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Pages That Mention Santiago de las Atalayas

The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




captainship of the Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises near the coast, and runs s. s. e. entering the sea close to the cape of San Roque.

Aguada, a sharp point or small island of the S. sea, near the coast, in the province and corregimiento of Atacama.

Aguada (point in Cartagena), a point on the coast of Tierra Firme, in the province and government of Cartagena. It is one of those which form the mouth of the gulph of Uraba or Darien.

AGUADILLA, a river of the province and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains on the s. and enters the large river Chagre very near its mouth, and the castle of this name. Here ships take in water, on account of the convenience of a bay, for the defence of which there is, upon the shore, a battery belonging to the same castle, which was built under the directions of Don Dionisio de Alcedo, in 1743.

AGUADORES, River of the, in the island of Cuba. It runs into the sea on the s. coast of this island, having at its mouth a watch-tower and guard to give notice of vessels which may enter the port of Santiago de Cuba, from whence it is seven leagues distant.

AGUAIO, a settlement of the province and government of Sierra Gorda, in the bay of Mexico, and kingdom of Nueva España, founded in the year 1748 by the Colonel of the militia of Queretaro, Don Joseph de Escandon, Count of Sierra Gorda.

Aguaio, another settlement, with the dedicatory title of San Miguel, in the new kingdom of Leon, inhabited by Spaniards ; 10 leagues distant from La Punta.

AGUAIUS, a settlement of the province and government of Quixos and Marcas in the kingdom of Quito.

AGUAGE, a settlement and real of mines of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva España. Lat. 29°w. Long. 111° 5'

AGUAJES, a settlement of the province of Tepeguna, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya, situate on the shore of the river of Las Nasas.

AGUALEI, a small river of the province and government of Guayana, which rises in the sierras of Usupama, and enters the Caroni on the e. side.

AGUALULCO, a settlement and capital of the jurisdiction of [Izatlan]] in Nueva Galicia. It has a convent of the religious order of St. Francis, and in 1745 it contained upwards of 100 families of Indians, including the wards of its district; 17 leagues w. of Guadalaxara. Lat. 20° 44' n. Long. 103° 33' w.



AGUAMENA, a settlement of the jurisdiction of Santiago de las Atalayas, and government of San Juan de los Llanos, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, annexed to the curacy of that city. It is of a hot temperature, and produces the same fruits as the other settlements of this province.

AGUAMIRO, a settlement of the province and cer re gimiento of Huamalies in Peru, celebrated for some medicinal and very salutary baths.

AGUAN, a river of the province and government of Honduras, which runs into the sea at the gulph of this name.

AGUANATO, Santa Maria de, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Puruandiro, and alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan. It is of a cold temperature, situate at the foot of the sierra of Curupo, and contains 36 families of Indians, who gain their livelihood by trading in dressed hides. Sixteen leagues from Pasquaro or Valladolid.

AGUANO, a lake of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito. ' It is formed by an arm or channel of the river Guallaga, and is very near the shore of that river.

AGUANOS, San Antonio de, a settlement of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito ; one of those which belonged to the missions held there by the Jesuits, and thus called from the nation of Indians of whom it is composed. It was founded in 1670 by the father Lorenzo Lucero.

Aguanos, another settlement, with the dedicatory title of San Francisco, in this province, and of these missions.

AGUAPAI, a river of the province and government of Paraguay. It rises between the Parana and the Uruguay, near the settleiment of San Carlos, runs j. forming a curve, and returning c. enters the last of the above rivers not far from the settlement of La Cruz.

Aguapai, another river of the same province and government, which runs w. and enters the Parana close to the Juan Gazu.

AGUAPEI, a river of the same province and government as the two former. It is very small, and rises in the mountains of Nuestra Senora de Fe ; runs from n. to s. and enters the Parana.

AGUARAU, a river of the province and government of Paraguay, which runs w. and enters the Parana between the Inau and Piray .

AGUARICO, San Pedro de, a settlement of Indians, converted by the missions of the Jesuits, in the province and government of Mainas; situate on the shore of the river Napo.


Last edit over 1 year ago by Werner




CRAVO, Santa Barbara de, a settlement of the jurisdiction of Santiago de las Atalayas, of the government of Los Llanos of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is on the shore of the large river of its name, upon a very pleasant mountain plain, very near to i\\ellanura at the bottom of the mountain, and where formerly stood the city of San Joseph de Cravo, founded by the governor of this province in 1644, but which was soon after destroyed. Thctemperature here is not so hot as in the other parts of the province, from its being', as we have before observed, in the vicinity of t\\e paramos or mountaiti deserts. It produces in abundance maize, plantains, and pucas, of which is made the best cazave of any in the kingdom, also many trees of a hard and strong wood, used as a medicine in spotted fevers, and a specific against poisons, so that it is much esteemed, and they make of it drinking cups. Here are other trees, good for curing the flux, their virtue in this disorder having been accidentally discovered as follows. A labourer, as he was cutting down one of these trees, let his hatchet fall upon his foot; but remembering that by pressing his foot against the tree it would stop the blood, he did so, and a splinter thus getting into the wound, the cut soon healed without the application of any other remedy. Here are large breeds of horned cattle, and the natives, who should amount to 100 Indians, and about as many whites, are much given to agriculture. Eight leagues from the settlement of Morcote.

Cravo, a river of the former province and government. It rises in the province of Tunja, near the lake of Labranza, passes before the city, to which it gives its name, and after running many leagues, enters the Meta.

CRAVO, another river, in the district and jurisdiction of Pamplona, of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises to the e. of the settlement of Capitanejo, runs s. s. e. and enters the river Cazanare, according to Beilin, in his map of the course of a part of the Orinoco; and indeed ^\e doubt if he be not correct. In the woods upon its shores live some barbarian Indians, the }ietoyes,.Aciraguas, and Guaibas. its mouth is in tat. 3° SO' n.

(CREE Indians, The, inhabit of Little lake Winnipeg, around fort Daiipiiin, in Upper Canada.)

(CREEKS, an Indian nation, described also under tfie name of Muskogulge or Muskogee, in addition to 'which is the following particulars, from the manuscript joarnal of an infeliigent traveller : “ Coosa river, and its main branches, form the re. line of settlements or villages of the Creeks, but their hunting grounds cxtaid 200 miles be-

yond, to the Tombigbee, which is the dividing line between their coufitry and that of the Chactaws. The smallest of their towns have from 20 to 30 ho'.ises in them, and some of them contain from 130 to 200, that are wholly compact. The houses stand in clusters of four, five, six, seven, and eight together, irregularly distributed up and down the banks of the rivers or small streams. Each cluster of houses contains a clan or family o relations, who eat and live in common. Eac! town has a public square, hot-house, and yard ne. the centre of it, appropriatad to various pubh uses. The following are the names of the principal towns of the Upper and Lower Creeks that have public squares ; beginning at the head of the Coosa or Coosa Hatcha river, viz. Upper Utalas, Abbacoochees, Natchez, Coosas, Oteetoocheenas, Pine Catchas, Pocuntullahases, Weeokes, Little Tallassie, Tuskeegees, Coosadas, Alabamas, Tawasas, Pawactas, Autobas, Auhoba, W eelumpkees Big,W eelumpkees Little, Wacacoys, Wacksoy, Ochees. The following towns are in the central, inland, and high country, between the Coosa and Taliapoosee rivers, in the district called the Hillabees, viz. Hillabees, Killeegko, Oakchoys, Slakagulgas, and Wacacoys; on the waters of the Taliapoosee, from the head of the river downward, the following, viz. Tuckabatchee, Tehassa, Totacaga, New Aork, Chalaacpaulley, Loguspogus, Oakfuskee, Ufala Little, Ufala Big, Sogahatches,Tuckabatchees, Big Tallassce or Half-way House, Clewaleys, Coosahatches, Coolamies, ShaVt'anese or Savanas, Kenlsulka, and Mnckeleses. The towns of the Low'er Creeks, beginning on the head waters of the Chattahoosee, and so on downwards, are Chelu Ninny, Chattahoosee, liohtatoga, Cowetas, Cussitahs, Chalagatscaor, Broken Arrow, Euchces several, Hitchatces several, Palachuolo, Chewackala ; besides 20 towns and villages of the Little and Big Chehaus, low down on Flint and Chattahoosee rivers. From their roving and unsteady manner of living, it is impossible to determine, 'with much precision, the number of Indians that comimse tlie Creek nation. General M‘GiIlivray estimates the number of gun-men to be between 3 and 6000, exclusive of the Semiuolcs, Avho are of little or no accosmt in war, except as small parties of marauders, acting independent of the general interest of the others. The wliole number of individuals may be about 23 or 26,000 souls. Every town and village has one established white trader in it, and generally a family of whites, who liave fled from some part of the tfontiers. They often, to have revenge, and to obtain jdunder that may be taken, use their influence to scud out pre« 3 Y 2

Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934


c u s


the most pleasant situation that could be desired, in an inland country, upon a high swelling ridge of sand hills, within 3 or 400 yards of a large and beautiful lake, abounding with fish and fowl. The lake is terminated on one side by extensive forests, consisting of orange groves, overtopped with grand magnolias, palms, poplar, tilia, liveoaks, &c. ; on the other side by extensive green plains and meadows. The town consists of 30 habitations, each of which consists of two houses, nearly of the same size, large, and convenient, and covered close with the bark of the cypress tree. Each has a little garden spot, containing corn, beans, tobacco, and other vegetables. In the great Alachua savannah, about two miles distant, is an inclosed plantation, which is worked and tended by the whole community, yet every family has its particular part. Each family gathers and deposits in its granary its proper share, setting apart a small contribution for the public granary, which stands in the midst of the plantation.]

CUSE, a river of the kingdom of Peru. It rises in the mountains of the province of Moxos, and runs e. w. from the river and lake of Sara to the river Ubay. It follows its course to the n. and enters the last mentioned river. [CUSHAI, a small river which empties into Albemarle sound, between Chowan and the Roanoke, in N. Carolina.] [CUSHETUNK Mountains, in Hunterdon county, New Jersey.]

[CUSHING, a township in Lincoln county, district of Maine, separated from Warren and Thoraaston by St. George's river. It was incorporated in 1789, contains 942 inhabitants, and lies 216 miles w. by n. of Boston.] CUSHNOE, a waterfal of the river Kenebec, in the province of Sagadahoc, opposite fort Wertern. CUSI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Yauyos in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pampas. CUSIANA, a settlement of the jurisdiction of Santiago de las Atalayas, and government of San Juan de los Llanos, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; annexed to the curacy of Santiago. It is much reduced and very poor, of a hot temperature, and producing only maize, yucas, plantains, &c. Cusiana, a river of the same province (San Juan de los Llanos). It rises from a small lake near the settlement of Gameza, in the jurisdiction and corregimiento of Tunja, and there enters the Mcta.

CUSIBAMBA, a river of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru. It rises in the cordillera of the Andes, runs w. and en- e u t iers the Apurimac, opposite the settlement of Curaguasi. Cusibamba, a valley of this province.

CUSICAS, a barbarous nation of Indians, who dwell to the e. of the nation of the Chiquitos, and to the n. of the settlement of San Juan Bautista de los Xamoros. All that is known of them is, that they are numerous and ferocious. CUSITAS, a settlement of Indians of the province and colony of Georgia ; situate on the shore of the river Apalachicola. CUSMO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Santa in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Guarmey. [CUSSENS, a small river in Cumberland county, Maine, which runs a s. e. course to Casco bay, between the towns of Freeport and N. Yarmouth.] [CUSSEWAGA, a settlement in Pennsylvania.] CUSSIA, a settlement of the Salivas Indians, forming the greater part of this nation, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate near the river Sinaruco, in the llanuras or plains of the Orinoco. The Caribes destroyed and burnt it in 1684. CUSSIQUINA, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas, which laves the territory of the Mayorunas Indians, who live upon its borders to the s. This river, after running many leagues to the n, e. enters the said territory, in lat. 3° 20' *.

[CUSSITAH, an Indian town in the w. part of Georgia, 12 miles above the Broken Arrow, on Chattahoosee river.] CUSTODIO, a river of the kingdom of Brazil. It runs n. n. w. is small, and enters the Tocantines, between that of San Elias and the river Preto or De la Palma. CUSUMPE, a small lake of the province of Hampshire; one of those of New England, between the rivers Pennycook and Pygwaket. CUTACO, a river in a narrow vale of the Andes, the bed of which was ascertained by Humboldt, in 1802, to be at the vast depth of 4200 feet. On its banks are many plantations of sugarcanes. CUTAGOCHI, a settlement of Cherokees Indians, in the province, and colony of S. Carolina ; situate at the source of the river Eu phase, where the English have a commercial establishment. CUTAWA, or Catawba, a river of N. Carolina. It runs n. and enters the Ohio ;. its waters are always full of coal.

CUTERUO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to' the curacy of Huambos.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by jgo384
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