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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





de Granada, rises in the valley of Cerinza, runs n. and passing tlirough the city of San Gil, turns to the w. and enters the Suarez or Sabandija.

CHALCAXINGO, a settlement of the head settlement of Xonacatepéc, and alcaldía mayor of Cuernavaca, in Nueva España.

CHALCHILGUITES, a settlement of the province and government of Nueva Vizcaya; situate close to that of Sombrerete.

CHALCHITLAN, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Capanabastla in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHALCO, Hamanalco, a district and alcaldía mayor of Nueva España ; situate between the n. and s. of the city of Mexico, at eight leagues distance ; is very fertile, and abounds in productions and the necessaries of life, especially in wheat and maize; the crops of the former usually amount to 30,000 (argas (a measure containing four bushels) yearly, and of the latter to 25,000. Besides this it produces great quantities of seeds, woods, sugar, honey, and the fruits of a hot climate, all of which arc carried to Mexico, as well by land carriage as by the lake, which is so favourable to its commerce. In the sierra of the volcano of this jurisdiction, there are silver mines, but they are not worked, on account of the great expence. The population consists of 46 settlements, of which 16 are head settlements of districts, and in 15 of these there are parish churches. Tlie capital is of the same name, and it is situate on the shore of a lake enjoying a mild temperature, and well known from the fair which it celebrates every Friday throughout the year, to which flock a great number of people from the neighbouring provinces with merchandize ; some even coming from the most distant parts in canoes by the lake, or with droves of mules on land. It lies between the rivers Fiamanalco and Tenango, which run into the lake, and the waters of this serve, when it is necessary, to replenish the lake of Mexico, for which purpose there are proper sluices provided. It contains 350 families of Indians, and some Spaniards and Mustees ; is seven leagues from Mexico. The other settlements are,

Fiamanalco, Atlautla,

San Pedro de Ecazingo, Ayapango,

Tepozozolco, Ixtapalucan,

San Juan Tenango, Ayozingo,

Amecameca, Mexquique,

Zentlalpan, Hahuac,

Chimalhuacan, Themamatla,

Tepetuxpan, Ozumba.

CHALCO, with the dedicatory title of San Agustin, another settlement of the head settle-

ment of Coxcotlan, and the alcaldia mayor of Valles, in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Aquismon ; is of an extremely hot and moist temperature, on account of which it has been abandoned by several Indian families who resided in it formerly ; 12 of these families only are now remaining ; is 23 leagues from its capital.

CHALCO, another, of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zochicoatlan ; situate in the plain of a deep break or hole made by mountain floods ; is of a hot temperature, and contains 35 families of Indians ; lies 12 leagues to the n. of its capital.

(Chalco Lake. See Mexico.)

CHALCOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Cahuanca.

CHALEUAPAN, a settlement of the province and government of Nicaragua in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHALEURS, a bay on the coast of the province of Nova Scotia or Acadia, and gulf of St. Lawrence. It is large and convenient.

CHALEURS, another bay on the s. coast of the island of Newfoundland, near the point which looks to the w.

(CHALEURS, a deep and broad bay on the w. side of the gulf of St. Lawrence. From this bay to that of Verte, on the s. in the s. e. corner of the gulf, is the n. e. sea line of the British province of New Brunswick.)

CHALINGA, a settlement of Indians of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile.

CHALIQUE, San Pablo de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru.

CHALLABAMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucartambo in Peru.

CHALLACATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Garu Mendoza.

CHALLACOLLO, a settlement of the same province and corregimiento as the former, belonging to the archbishopric of Charcas. It has a convent of monks of the order of St. Augustin.

CHALLAHUACHO, a river of the province and corregimiento of Chilques y Masques in Peru. It rises near the settlement of Capi, runs in a serpentine course to the n. n. w. and enters the Apurirnac.

CHALLANA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru.

CHALLAPAMPA an ancient province of Peru, of small extent, and to the c. of Cuzco. It

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934



either in the service of the United States during the war, or fled to them for protection. The indigence or ill habits of these people occasioned the breaking up of the settlement, and a better sort of inhabitants have now taken their place. The lands are fertile, and two rivers run through it, well stored with fish. It has 575 inhabitants, and three slaves. By the state census of 1796, 76 of the inhabitants are electors.)

CHAMPLAIN, a lake of the same province, of more than 20 leagues in length, and from 10 to 12 in width, abounding in excellent fish. It was discovered in 1609 by a French gentleman of tlie name of Champlain, who gave it his name, which it still retains. It communicates with a smaller lake called Sacrament, and the canal passing from one side to the other of these is extremely rapidand dangerous, from the inequality of its bottom. At the distance of 25 leagues to the s, are some very lofty mountains, which are covered with snow, and in which are found castors and a variety 'of animals of the chase; and between these mountains and the aforesaid lake are some beautiful level meadows or llanuras^ which, when first discovered, were well peopled with Iroquees Indians ; but these have greatly diminished in numbers, through the continual wars Avith the French and English. [This lake is next in size to lake Ontario, and lies e. n. €. from it, forming a part of the dividing line between the states of New York and Vermont. It took its name from a French governor, who was drowned in it; it was before called Corlaer’s lake. Reckoning its length from Fairhaven to St.John’s, a course nearly n. it is about 200 miles ; its breadth is from one to 18 miles, being very different in different places ; the mean width is about five miles, and it occupies about 500,000 acres ; its depth is sufficient for the largest vessels. There are in it above sixty islands of different sizes : the most considerable are North and South Hero and Motte island. North Hero, or Grand isle, is 24 miles long, and from two to four wide. It receives at Ticonderoga the waters of lake George from the s. s. w. which is said to be 100 feet higher than the waters of this lake. Half the rivers and streams which rise in Vermont fall into it. There are several which come to it from New York state, and some from Canada ; to which last it sends its own waters a n. course, through Sorell or Chamblee river, into the St. Lawrence. This lake is well stored with fish, particularly salmon, salmon trout, sturgeon, and pickerel, and the land on its borders, and on the banks of its rivers, is good. The rocks in several places appear to be marked and stained with the former surface of the lake, many feet higher than


it has been since its discovery in 160S. The waters generally rise from about the 20th of April to the 20th of June, from four to six feet ; the greatest variation is not more than eight feet. It is seldom entirely shut up Avith ice until the middle of January, Between the 6th and 15th of April the ice generally goes off, and it is not uncomtiAon for many square miles of it to disappear in one day.]

CHAMPLE, a large unpeopled tract of the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya, in which there is a mountain abounding greatly in silver mines. Here is also a mission Avhicli Avas established by the regulars of the company for the reduction of the natives : is 12 leagues n. e. of the town of Santa Eulalia.

CHAMPOTON, a river of the province and government of Jucatan. It runs into the sea near the lake of Tenninas.

CHAMUINA, a river of the province and government of Costarica in the kingdom of Guatemala. It empties itself into the S. sea near the limits of this jurisdiction, and of that of Chiriqui in the kingdom of Tierra Firme.

CHAMULA, a settlement of the province and alcaldía mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHANAR-PUGIO, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Santiago del Estero, and eight leagues from the same.

CHANCAILLO, a small port of the S. sea, in the province and corregimiento of Chancay, to the n. of Lima ; little frequented, from lying exposed, and being insecure. In lat. 12° 3' 5.

CHANCAY, a province and corregimiento of the kingdom of Peru ; bounded n. by that of Santa ; n. e. and n. by that of Caxatambo ; e. by that of Cauta; and s. by the corregimiento of Cercado. It is 27 leagues in length from n. to s. and the same in width e. w. and has on its coast some ports and creeks not remarkable for their security. It comprehends in its district two territories, one of a cold temperature toAvards the cordillera, called De los Checras; and another of a warm temperature, lying in the valleys towards the sea, called De Chancay. It is irrigated by two rivers, one on the s. side, called Pasamayo, and the other Huama, on the n. The latter has an arched bridge, which was built in the time of the viceroy, the Marquis de Montes Claros, the buttresses of which are two rocks, through which the river passes. On the e. and in the cold part of this province, are found the productions peculiar to the climate, such as papas, ocas, and some wheat and maize. Here are also cattle, ot the fleeces of which

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934



settlement of Naiilingo, and alcaldm mayor of Xalapa, in Nueva Espaila, the name of which signifies the place of six fountains. It is situate in the most lofty part of a rugged and mountainous sierra, on which account its temperature is every where cold, and subject more than any other part of its district to continual fogs and rains. Its commerce consists in maize, which it produces in abundance, and in the breeding of swine, both of which articles are carried for sale to Vera Cruz. Its inhabitants are also engaged in the mule-droves which pass through these parts in tlieir way to the windward coasts, and which proceed over a road so rough and stony that they are under the necessity of descending and ascending precipices by means of steps or artificial passages hewn out of the rocks ; and however difficult this might appear to some, they do not experience any gleat delay, although the animals are very heavily loaded, and the road be rendered still more diflicult, if, as it often happens, the journey be performed in the winter season. This very stony route is a narrow pass or defile which shortens the way leading to the province of La Guasca. The inhabitants of this settlement are composed of 236 families of Indians. It lies three short leagues to the n. of its capital.

CHICONCUAUTLA, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Guachinango in Nueva Espana. It is of a mild temperature, and contains 270 families of Indians, including the three other small settlements of its district. Six leagues to the e. of its capital.

CHICONTEPEC, a settlement of the head settlement of Tlalixcoya, and alcaldia maijor of Mizantla, in Nueva Espaila. It contains 53 families of Indians.

CHICORATO, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the society of Jesuits, in the province and government of Cinaloa.

CHICUAS, a nation of Indians of Peru. It is at present reduced to merely a settlement of the province of Condesuyos, in which is found abundance of cochineal, made use of by the natives in dyeing of wool ; this being the branch of commerce by which they maintain themselves.

CHIEGNETO, a settlement and fort of the English, in the province and colony of Nova Scotia, in the most interior part of the bay of Eundy.

Chiegneto, a small river of the above province, which rises from a lake, runs s. and enters the Basin of the Mines.


Chiegneto, a cape or point of the coast of the same province, in the bay of Fundy.

CHIEN, Trou au, a river of the island of Guadalupe. It rises in the mountains towards the e. runs e. and enters the sea between the point of Petit Carbet and the river Trou or Chat.

==CHIENS, ISLA DE LOS, or Island of the Dogs==, in the gulf of St. Lawrence, at the entrance of the strait of Belleisle, and on the w. coa«t of the island of Newfoundland.

CHIETLAN, a head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Yzucar in Nueva Espaila. It was formerly the corregbniento, and is at present embodied with this jurisdiction. It is of a warm and moist temperature, but very pleasant, and covered with gardens full of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. The territory also abounds in wheat, maize, and other seeds, and particularly in dates, the whole of the district being covered with palms. Its inhabitants consist of 267 families of Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulattocs, and of 356 families of Indians, including those dwelling in the settlements which belong to this district. It abounds likewise in garbanzos, or Spanish pease, anniseed, and melons, all of which are of the best quality of anj^ in the whole kingdom. It lies three leagues s. of its capital.

The aforesaid settlements are,


San Nicolas de Tenaxcalco,

Santiago de Azalan.

CHIGNAL, VOLCAN DE, a mountain of the province and corregimiento of Maúle in the kingdom of Chile, distinct from the other which is near to it and of the same name.

(CHIGNECTO Channel, then. to. arm of the bay of Fundy, into which Petitcodiac river falls. The spring tides rise here 60 feet.)

CHIGUACHI, a settlement of the corregimiento of Ubaqué in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate behind the mountains of Guadalupe and Monserrat, of the city of Santa Fe, from whence it is distant five leagues to the c. It is of a delightful temperature, and abounds in wheat, maize, barley, potatoes, sugar-cane, and plantains. Its inhabitants consist of 200 families of Spaniards, and a very tew Indians.

CHIGUAGUA, San Felipe de, a town of the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Viscaya ; situate near the river San Pedro. Its population consists of 2000 families of Spaniards, and some of Mustees and Mulattoes. The town is large and well built, and the liouses are handsome ; amongst otlier buildings, the most con-

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wliich there is a bank of fine sand, extending a mile into the sea, and affording good anchorage. Lat. 1° 59' n. Long. 157° 35' w.]

[Christmas Sound, in Tien a del Fuego, S. America. Lat. 55° 21' n. Long. 69° 48' tw.]

CHRISTOVAL, San, a town of the government and jurisdiction of Maracaibo in the Nuevo Rey no de Granada; founded by Captain Juan de Maldonado in 1560. It is of •a hot but healthy temperature, produces abundance of sugar-canes, of which are made honey, sugar, and conserves, in immense quantities ; also a great proportion of smoking tobacco, which is carried to Maracaibo. It has a good church and a convent t)f St. Augustin, which latter has fallen much to decay with regard to its establishment. The population of the town consists of 400 housekeepers. It lies 20 leagues n. e. of Pamplona, from the jurisdiction of which it is divided by the river Pamplonilla. It is the native place of Don Gregorio de Jaimes, archdeacon of Santa Fe, and bishop of Santa Marta.

Same name, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lipes, archbishopric of Charcas in Peru ; in which took place the following extraordinary occurrence: The curate of this place going to confess a sick person in the settlement of Tahisa of the province of Paria, which was annexed to this, sunk into a spring of water in the pampas or llanos dela Sal, when he was drowned, and with the two Indians who accompanied him on horseback, never more appeared, nor were any vestiges ever found of them : this was the reason why the latter settlement has since been disunited from the curacy of San Christoval.

Same name, a capital city of the province and captainship of Sergipé in the kingdom of Brazil ; being also known by that name. It is founded on the sea-shore, and has a fine and well defended port. It has a magnificent parish church with the title of Nuestra Senora de la Victoria ; two fine convents, the one of the order of the Franciscans, and the other of the Carmelites ; also a chapel of devotion of the Virgin of the Rosary. The councilhouse is a very fine edifice, and in the suburbs is a hermitage of San Gonzalo, which is frequented as a pilgrimage by this and other settlements of the jurisdiction. In this city resides the chief captain, who governs this province, and who is attended by a company of troops as a body-guard. In early times it was filled with nobility, descended from the first families in Portugal; but it is now reduced to 600 housekeepers. in its district, towards the part called Coninquiva, is a parish with four chapels, and towards the river Vaza-Barris five others. It has also 25 engines, by which abundance of sugar of an excellent quality is manufactured ; this article affords a great commerce w ith t!ic bay of Todos Santos. Lat. ll°40's. Long. ST'* SO' tw.

Same name, an island of the N. sea ; one of the Antilles, discoverctl by Admiral Christoj)her Columbus, who gave it his name, in 149S. It is five leagues in circumference, and is very fertile, and abounding in productions, particularly in cotton, tobacco, indigo, sugar, and brandy ; by all of which it carries on a great commerce. Here arc some good salines, and in the mountains are some woods of fine timber, well adapted for the building of ships. The English and the French both established themselves here in 1625, holding a divided possession, when they were driven out by the Spaniards. After this the former again returned and re-established themselves in the greatest part of the island, leaving, however, a small share to the French, until the year 1713, when the latter, in conjunction with the Spaniards themselves, ceded it entirely to the English, who from that time have held it and kept it well fortified. [St. Christopher, situate in lat. 17° 21', long. 62° 48' ze. was called by its ancient possessors, the Charibes, Liamuiga, or the Fertile Island. It was discovered in November 1493 by Columbus himself, who was so pleased with its appearance, that he honoured it with his own Christian name. But it was neither planted nor possessed by the Spaniards. It was, however, (notwithstanding that the general opinion ascribes the honour of seniority to Barbadoes), the eldest of all the British territories in the \V. Indies, and in truth, the common mother both of the English and French settlements in the Charibean islands. A Mr. Thomas Warner, an Englishman, associated himself Avith 14 other persons in the year 1622, and with them took his passage on board a ship bound to Virginia. From thence he and his companions sailed from St. Christopher’s, where they arrived in January 1623, and by the month of September following had raised a good crop of tobacco, which they proposed to make their staple commodity. By the generality of historians who have treated of the affairs of the W. Indies, it is asserted that a party oflhe French, under the command of a person of the name of D’Esnambuc, took possession of one part of this island, on the same day that Mr. Warner landed on the other; but the truth is, that the first landing of Warner and his associates happened two years before the arrival of D’Esnambuc; who, it is admitted by Du Tertre, did not leave France until IG25. Unfortunately the English settlers, in the latter end of

1623, had their plantations demolished by a dread- j

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[And the Import of Slaves, by report of privy council, 1788, at a medium of four years, and by a return to house of commons in 1805, at a medium of two years from 1803, was as follows :

Average of




Four years to 1787




Tw o years to 1803




By report of privy council, 1788, and by subsequent estimate, the population amounted to



People of











See Caribe (Leeward) Islands; and for the later political inquiries, see West Indies.]

Same name, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Toluca in Nueva Espana. It contains 64 families of Indians, and lies a small distance to the n. of its capital.

Same name, another, of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan in the same kingdom, lying two leagues from its capital.

Same name, another, of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tetelaxonotla in the same kingdom, lying two leagues to the w. of that place.

Same name, another settlement of the province and corregimienio of Angaraes in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of San Antonio, and situate on the contrary side of the river.

Same name another, settlement of the province and eorreghniento of Conchucos in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of San Marcos.

Same name, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of its capital.

Same name, another settlement of the head settlement of Pinotepa, and alcaldia mayor of Xicayan, in Nueva Espana. It contains 24 families of Indians, and is seven leagues to the n. of its head settlement.

Same name, another settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuquio in the same kingdom ; situate near to the conflux of the rivers Mesquital and Grande, its population is large.

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and it lies 15 leagues to the w. of its capital, an^ 10 to the n. w. of the capital of the province of Guadalaxara.

Same name, another settlement of the head settlement of Axixique, and alcaldia mayor of Zayula, in the same kingdom ; situate on the shore of the great lake or sea of Chapala. It contains 70 fajmilies of Indians, who employ themselves in fishing and agriculture ; is 13 leagues to the s. of its head settlement.

Same name another settlement of the province and country of the Amazonas, in the Portuguese K ossessioiis ; situate on the shore of the river laranon, at the mouth where it enters the Ovaripana.

Same name another settlement of the province and government of Cartagena in the district of Sinu ; situate on the bank of the river Pichelin, in the division of this jurisdiction and that of Tolu. It is one of those which were founded, in 1776, by the Governor Don Juan Piraienta.

Same name another settlement of the kingdom of Brazil ; situate on the shore of a river which enters the Yguan to the s. of the settlement of Jesus Maria.

Same name another settlement of the province and captainship of Sergipé in the same kingdom (Brazil) ; situate on the sea-coast, between the river Sirugipa and thatof Vazabaris.

Same name another settlement of the province and kingdom of Nueva Galicia ; situate near its capital.

Same name,of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of the Jesuits in the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya.

Same name another settlement of Nuevo Mexico ; situate on the shore of the Rio Grande del N. (Large River of tlie N.) where this enters the Conch os.

Same name, a bay on the coast of the province of California, in the part opposite the coast of Nueva Espana.

Same name another settlement, an isle of the N. sea, in the interior of the bay and port of the Cul de Sac Grand, of the island of Guadalupe.

[CHRISTOPHER, Sr. See Christovae.] CHUAO, a port of the coast of the kingdom of Tierra Firme, in the province and government of Venezuela, to the w. of the port of La Guaira.

==CHUAPA, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Villalta in Nueva Espana. It contains 112 familes of Indians, and is 12 leagues n. e. of its capital.

Same name, a river of the kingdom of Chile.


Last edit over 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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