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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




anti government of Darien, near the n. coast, and thus "called from an eagle Avitli two heads, which was caught here in 1608, and which Avas sent to the queen, Doha Maria-Ana of Austria, mother of Philip III. At its skirt is a bay, or swampy ground, which is round, and has a very narroAV inlet. Forty-five leagues from Cartagena.

Aguila (point), a point or cape of the larger island of the Malvinas or Falkland isles ; thus named from having been discovered by the French frigate, the Aguila, or Eagle. It is one of those whith form tlie great bay or port.

AGUILUSCO, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Arantzan, and alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains 32 families of Indians, who employ themselves in sowing seed, cutting Avood, manufacturing vessels of fine earth en-Avare, and saddle-trees for riding.

AGUIRRE, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It rises by the side of the city of Niura, runs s. passes through the town of San Carlos, and enters the Sarara.

Aguirre (pastures), some pastures for young horses in the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo, of the kingdom of Chile, between the rivers Ramos and Mamas,

AGUJA, Point of the, on the coast of Tierra Firme, and of the province and government of Santa Marta, between this city and Cape Chichibacoa. It is the part of land which projects farthest into the sea.

Aguja, Point of the, another point on the coast of the S. sea,, and of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru.

Aguja, Point of the. See article Eguille.

AGUR, Francisco, a settlement of the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil, situate near the coast and the bay of Espiritu Santo,

AGUSTIN, San, a capital city of the province and government of E. Florida, situate on the e. coast, in a peninsula, or narrow strip of land. It has a good port, which was discovered by Admiral Pedro Menendes de Aviles, on St. Augus-. tin’s day in the year 1565, which was his reason for giving the place this title, which has, however, been tAvice changed. He also built here a good castle for its defence. The city has a very good parish church, and a convent of the Franciscan order; and, as far as relates to its spiritual concerns, it is subject to the bishop of Cuba, who has at various times proposed the erection of an abbey, but has not obtained his wish, although it had been approved by the council of the Indies.


It has two hospitals, one for the garrison troops, and another for the community ; it has also an hermitage, Avith the dedicatory title of Santa Barbara. It was burnt by Francis Drake in 1586; by Captain Davis, Avith the Bucaniers, in 1665 ; but it was immediately afterwards rebuilt. In 1702 it Avas besieged by the English, under the command of Colonel Moore, who, failing in his attempts to take the castle, which Avas defended by the governor, Don Joseph de Zuniga, exhibited his revenge by burning and destroying the town. In 1744 the English returned to the siege, under the command of General Oglethorp, who was equally unsuccessful, in as much as it w^as most valiantly defended by the governor, Don Manuel de Montiano, who defied the bombardment of the enemy. This fort has a curtain of 60 toises long ; the parapet is nine feet ; and the terrace, or horizontal surface of the rampart, is 20 feet high, with good bomb-proof casemates, and mounted Avith 50 pieces of cannon, having also, on the exterior, an excellent covered way. The city, although it is encompassed by a wall, is not strong, and its defence consists in 10 projecting angles. It was ceded, Avith the whole of the province, to the English, by the King ofSpain, in the peace of Versailles, in 1762 ; and it remained in their possession till 1783, when it was restored by the treaty of Paris. The breakers at the entrance of the harbour have formed two channels, whose bars have eight feet of water each. Long. 81° 40'. Lat. 29° 58'.

Agustin, San, a settlement and real of mines, of the province of Tarauraara, in the kingdotli of Nueva Vizcaya, which was formerly a population of some consequence, and wealthy withal, from the richness of its mines, Avhich -have lately fallea into decay, and thereby entailed poverty upon the inhabitants. It is 26 leagues s. of the town of S, Felipe de Chiguagua.

Agustin, San, another small settlement or w ard of the head settlement of the district of Zumpahuacan, and alcaldia mayor of Marinalco, in Nueva España.

Agustin, San, another settlement of the head settlement of the district of Nopaluca, and alcaldia mayor of Tepcaca, in Nueva España. It contains 20 families of Indians, and is distant a little more than a league from its head settlement.

Agustin, San, another, in the head settlement of the district of Pinoteca, and alcaldia mayor of Xicayan. It contains 70 families of Indians, who trade in grain, seeds, and tobacco. Four league n. of its head settlement.

Agustin, San, another settlement of the district of Cuilapa, and the alcaldia mayor of Quatro

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Last edit over 6 years ago by rodeleon




AHUACAZALCA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of San Luis de la Costa, and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva Espaiia. It contains 56 families of Indians, -whose commerce consists in rice and cotton. Three leagues n. e. of its liead settlement.

AHUACAZINGO, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Atengo, and alcaldia mayor of Chilapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 46 families of Indians, and is ten leagues e. of its head settlement.

AHUALICAN, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tixtlan in Nueva Espana ; of a benign and salutary temperature, as it is fanned by then, breezes. It lies three leagues n. of its head settlement, which is Oapan ; and contains 36 families of Indians.

AHUATELCO, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Izucai in Nueva Espana, situate on the skirt of the volcano of the same name. In its district are eight settlements, inhabited by 289 families of Indians, and 11 of Musiees and Mulattoes, who live in some temporary habitations for labourers. It is situate on a cold, rough, and barren soil, but is nevertheless fertile in wheat, and abounds in water and cattle. Eight leagues n. w. of its capital.

AHUATEMPA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Santa Isabel, and alcaldia mayor of Cholula, in Nueva Espana. It contains 39 families of Indians, and is two leagues s.of its capital.

AHUATEPEC, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana. It contains 32 families of Indians, and is two leagues n. of its capitaL

AHUATLAN, San Pedko de, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of San Juan del Rio, and alcaldia mayor of Queretaro, in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the curacy of the former place, and lying ten leagues n. w, of the latter.

AHUEHUEZINGO, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Chietlan, and alcaldia mayor of Izucar, in Nueva Espana.

AHUEZITLA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana. It contains 36 families of Indians, and abounds in chia, (a white medicinal earth), grain, and earthen-ware. It is nine leagues w, n. w. of its capital.

AHWAHHAWAY, a race of Indians, who differ but very little in any particular from the Mandans, their neighbours, except in the unjust war which they, as well as the Minetares, prosecute against the defenceless Snake Indians. They claim to have once been a part of the Crow Indians, whom

they still acknowledge as relations. They have resided on the Missouri as long as their tradition will enable them to inform.

AIABACA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru.

AIACASI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Belille.

AIACOA, a small river of the province and government of Guayana, or Nueva Andalucia. It rises to the w. of the Sierra Maiguatida, runs e. and enters the Orinoco near the rapid stream of the Marumarota.

AIACOCHA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huanta in Peru, situate in the island Tayacaja.

AIAHUALTEMPA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Zitlala, and alcaldia mayor of Chilapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 36 families of Indians, and is three leagues to the s. of its head settlement.

AIAHUALULCO, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Ixlahuacan, and alcaldia mayor of Xalapa, in Nueva Espana, which, in the Mexican language, signifies a small river. It abounds in the best fruits of its jurisdiction, such as pears and other sorts of fruit highly esteemed at Vera Cruz. It contains only three families of Spaniards, 22 of Mustees and Mulattoes, and 70 of Indians. In its district are several temporary habi. tations for labourers, and pastures for breeding cattle, which reach as far as the district of Tepcaca, in the lofty eminence of Xamiltepec, 16 leagues distant from Xalapa. It includes also within its administration the cultivated estates extending as far as the place called Puertezuelo, where this jurisdiction approximates to that of San Juan de los Llanos on the w. s.w. side ; and in the culture of the above estates many Spaniards, 3Iustees, and Mulattoes, are employed. One league s. w. of its head settlement.

Aiahualulco, another settlement of the head settlement of the district of Zitlala, and alcaldia mayor of Chilapa, in the kingdom of Xalapa, and annexed to the curacy of this place, from which it is three leagues distant, being nine to the s. of its head settlement. It contains 42 families of Indians, including another small settlement incorporated with it.

AlAHUASA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Aimaraez in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Pachaconas.

AIAMARCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Castro Virreyna in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Cordova.

Last edit about 6 years ago by Ben Brumfield

merit of Venezuela ; situate upon the coast near cape Blanco.

(CATABAW River. See Wateree.)

(Catabaw Indians, a small tribe who have one town called Catabaw, situate on the river of that name, hit. 44° S9' n, on the boundary line between N. and S. Carolina, and contains about 450 inhabitants, of which about 150 are fighting men. They are the only tribe w hich resides in the state ; 144,000 acres of land . were granted them by the proprietary government. These are the remains of a forrnidalile nation, the bravest and most generous enemy thp Six Nations had, butthey have degenerated sincp they have been surrounded by the whites.)

CATABUHU, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas: it rises near the equinoctial line, runs s. e. and enters the Rio Negro.

CATACACHI, a settlement of the province and corregimiehto of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Santa Cruz, in which there is a stream of water Avhich distils from some crevices, and deposits in its bed a sort of white stone or crystalline substance, which they call catachi^ and which being dissolved in water, is accounted a specific in the flux.

CATACAOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru.

CATACOCHA, a settlement of the province and correghniento of Loxa in the kingdom of Quito.

CATACUMBO, a river of the province and government of Maracaibo, which rises to the e. of the city of Las Palmas, and runs e. increasing its stream by many others which flow into it, until it unites itself with the Sulia, to enter the lake of Maracaibo; where, at its mouth, it extends itself and forms a large pool of water called La Laguneta.

CATAGANE, a settlement of Canada, situate on the side of lake Superior, close to the point of Chagovamigon, (or more properly called Camanistigovan.)

CATAGUAR, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná ; situate to the e. of the city of Cariaco.

CATALANA, an island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cories ; situate near the coast, between the islands of Monserrat and Santa Cruz.

CATALINA, Santa, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tezcoco in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the settlement of Nuestra Senora de la Purificacion. It contains 132 families of Indians.

CATALINA, Santa, another seUlement in the head settlementand district of Tepaxtlan, and alcaldia mar/or of Cuercavaca, in Nueva España.

CATALINA, Santa, another settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tepeaca in the same kingdom.

CATALINA, Santa, another, with the distingnishing title of Martyr, in the head settlement and ah aldia mayor of Zacatlan in the same kingdom.

CATALINA, Santa, anotlier settlement of the head settlement of Teutalpan, and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan, in the same kingdom.

CATALINA, Santa, a small settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Juxtlahuaca in the same kingdom.

CATALINA, Santa, another, of the head settlement of Tantoyuca, and alcaldia mayor of Tampico, in the same kingdom : it is of a hot temperature, and contains 80 families of Indians, who apply themselves to the culture of the soil ; is 10 leagues to the e. of its head settlement.

CATALINA, Santa, another, of the province and corregimiento of Omasuyos in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huaicho.

CATALINA, Santa, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cauta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pari ; it has some hot medicinal baths.

CATALINA, Santa, a small settlement of the district and jurisdiction of Valladolid in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan of Nueva Espana.

CATALINA, Santa, another,' of the head settlement of Mistepeque, and alcaldia mayor of Nejapa, in Nueva España: it is of a cold temperature, situate at the foot of a mountain, with 60 families of Indians, and is 4 leagues from its head settlement.

CATALINA, Santa, another, of the head settlement of Quiatoni, and alcaldia mayor of Teutitlan, in Nueva España, with 20 families of Indians ; and is one league n. of its head settlement.

CATALINA, Santa, another settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province of Tepeguana and kingdom of Nueva Viscaya, on the shore of the river Las Nasas ; is 30 leagues to the n. w. of its capital.

CATALINA, Santa, another settlement, with the addition of Sera, of the province and government of Maracaibo, in the district of the city of Pedraza ; situate on the shore of the river Pariva ; is one of the missions which are held in Barinas bj the religion of St. Domingo.

CATALINA, Santa, another, of the same pro

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934


lar way by a river of its name. It abounds in large alligators and mosquitoes, which render its navigation very troublesome. Its shores are covered with beautiful trees, which are inhabited by a variety of birds and apes of several species, which make an incredible chattering and noise. It was by this river that the pirate John Morgan came when he took and sacked Panama in 1670. It was discovered by Hernando de la Serma in 1527, when he called it the river of Lagartos, but its mouth was before discovered by Lope de Olano in 1510. Here are found, at certain seasons, a very small fish of the size of a pin, called titles, and these are so abundant, that putting into the water a large basket, it is certain to be drawn out full ; they are fried, and make very savoury fritters.

CHAGRE, with the dedicatory title of San Lorenzo, a settlement of the same province and kingdom ; situate upon the top of a mountain at the entrance or mouth of the former river. It has for its defence a strong castle, which was built by the order of Philip 11. by the famous engineer J uan Bautista Antoneli. This was taken by the pirate John Morgan, after having made a glorious defence, in 1668, when the settlement was burnt and sacked ; and in 1740 it was taken by the English, commanded by Admiral Vernon, who entirely destroyed it ; its loss in that war being supplied by two strong batteries, which hindered the English from making a breach, for the third time, when they came with three frigates of war : but they were driven back by Captain Don Juan de Hermida, who was formerly captain of the regiment of Granada. In 1752 this castle was rebuilt, in the most perfect manner, by the lieutenant-general and engineer Don Ignatio de Sala, governor of Cartagena, who came hither for this purpose by order of the king. In this fortress several personages of distinction' have been held prisoners, ami amongst others the Marquis of La Mina, ])resiilent, governor, and captain-general of the kingiUmi in 1694. Is 13 leagues from Portobelo.

CHAGUANES, an island of the river Orinoco, formed at its entrance into the sea by various canals or arms, is large and inhabited by Indians of the Mariussa nation.

CHAGUARAMA, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela, situate on the confines of the province of Cumana, near the river Manapire.

CHAGUARAMA, a bay on the coast of the province of Cumaná, on the n. e. side ; being formed by the island of Trinidad, and by the mouths of

the channels of the Orinoco as far as the gulf Triste.

CHAGUAREM, a small river of the province and government of Venezuela, which runs s. and enters that of Los Aceytes.

CHAHUALTEPEQUE, Santiago de, a settlement of the district and alcaldía mayor of Mexilcaltzingo in Nueva España. It contains 138 families of Indians, and is three leagues from its capital.

CHAHUANTLA, a small settlement or ward of the alcaldía mayor of Guauchinango in Nueva España ; annexed to the curacy of Naupan.

CHAIALA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chayanta or Charcas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pocoata.

CHAILLON, Cabo de, a cape on the e. coast of lake Superior, in New France.

CHAINAR, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán ; situate on the shore of the river San Miguel.

CHAIPI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Parinacochas in Peru, annexed to the curacy of the corregimiento of Pullo ; in which was venerated, ever since the time of the conquest, a beautiful image of the Virgen del Rosario, which, with the temple, was burnt a few years since, and the parishioners being much afflicted at their loss, the Marquis of Selva Alegre, president of Quito, sent them another equal to the first : at the celebration of the festival people assemble from all the neighbouring districts.

CHAIUIN, a river of the province and government of Valdivia in the kingdom of Chile, which runs s. e. and enters Valdivia near its entrance into the sea.

CHALA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cumaná in Peru.

Chala, with the distinction of Alta, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Saña in the same kingdom , situate on the shore of the river Chicama.

CHALA, another, with the addition of Baxa, in the same kingdom and province; situate near the former.

CHALA, a large and beautiful valley on the sea shore, in the province and corregimiento of Cumaná.

CHALA, a small port, frequented only by fishermen, in the same province and corregimiento.

CHALACOS, a settlement and asiento of the silver mines of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huancabamba.

==CHALALA, a large river of the Nuevo Reyno

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appears to have been a settlement towards the n, of the island, from some vestiges still remaining. It is at present frequented only by some of the inliabitants of Chepo, who cultivate and gather here oral^ges, lemons, and plantains of an excellent flavour, which are found here in abundance. In lat. 8^ 57' n.

CHEPO, San Christoval de, a settlement of the province and kingdom of Tierra Firme, and government of Panama ; situate on the shore of the river Mamoni ; is of a kind temperature, fertile and agreeable, though little cultivated. The air is however so pure that it is resorted to by invalids, and seldom fails of affording a speedy relief. It has a fort, which is an esfacada, or surrounded with palisades, having a ditch furnished with six small cannon, and being manned by a detachment from the garrison of Panama, for the purpose of suppressing the encroachments of the infidel Indians of Darien. This territory was discovered by Tello Guzman in 1515, who gave it the name of Chepo, through its Cazique Chepauri, in 1679. It was invaded by the pirates Bartholomew Charps, John Guarlem, and Edward Bolmen, when the settlement Avas robbed and destroyed, and unheard-of prosecutions and torments were suffered by the inhabitants. Fourteen leagues nearly due e. of Panama, [and six leagues from the sea ; in lat. 9° 8' «.]

CHEQUELTI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chilcas and Tarija in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of its capital.

(CHEQUETAN, or Seguataneio, on the coast of Mexico or New Spain, lies seven leagues w. of of the rocks of Seguataneio. Between this and Acapulco, to the e. is a beach of sand, of 18 leagues extent, against which the sea breaks so violently, that it is impossible for boats to land on any part of it ; but there is a good anchorage for shipping at a mile or two from the shore during the fair season. The harbour of Chequetan is very hard to be traced, and of great importance to such vessels as cruise in these seas, being the most secure harbour to be met with in a vast extent of coast, yielding plenty of wood and water; and the ground near it is able to be defended by a few men. When Lord Anson touched here, the place was uninhabited.)

CHEQUIN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Maúle in the kingdom of Chile, and in the valley or plain of Tango, near the river Colorado. In its vicinity, toAvards the s. is an estate called El Portrero del Key, at the source of the river Maipo.

CHERA, a river near Colan, in the province of Quito in Peru, running to Amotage ; from Avhence Paita has its fresh Avatcr.

CHERAKEE. See Cherokee.

CHERAKIKAU, a river of the province and colony of South Carolina. It runs e. and enters the river Cliuvakansty. On its shore is a small settlement of Indians of the same name.

CHERAKILICHI, or Apalachicola, a fort of the English , in the province and colony of Georgia, on the shore of the river Apalachicola, and at the conflux, or where this river is entered by the Caillore.

CHERAN EL Grande, S. Francisco de, a settlement of the head settlement of Siguinan, and alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in Nueva Espana, contains 100 families of Curtidores Indians, and is a little more than half a league from its head settlement.

CHERAPA, a settlement of the province and corregimiernto of Piura in Peru, on the confines of the province of Jaen de Bracamoros, upon the river Tambarapa, is of a hot and moist temperature, and consequently unhealthy ; and is situate in the royal road which leads from Lpxa through Ayabaca and Guancabamba to Tomependa, a port of the river Maranon.

(CHERAWS, a district in the upper country of South Carolina, having North Carolina on the n. and n. e. Georgetown district on the s. e. and Lynche’s creek on the s. w. which separates it from Camden district. Its length is about 83 miles, and its breadth 63 ; and is subdivided into the counties of Darlington, Chesterfield, and Marlborough. By the census of 1791, there were 10,706 inhabitants, of Avhich 7618 were white inhabitants, the rest slaves. It sends to the state legislature six representatives and two senators ; and in conjunction Avith Georgetown district, one member to congress. This district is watered by Great Peter river and a number of smaller streams, on the banks of vdiich the land is thickly settled and Aveli cultivated. The chief towns are Greenville and Chatham. The court-house in this district is 52 miles from Camden, as far from Lumberton, and 90 from Georgetown. The mail stops at this place.]

CHERIBICHE, a port of the province and government of Venezuela, to the w. of the settlement of Guaira.

CHERIGUANES. See Chiriguanos.

CHERILLA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of its capital.

CHERINOS, a river of the province and go-

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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