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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]

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which is above 100 leagues distant, and that through a desert country.]

COBITU, a river of the province and missions of the Gran Paititi. It rises in the mountains of the infidel Indians, which serve as a boundary to the province of Larecaja ; runs nearly due n. collecting the waters of many others, and enters theMarmore w ith the name of Mato.

COBLER’S Rock, a rock or isle of the North sea, very close upon the e. coast of the island of Barbadoes.

[COBLESKILL, a new town in the county of Schoharie, New York, incorporated March 1797.]

COBO, a river of the province and government of Neiva in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises in a llanura^ or plain, runs w, and enters the river Magdalena, opposite the city of La Plata.

COBORCA, a large and capacious bay of the province of Pimeria in Nueva Espana.

COBOS, a fortress of the province and government of Tucuman in Peru ; of the district and jurisdiction of the city of Salta, from whence it is nine leagues distant ; having been founded in 1693 at the foot of a declivity, to serve as an outwork or defence against the Indians of Chaco, it is at present destroyed and abandoned, and serves as a country-house on the estate of an individual.

COBRE, Santa Clara de, a settlement of the alcald'ia mayor of Valladolid, in the province nnd bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains 100 families of Spaniards, bO oi Mustees, 38 of Mulattoes, and 135 of Indians ; some of whom speculate in working the mines of copper which are close by, others in the cultivation of maize, and others gain their livelihood as muleteers. Three leagues s. of the city of Pasquaro.

COBRE, another settlement in the island of Cuba, on the s. coast.

Same name, a river of the province and government of Veragua in the kingdom of Tierra Firrae. It has its origin in the sierras of Guanico to the s. and enters the Pacific sea.

Same name, a mountain on the coast of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile. It derives its name from some very abundant copper mines. Great quantities of this metal are carried from hence to Spain for founding artillery, and for different purposes.

COBULCO, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Los Zacatepeques in the kingdom of Guatemala.

COCA, a large river of the kingdom of Quito. It rises from different streams which flow down from the cordillera oi t\\e paramo, or mountain desert, of Cotopaxi. It continually follows the course


of the large river Napo, and at last becomes incorporated with the same.

COCAGNE, a small river of Nova Scotia. It runs e. and enters the sea in the gulf of St. Lawrence, and in the strait formed by the island of St. John, opposite the island of its own name.

[COCALICO, a township in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.]

COCAMA, a great lake in the midst of the thick woods which lie in the country of Las Amazonas, to the s. and w. of tlie river Ucayale. It is 10 leagues long from n. to s. and six wide from e. to w. On the e. it flows out, through a little canal, into the river Ucayale, and on the w. it forms the river Cassavatay, which running n. and then e. enters also the Ucayale. Its shores are constantly covered with alligators and tortoises.

COCAMAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the country of Las Amazonas, who inhabit the w'oods to the s. of the river Maraiion, and in the vicinities of Ucayale. It takes its name from the former lake, called La Gran Cocama. They are a barbarous and cruel race, wandering over the forests in quest of birds and wild beasts for mere sustenance. Their arms are the macana, and the Indian cimeter, or club of chonia, a very strong ebony.

COCANIGUAS, a settlement of the province and government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito.

COCAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Castro Vireyna in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Uuachos.

Same name, another settlement, in the province and corregimienito of Vilcas Huaiman, of the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Tofos.

COCATLAN, San Luis de, a settlement of the head settlement of Coatlan, and alcadia mayor of Nexapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 160 families of Indians, employed in the trade in cochineal and cotton stuffs. It is four leagues to the n. of its head settlement.

COCAYA, a river of the province and government of Maynas in the kingdom of Quito. It unites itself with the Ibinelo, and then takes the name of Unquizia, and enters the Putumayo.

COCHA, a settlement of the province and government of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito.

Same name, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cotabambas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Llaaquas.

COCHA, another (settlement), of the province and corregimiento of Vilcas Huaiman in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Vilcas.

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Last edit about 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson


seasons, and is flooded by waters rushing down through a neighbouring channel, and in fact Avould be hereby rendered iinitdiabitable, but for the mounds Avhich have been raised for its defence. One half of the city experiences in one day a variation of all the winds from n. to s. These winds, thus changing, are accompanied with great tempests of thunder and lightning. At one moment the heat which accompanies the n. wind is excessive, and at another the cold which accompanies the s. is intolerable. It is, indeed, to this cause that the number of sudden deaths which occur here are attributed. The city is small, and nearly of a square figure, but the buildings are superior to any in the province. It has three convents ; those of the religious order of St. Francis, St. Domingo, and La Merced, an hospital of Bethleraites, with the dedicatory title of San Roque ; two monasteries of nuns, tlie one of Santa Teresa, the other of Santa Clara, and two colleges with the titles of universities, it is the head of a bishopric, erected in 1570, and is very rich, owing to the great commerce which it carries on in mules bought in the province of Buenos Ayres, and fattened in the pastures here, for the purpose of being sold for the supply of the other provinces, and in fact of the whole of Peru. It abounds in all kinds of productions, and is 70 leagues from Santiago del Estero, to the s. in 62° 39'; long. 31° 20' s. lat. (For an account of the late revolutions of this place, see La Plata.)

Cordova, another city, in the province and government of Cumaná, founded by Gonzalo de Ocampo in 1525, near the sea-coast. It is so reduced and poor, that it does not deserve the name of a city. It is bounded by the Caribes Indians.

Cordova, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Castro Vireyna in Peru.

Cordova, another, of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, situate upon the coast. It was sacked by the English pirate Gauson in 1625.

CORDOVES, Rio Del, a river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs zo. and enters the Yazigua close to the pass of Chileno.

CORE, Bank of, an isle of the N. Sea, near the coast of S. Carolina, between those of Ocacook and Drum.

(Core Sound, on the coast of N. Carolina, lies s. of, and communicates with Pamlico.)

COREBO, a river of the province and government of Chocó. It rises in the valley of 'I'atave, at the foot of the mountains of Choco, and enters the Paganagandi.

CORENA, a port on the coast of the province

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and captainship of the Rio Janeiro in Brazil, close to the island of Santa Maria.

CORENTE, a river of the kingdom of Brazil. It rises in the head of that of the Paraguas and the Verde, runs s, s.e. and enters the above river at mid-course.

CORENTIN, a river of the province and colony of Surinam, or part of Guayana in the Dutch possessions, according to the last advices ot the Father Bernardo Rosclla of the extinguished society, Avhich advices were received from the Dutch, and served, in 1745, to the making the map of this province and the Orinoco. It rises in the n. part of the famed lake Parime, which some have thought to exist merely in fable. It runs s. wateringtlie Dutch colonies; and five leaguesto the w. of Berbice, and to the s. e. of the Orinoco, empties itself into the sea, in 5° 22' n. lat. : at its entrance it is one league wide. The English call it Devil’s creek, which signifies Barranco del Diablo. In the interior of its course it has some sand-banks, which extend for three leagues, and render its navigation difficult, notwithstanding that at the low tide there arc still some channels of water. In this river are likewise three small well cultivated islands, lying in a direction from n. tov. They are very fertile, and covered with trees, and the soundings of the river about them varies from five to six fathoms.

CORETIQUI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarquilla in Peru.

CORIANA. See Coro.

CORIDON, Salinas de, salt grounds in the point and zo. head of the island of St. Domingo, on the shore of the port Pimiento.

CORIMPO, a settlement of the province of Cinaloa in Nueva Espaiia ; situate on the shore of the river Mayo, between the settlements of Hecojoa and Nabajoa.

(CORINTH, a township in Orange county, Vermont, z€. of Bradford, containing 578 inhabitants.)

CORIO, a settlement of the province and captainship of San Vincente in Brazil, on the shore and at tlie source of the river Uruguay.

CORIPATA, a settlement of the province and government of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Atabillos Altos.

CORIPI, a river of the province and government of Guayana, iii the French possessions. It enters the sea between the Oiapoco and cape Orange.

CORIS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento oi Huailas in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Aija.

Last edit about 6 years ago by kmr3934
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