

(Carlisle, a bay on the w. side of the island of Barbadoes in the West Indies ; situated between James and Charles forts, on which stands Bridge-town, the capital of the island.)

CARLOS, San, a settlement of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil ; situate on the shore of a small river which enters the head of that of Curituba.

Carlos, San, another, of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province and government of Buenos Ayres ; situate on the shore of a small river near the river Pargua, about five leagues s. w. of Candelaria. Lat. 27° 44' 36" s. Long. 55° 57' 12" w.

Carlos, San, another, of the missions of the province and government of Tucuman, in the jnrisdiction of the city of Salta; situate on the shore of the river of Guachipas.

Carlos, San, a city of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the shore of the river Aguirre, to the n. of the city of Nirua. [It owes its existence to the first missionaries of Venezuela, and its increase and beauty to the activity of its inhabitants. The greatest part of its population is composed of Spaniards from the Canary islands ; and as these leave their native country


but to meliorate their condition, they arrive with a willingness to work, and a courage to undertake any thing that they think the most proper to answer their views. Their example even inspires a sort oT emulation among the Creoles, productive of public prosperity. Cattle forms the great mass of the wealth of the inhabitants. Oxen, horses, and mules, are very numerous. Agriculture, although not much followed, is yet not neglected. Indigo and coffee are almost the only things they grow. The quality of the soil gives the fruits an exquisite flavour, but particularly the oranges, which are famed throughout the province. The city is large, handsome, and well divided ; they compute the inhabitants at 9300. The parish church, by its construction and neatness, answers to the industry and piety of the people. The heat at San Carlos is extreme ; it would be excessive if the n. wind did not moderate the effects of the sun. It lies in 9° 20' lat. 60 leagues s. w. of Caracas, 24 s. s.e. of St. Valencia, and 20 from St. Philip’s.

(Carlos, San, a town of the province and government of Buenos Ayres ; situate on a small river about two leagues n. of Maldonado. Lat. 34° 44' 45" s. Long. 55° 44' zw.)

(Carlos, San, Real, a parish of the province and government of Buenos Ayres ; situate on a river of the same name, about five leagues n. of Colonia del Sacramento. Lat. 34° 25' 8" s. Long, 57° 50' w.')

(San Carlos de Monterey|Carlos, San, de Monterey]]==, the capital of New California, founded in 1770, at the foot of the cordillera of Santa Lucia, which is covered with oiiks, pines, (foliis lernis J, and rose bushes. The village is two leagues distant from the presidio of the same name. It appears that the bay of Monterey had already been discovered by Cabrillo on the 13th November 1542, and that he gave it the name of Bahia rle los Pinos, on account of the beautiful pines with which the neighbouring mountains are covered. It received its present name about 60 years afterwards from Viscaino, in honour of the viceroy of Mexico, Gaspar deZunega, Count de Monterey, an active man, to whom we are indebted for considerable maritime expeditions, and who engaged Juan de Onate in the conquest of New Mexico. The coasts in the vicinity of San Carlos produce the famous aurum merum (ormier) of Monterey, in request by the inhabitants of Nootka, and which is employed in the trade of otter-skins. The population of San Carlos is 700.)

Carlos, San, a fort of the province and government of Guayana, situate on the shore of the

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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