Pages That Mention Huanta
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
raent and head settlenient of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Tepozcolula in the same kingdom. It is of a mild temperature, and contains a convent of the religious order of St. Domingo, and 128 families of Indians, who occupy themselves in the trade of cochineal, as likewise of certain seeds which they sow in ihe ranchos. Four leagues to the n. by s. of its capital.
Chilapa, San Pedro de, another, of the head settlement of the district of Huitepec, and alcaldia mayor of Ixquintepec, in the same kingdom. It contains 30 families of Indians, and is five leagues to the n. with a slight inclination to the e. of its capital.
CHILAQUE, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Olintla, and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan, in Nueva España. It is situate in a delightful glen surrounded by rocks, and is watered by various streams, being distant five leagues from its head settlement.
CHILATECA, S. JUAN DE, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Cuilapa, and alcaldia mayor of Quatro Villas, in Nueva Espana. It contains 52 families of Indians, who trade in cochineal, seeds, and fruits, and collect coal and timber, all of which form branches of their commerce. Five leagues to the s.e. of its head settlement.
CHILCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canete in Peru, with a small but safe and convenient port. It abounds in saltpetre, which its natives carry to Lima for the purpose of making gunpowder, on which account they are for the most part muleteers or carriers. In its vicinity are the remains of some magnificent buildings which belonged to the Incas of Peru. The name of Chilca is given by the Indians of the same kingdom, as also by those of the kingdom of Quito, to a small tree or shrub which is a native of hot climates, and which, when burnt to ashes, is often used as lye for the use of the sugar engines.
Chi DC A, a beautiful and extensive valley of this province, which, although it be not irrigated by any river, stream, or fountain, by which it might be fertilized, produces an abundant harvest of maize. The seed of this is accustomed to be buried in the ground with heads of pilchards, an abundance of which fish is found upon the coast; and thus, by the moisture arising from this practice, and by the morning dews, the soil becomes suflaciently moistened to produce a very fair crop. The same method is observed, and the same effect produced, with regard to other fruits and herbs ; but for drinking and culinary uses, the little
water that is procured is drawn from wells. Lat. 12° 3P 5. Long. 76° 35' w.
CHILCAIMARCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Condesuyos de Arequipa in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Andahua.
CHILCAIO, a settlement of the province and government of Lucimas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Querobamba.
CHILCAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Hacas.
Chilcas, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huanta in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Tambos.
CHILCHAIOTLA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Zochicoatlan in Nueva España; situate on the side of a hill. It is of a hot temperature, contains 26 families of Indians, and is 11 leagues to the n. of its capital.
CHILCHOIAQUE, a settlement of the head settlement of TIacolula, and alcaldia mayor of Xalapa, in Nueva Espana ; situate in a very extensive glen, surrounded by heights which begin in the neighbourhood of Xilotepec, and run somewhat more than a league in length. The population is very scanty, and the temperature bad ; indeed, out of the many families which formerly inhabited it, 19 only are remaining ; these employ themselves in the rancherias^ agriculture being indispensably necessary to their maintenance, owing to the barrenness of the territory of the district. At the distance of a league to the n. of Xalapa, and on the side of the royal road leading to ^^exico, is the great mill of Lucas Martin. Here the lands are fertilized by the large river Cerdeilo ; by the waters of which also other settlements arc supplied, as likewise some of ihe ranchos^ wherein employment is found for upwards of SO families of Spaniards, some Mustees^ and many Indians. Four leagues to the s. w. of its head settlement.
GHILCHOTA, the alcaldia mayor and jurisdiction of the province and bishopric of Mechoaedn. It is very mean, and reduced to a few small settlements, which lie so nigh together, that their situations are pointed out to tlie traveller by crosses stuck up in the roads. Its population consists of 470 families of Tarascos Indians, and about 300 of Spaniards, Mulattoes, and Mustees\ who are, for the most part, scattered in the agricultural estates of its district, where, from the fertility of the soil, wheat, maize, and other seeds, are cultivated in abundance. The country is agreeable, and well stocked with every kind of fruit trees. The capi
mines have as yet been discovered here. These islands have some ports, but such as are small, insecure, and without any defence, with the exception of that of Chacao. The inhabitants should amount to 22,000 souls, and these are divided into 4 1 settlements or parishes, being formed by the reducciones of the missionaries of St. Francis, and consisting at the present day, for the most part, of Spaniards and Creoles. The capital is the city of Santiago de Castro, in the large island of Chiloe. [For further account, see index to additional history of Chile, chap. lY. § 35.]
CHILON, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Peru ; situate in a valley which is beautiful and fertile, and which abounds in wheat. Twenty-eight leagues from the settlement of Samaypata.
CHILOSTUTA, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Zedales in the kingdom of Guatemala.
CHILPANSINGO, a settlement of the intendancy of Mexico, surrounded with fertile fields of wheat. Elevation 1080 metres, or 3542 feet.
CHILQUES Y MASQUES, a province and corregimiento of Peru, bounded by the province of Quispicanchi; s.e. by that of Churabivilcas ; s. and s. w. by that of Cotabambas ; w. by that of Abancay; and n. t®. by Cuzco. Its temperature is various, the proportion of heat and cold being regulated by its different degrees of elevation ; so that in the quebradas or deep glens, it is warm, and in the sierras or mountains, cold. It is 13 leagues in length, and 25 in width ; is watered by three rivers, which are the Cusibamba, passing through the valley of this name, the Velille, and the Santo Tomas ; over these rivers are extended seven bridges, which form a communication with the other provinces. It has likewise eight small lakes, and in some of these are found water-fowl. The hot parts abound in all kinds of fruits ; in wheat, maize, pulse, potatoes, and are well stocked with some sorts of cattle, and great herds of deer. Its natives fabricate the manufactures of the country ; such as cloths, baizes, and coarse frieze, by means of chorillos, or running streams, as they have no mills for fulling, since a royal licence is necessary for the making use of the same. Although the appearance of mines has in many places been discovered amongst the mountains, yet no mines have as yet been worked, and two only have been known to have been opened in former times. This province has suffered much from earthquakes ; and the greatest of these happened in 1707, when many settlements were made desolate. It is composed of 27 settlements, and these contain 16,000 inhabitants. The capital is Paruro ; and the repariimiento of the corregimiento used to amount to 84,550 dollars, and the alcamla The other settlements are.
to 676 dollars per ann. Colcha,
San Lorenzo, Parapacucho,
Same name, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Pucquin.
CHILTAL, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Atacames or Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito ; situate in the valley of Chota, on the shore of the river Mira.
CHILTEPEC, a settlement of the head settlement of Tepalcatepcec in Nueva Espana. Its temperature is the mildest of any part of its jurisdiction. It is situate in the middle of a plain, extending over the top of a hill, on two sides of which are large chasms, so immensely deep, that it is really astonishing to observe how the Indians contrive to cultivate the impoleras on their edges. It contains 67 families of Indians, and is five leagues to thes. of its head settlement.
Same name, a river of the province and alcaldiamayor of Tabasco, which runs into the sea.
CHILUA, San Marcos de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huanta in Peru ; annexed to the Curacy of Huamanguilla.
CHIMA, a mountain of the kingdom of Quito, in the government and corregimiento of Chirnbo or Guaranda, to tire zo. of the settlement of Asancoto. It is entirely covered with woods and with streams, which flow down from the heights into the plains of Babahoyo. The river named De la Chima runs from e. tow. until it joins the Caracol. A way has been opened through this mountain which leads to Guaranda or Guayaquil ; but it is passable in the summer only. There is also another pass equally difficult and dangerous, called Angas. The cold is great at the top of the mountain, and at the skirts the heat is excessive, it i.s in lat. 44' s.
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ment of the province and corre^innenlo of Hiiamachuco in Peru ; one of the lour divisions of the curacy of Estancias.
CHUQUIYAPU, an ancient province of Peru, which was conquered and united to the empire by Mayta Capac, fourth Emperor of the Incas, after the famous battle and victory of Huallu against the Collas Indians. It is tolerably well j, copied, and of a cold climate. Its territory abounds in excellent pastures, iti which there are great quantities of cattle. In some parts, where the temperature is hot, there is found maize, cacao, and sugarcane. This country abountls in woods, and in these are found tigers, leopards, stags, and monkeys of many dilFerent species.
CHURCAMPA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huanta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Mayor.
[CHURCH Creek Town, in Dorchester county, Maryland, lies at the head of Church creek, a branch of Hudson river, seven miles $.w. from Cambridge.]
[Church Hill, a village in Queen Ann’s county, Maryland, at tlie head of S. E. Creek, a branch of Chester river, n. w. of Bridgetown, and n. e. of Centreville eight miles, and 85 s. w. from Philadelphia. Lat. 39° 6' n. Long. 76° 10' a?.]
CHURCHILL, a great river of New S. Wales, one of tlie provinces of N. America, at the mouth of which the English Hudson bay company have a fort and establishment; situate in lat. 59° w. and long. 94° 12' w. The commerce of this place is great and lucrative, and on account of its great distance entirely secure from any disturbance from the French. In 1747 the number of castor-skins, which were brought by 100 Indians to this spot in their canoes, amounted to 20,000. Several other kinds of skins were also brought from the n, by 200 other Indians ; some of whom came hither by the river Seals, or Marine Wolves, 15 leagues to the s. of the fort. To the n. of this fort there are no castors, since there arc no woods where these animals are found, though there are many other woods Avhich abound in wolves, bears, foxes, buffaloes, and other animals whose skins are valuable. Here are great quantities of shrubs or small trees, planted by the factory, supplying timber ; but the opposite side, of the river is most favourable to their growth ; and at a still greater distance are found large trees of various kinds. The company residing in the fort is exposed to many risks, and obliged to inhabit a rock surrounded by frosts and snows for eight months in the year, being exposed to all the winds and tempests. On account of the deficiency of pasture, they maintain near the factory no more than four or five horses, and a bull w ith two cows ; for the maintenance of which during the winter, fodder is brought from a fenny bottom some miles distant from the river. Those who have been hero allirm, that between this river and the river Nelson there is, at a great distance up the country, a communication or narrow pass of land, by which these rivers are divided; and the Indians who carry on this traffic, have dealings with the English navigating the river Nelson or Albany. [See New Britain.]
[CHURCHTOWN, a village so called, in the n. e. part of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, about 20 miles e.n.e. of Lancaster, and 50w.n.w.oi' Philadelphia. It has 12 houses, and an episcopal church ; and m the environs are two forges, which
manufacture about 450 tons of bar iron annually. |
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It has some celebrated fountains of mineral waters,
CHURUBAMBA, settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huanuco in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Santa Maria del Valle.
CHURUMACO, a settlement of the head settlement and dlealdia mayor of Cinagua in Nueva España ; situate in a dry and warm country ; on which account the seeds scarcely ever come to maturity, save those of maize ; melons indeed grow in abundance, owing to the cultivation they find, and from water being brought to them from a river which runs at least a league’s distance from the the settlement. In its district are several herds of large cattle, which form the principal branch of the commerce of the inhabitants : these consist of 80 families of Indians. In its limits are also found some ranchos, in which reside 22 families of Spaniards, and 34 of Mustees and Mulattoes. At a short distance is the mountain called Ynguaran, in which copper mines are found, though this metal has not been observed much to abound. Four leagues to the e. of its capital.
CHURUMATAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Yamparaes in Peru, and of the archbishopric of Charcas.
CHUSCOS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the ancient province of Panataguas, to the n. of the city of Huanuco ; of which little more than its name is known.
CHYAIZAQUES, a barbarous nation, and
COLARIA, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district of the capital, to the zo. of this province.
COLASTINA, a small river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs e. and enters the Parana,
COLATE, a small river of the province and alcaldta mayor of Tecoantepec in the kingdom of Guatemala. It runs into the S. sea, between the rivers Azatian and Capanerealte.
COLATPA, a settlement of the head settlement of Olinalá, and alcald'in mayor of TIapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 29 families of Indians, who employ themselves in the commerce of chia, a v/hite medicinal earth, and cochineal, which abound in their territory : n. w. of its head settlement.
COLAZA, a small and ancient province, extremely fertile and delightful, belonging at the present day to the province of Popayán in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It was discovered by Sebastian de Benalcazar in 1536. Its inhabitants, who were a warlike and cruel race, are entirely extirpated.
COLCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Vilcas Huaman in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huanacapi.
COLCA, another settlement in the province and corregimiento of Xauja in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Chongos.
COLCA, another, in the province and corregimiento of Aimaraez in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Pampamarca.
COLCABAMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Aimaraez in Peru.
COLCABAMBA, another settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Theanta in the same kingdom.
COLCAHUANCA, a settlementof the province and corregimiento of Huailas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pampas.
COLCAMAR, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Luya and Chillaos in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Luya, its capital.
COLCHA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento oi Lipes, and archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru. It was formerly the capital, and preserves in its cluirch an image of the blessed virgin, sent thither by the Emperor Charles V. It is now annexed to the curacy of San Christoval.
COLCHA, another settlement, of the'province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in the same kingdom.
COLCHA, another, of the province and corregimiento of Cochabamba in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Berenguela,
COLCHAGUA, a province and^ corregimiento of the kingdom of Chile ; bounded on the e. by the cordillera Nevada ; s. by the province of Maule, the river Teno serving as the boundary ; and w. by the sea. It is 40 leagues in length from e. to w. and 32 in width from n. to s. Here are some gold mines, and there were several others, the working of which has been discontinued : here are also some copper mines. It abounds in wheat, large and small cattle, horses and mules. In a part called Cauquencs are some hot baths, which arc much frequented, from the salutary affects they produce, especially upon those affected with the French disease, leprosy, spots on the skin, or wounds. The inhabitants of this province amount to 15,000 souls, and its capital is the town of San Fernando.
COLCHAGUA, a settlement of this province and corregimiento, which is the head of a curacy of another, and contains four chapels of ease.
(COLCHESTER, a township in Ulster county. New York, on the Popachton branch of Delaware river, s. w. of Middletown, and about 50 miles s. w. by s. of Cooperstown. By the state census of 1796, 193 of its inhabitants are electors.)
(Colchester, a large township in New London county, Connecticut, seltled in 1701 ; about 15 miles tc. of Norwich, 25 s. e. of Hartford, and 20 n. w. of New London city. It is in contemplation to have a post-office established in this town.)
(Colchester, the chief town in Chittenden county, Vermont, is on the e. bank of lake Champlain, at the mouth of Onion river, and n, of Burlington, on Colchester bay, which spreads n. of the town.)
(Colchester, a post-town in Fairfax county, Virginia ; situate on the n. e. bank of Ocquoquam creek, three or four miles from its confluence with the Potowmack ; and is here about 100 yards wide, and navigable for boats. It contains about 40 houses, and lies 16 miles s. w. of Alexandria, 106 n. by e. of Richmond, and 172 from Philadelphia.)
(Colchester River, Nova Scotia. See CoheQUIT.)
COLCURA, a fortress of the kingdom of Chile, built on the opposite shore of the river Biobio, to restrain the incursions of the warlike Araucanian Indians, who burnt and destroyed it in 1601.
COLD Bay, in the extremity of the n. coast of the island of Jamaica, between the port Antonio and the n. e. point.
(COLD Spring, in the island of Jamaica, is a villa six miles from the high lands of Liguania. The grounds are in a high state of improvement.
C O R'
upon the loftiest part of that most beautiful lltinura, from which the prospect is so enchanting ; sliewing on one side the sea, on another the river which waters tlie precincts, and on another some shady poplar groves. It is of an extremely benign temperature, and enjoying throughout the year a perpetual spring, being neither incommoded by heat nor cold. It is extremely fertile, and abounds in whatever can conduce to the comfort and convenience of life. The city is tolerably large ; all the streets are drawn at straight lines ; and the houses are disjoined from each other by large gardens, which are all well supplied with water brought by aqueducts from the river. The parish church is very beautiful, and not less so are those of the religious orders of St.. Francis, St. Domingo, St. Augustin, La Merced, San Juan de Dios, and the college which formerly belonged to the regulars of the company of the Jesuits. It has a port, which is convenient ajid much frequented by vessels ; upon the shore of which are caught tunnies, abacoras, and various other kinds of fish ; also many delicate kinds of shell-fish. At a small distance is a very abundant copper mine, from which much metal is extracted and carried to Europe ; and it is of this, as well as of its excellent breed of horses, its wine, oil, tallow, cow-hides, and dried meats, that its commerce is composed ; sending, as it does yearly, four or five vessels loaded with these effects to Lima. Although it has mines of the purest gold, yet these are but little worked. The whole of the town is covered with beautiful myrtles, and of these there is a delightful grove. It was destroyed by the Araucanos Indians in 1547 ; and in 1579 it was attempted to be taken by Francis Drake, who was repulsed by the inhabitants, la 1680 it seemed to be rebuilt only that it might undergo a sacking the same year by the English pirate, Bartholomew Sharps. Its population consists of 500 families of Spaniards and people of colour, and some Indians. Fifteen leagues from the city of Concepcion, and 58 from the capital of the kingdom, Santiago. Lat. 30° s. Long. 71° 18'. [See Chile,]
COQUIMBO, an island of the coast of this province and corregimiento.
COQUIN, a settlement of the province and government of Tarma in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Cayna.
COQUINOCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chichas and Tarija in Peru.
CORAI, Santa Clara de Cosme, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Huanta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Paucarbaraba.
CORAJAIS, a settlement and village of th« Portuguese in the province and country of Las Amazonas ; situate on the shore of the river Negro.
CORAL, a settlement of the province and c«/j* iainship of Rey in Brazil; situate on the sea-coast, at the mouth of the river Imbau.
(Coral River, in New Mexico, runs a course w. by s. and empties into the head of the gulf of California, close by the mouth of Colorado river.)
(CORAM, a post-town in Suffolk county. Long island. New York, It has about 60 houses, and lies 62 miles e. of New Y ork city, and 10 from Srnithtown.)
CORANI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carabaya in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Ayapata.
CORAS, Santiago de los, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits in California ; situate at an equal distance from both coasts. It is composed of Indians of the nation of its name, and is the place where the Father Lorenzo Carranza, a missionary, suffered martyrdom.
Coras, some shoals, lying very little under water, near the coast of the province and coptamship of Marañan in Brazil, at the mouth of a river which is also thus called.
CORAZON DE Jesus, a settlement of the corregimiento and jurisdiction of Velez in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. Its population i* small, and it is situate in a country mountainous and full of pools, being scanty in vegetable productions, with 200 inhabitants, a miserable race. It is near the settlement of Chiquinquira, and to the s. of Velez.
CORAZON, another, called De Maria, of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of J esLiits, in the province and government of Maynas, of the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of the river Aguarico.
CORAZON, another, called De Jesus, in the province and government of the Chiquitos Indians in Peru ; situate at the foot of the cordillera of San Fernando, a reduccion of the missions which were held there by the regulars of the company,
CORAZON, another, of the kingdom of Quito, in the corregimiento of the district of Las Cinco Leguasde esta Ciudad (the Five Leagues from this City), and in the road which leads down from Guayaquil.
CORAZON, a mountain of the kingdom of Quito, on the s. s. e. part, from the ivhich on the w. flow down the rivers of San Lorenzo and Yaraboya,