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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


ACHA, Mountains of, in the province and government of Guayana; they run from N to S on the shore of the river Caroni.

ACHACACHE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Omasuyos, the capital of this province, in Peru. It contains, besides the parish chapel, another, in which is an image of Christ, with the dedicatory title of La Misericordia. [Lat. 16° 33' 30" S. Long. 79° 23' 20" W.]

ACHAGUA, a nation of Indians of the nuevo Reyno de Granada, who dwell among the plains of Gazanare and Meta, and in the woods which skirt the river Ele. They are bold in their engagements with wild beasts, but with human beings they have recourse rather to poison and stratagem; they are dexterous in the use of the dart and spear, and never miss their aim; are particularly fond of horses, of which they take the utmost care, anointing and rubbing them with oil ; and it is a great thing among them to have one of these animals of peculiar size and beauty. They go naked, but, for the sake of decency, wear a small apron made of the thread of aloes, the rest of their bodies being painted of different colours. They are accustomed, at the birth of their children, to smear them with a bituminous ointment, which hinders the hair from growing, even upon the eyebrows. The women's brows are also entirely deprived of hair, and the juice of jagua being immediately rubbed into the little holes formed by the depilatory operation, they remain bald for ever after. They are of a gentle disposisition, but much given to intoxication. The Jesuits reduced many to the catholic faith, forming them into settlements, in 1661 .

ACHALA, Mountains of, in the province and government of Tucuman, bounded by the mountains of Cuyo or Mendoza, of the kingdom of Chile; they run from N N W to S S E at the sources of the river Quarto.

Achamqui. See CHANQUI.

ACHAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Guamanga in Peru, situate on the confines which divide the above province from Huanta.

ACHEPE, Bay of, a small port of the N. sea, on the E, coast of the Isla Real, or Cape Breton. It is close to N. cape.

[ACHIACHICA, a town in Mexico. See Angelos.]

ACHIANTLAS, Miguel de, the head settlement of the district of the alcaldía mayor of Tepozcolula. It contains a convent of monks of Santo Domingo, and 260 families of Indians, who occupy themselves in cultivating and improving the land. It is eight leagues to the W with an inclination to the S of its capital.

ACHIBAMBA, a river of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito; it rises in the mountains, and enters the Marañon.

ACHINUTLAN, a very lofty mountain of the province and government of Guayana, or Nueva Andalucia. It is on the shore of the river Orinoco, and to the E of the Ciudad Real, (royal city), the river Tacuragua running between them.

ACHIRA. See Cata-Magu.

ACHITE, a small river of the province and government of Guayana. It runs from S to N and enters the Cuyuni.

ACHOCALLA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Pacages in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Viacha.

ACHOGOA, a settlement of the province and government of Cinaloa, founded by the missionaries of the Jesuits, between the rivers Tuerte, Mayo, and Ribas.

ACHOMA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Collahuas in Peru. In its vicinity is a volcano, called Amboto and Sahuarcuca, which vomits smoke and flames; the latter of which are seen clearly at night.

ACHONGA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Angaraes in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Lircay.

ACHOUPEKAHIGAN, a river of Canada. It runs E afterwards turns to the S and enters the lake of St. Thomas.

[ACKLIN'S Island. See Crooked Island.]

ACLA, a small city of the kingdom of Tierra Firme, in the province of Darien, founded by Gabriel de Roxas, in 1514, on the coast of the S. sea, at the mouth of the gulph of Uraba, in front of the island of Pinos, with a good fort, then much frequented and very convenient, from having a good bottom, but somewhat incommoded by currents. Pedro Arias Davila built here a fort for its defence in 1516; but the settlement, nevertheless, did not keep long together, the Spaniards having abandoned it, on account of its unhealthiness, in 1532. [Lat. 8° 56' N. Long. 77° 40' W.]

ACOBAMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Angaraes in Peru. It was the capital, but at present the town of Guancavelica bears that title, on account of its being the residence of the governor and other people of consequence. It is of a good temperature, and so abundant in grain, that its crops of wheat amount to 25,000 bushels yearly. In an estate near it, are some pyramidical stones, and in other parts

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from s. to e. between 'the rivers Mechicor and St. John, and entering the sea at the mouth of the bay of Fundy.

AGRATUMATI, a river of the province and government of Darien, in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains of the ». and efiters the sea by the Little Beech, opposite Calidonia.

AGREDA, or NUEVA MA'LAGA, a city of the province and government of Popayan, in the kingdom of Quito, founded by Geronimo Aguado in 1541. It is small, and of a hot temperature, but abounds in gold mines. Forty-five leagues s. w. of its capital, 42 from Quito, and 37 to the e. of the S, sea.

AGRESINAS, a settlement founded by the Portuguese fathers of the Carmelite. order, in the country of the Amazonas, situate on the shores of the river Amazonas.

AGRIAS, a nation of Indians of the province and government of Santa Marta, to the w. of the Cienega Grande. It was formerly very numerous, but at present considerably reduced.

AGUA, Port of, on the n. coast of the island of St. Domingo, between Point Rabeland the Bay of Marques-

Agua, a small island, situate near the k. coast of the island of Vaca, in the channel formed by the island of St. Domingo, in front of the bay of Mesle.

Agua, also Ojos de Agua, two springs or fountains of the province and corregimi'ento of Cuyo, in the kingdom of Chile, near the lake of Inca, from whence the river Quillota takes its source.

Agua Blanca, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela, situate between the rivers Sarare and Acarigua, to the e. of the town of Araure.

Agua Buena y Dulce, or Fresh Water, a bay of the strait of Magellan, near the bay of La Gente.

Agua-Caliente, a settlement of the kingdom of Guatemala.

Agua-Clara, a river of the province and government of Paraguay. It runs e. and enters the Parana on the w. side.

Agua Colorada, a river of the same province and government as the former(Paraguay), which runs e. and enters also the large river of Parana.

==Agua de Culebra, SAN FRANCISCO XAVIER DE LA==, 'a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela, a reduccionof Indians of the Capuchin fathers ; but the place is also inhabited by some Spanish families. It belongs to the

district and jurisdiction of the city of San Felipe ; and in its vicinity dwell a great number of people in the estates belonging to it, and which produce abundance of cacao, plantains, yucas, and other vegetable productions.

Agua-Dulce, Caleta de, or Creek of, on the s. coast of the strait of Magellan, on the side of the bay of San Martin.

Agua Escondida, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana, situate at the foot of a mountain, and to the n. of Santa Clara.

Agua-Verde, an island of the gulph of California, or Red sea of Cortes, situate near the coast, between the islands of Carmen and Monserrat.

AGUACAGUA, a settlement of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana, one of those belonging to the missions of the Catalanian Capuchin fathers. It is on the shore of the river Caroni, near the mouth, through which this enters the Orinoco. Lat. 8° 22' n. Long. 62^ 42' w.

AGUACATAL, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquia, situate in the valley of Peneo, on the shore of the river Cauca. Lat. 8° n. Long. 75° 28' w.

AGUACATENANGO, a settlement of the province and alceddia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of Guatemala. [Lat. 16° 18' n. Long. 91° 57' a).]

AGUACATLAN, the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Xala in N ueva Espana. In 1745 it contained 80 families of Indians, who employed themselves in the culture of maize and French beans. It has a convent of the religious order of St. Francis, and lies two leagues s. e. of its capital.

AGUACHAPA, a settlement of the province and government of Nicaragua in the kingdom of Guatemala.

AGUADA, a settlement of the island of Portorico ; situate in the bay of its name (Aguda), between the capes Boriquen and St. Francis. It serves as an inlet for ships going to Tierra Firme and Nueva Espana to take in water. [Lat. 18° 23' «. Long. 67° 6' a;.]

Aguada (Bay), the aforesaid bay (Aguda) in the above island (Porto rico).

Aguada (point), the point on the coast and at the head of the above island, 27 leagues distant from the cape of San Rafael, of the island of St. Domingo.

Aguada (river), a river near the cape (San Rafael) or former point (Aguada), and in the same island (St. Domingo), being a place where ships are accustomed to take in water.

Aguada (Small river), a small river of the province and

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Massachusetts, incorporated in 1797, it being formerly the n. part of Stoughton.)

CANUARI, a small river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs to the n. and enters the Rio Grande of the Portuguese, between the Mbouqui and the Pobatini.

CANUEIRAS, a point of the n. extremity of the island of Santa Catalina, on the coast of Brazil.

CANUERALES, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of Chile, situate near the river Diamante.

CANUTO, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It rises in the mountain Tacazuruma, runs nearly s. and enters the river of La Portuguesa.

CANXA, a small settlement of the head settlement of Orizavá, and alcaldía mayor of Yxmiquilpan, in Nueva España.

(CANY Fork, in the state of Tennessee, is a short navigable river, and runs n. w. into Cumberland river, w. of the Salt lick, and opposite Salt Lick creek, 50 miles in a straight line from Nashville.)

CANZE, a river of the colony and government of Surinam, in the part of Guayana possessed by the Dutch. It rises between the Berbice and the Corentin, and after a very round-about course, enters the former, close to its mouth, or where it runs into the sea.

CAO, Santa Maria Magdalena de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru, situate in the valley of Chicama. It was the capital in the time of the Indians, and the number of these 200 years ago was 3000 ; but now it is reduced to a wretched state, and occupies a small spot on the other side of the river, being nine leagues distant from its capital.

Cao, with the dedicatory title of Santiago, to distinguish it from another settlement of the same province and corregimiento, although they are both equally poor and reduced. Its inhabitants maintain themselves by the cultivation of maize, wheat, rice, and vegetables, which they carry for sale to the other provinces, so that they are for the most part a race of carriers, and indeed possess no inconsiderable droves of mules. It is six leagues from its capital, just by the sea.

CAOBAS, River of the, in the island of St. Domingo, in that part possessed by the French. It rises in the valley of San Juan, runs to the w. and afterwards changing its course to the n. w. enters the Artibonito.

CAORA, a river which runs down from the mountains of Guayana to the s. of the lake

Cassipa, into which it enters ; and afterwards running out at the n. side of this lake, it finds its way through a subterraneous passage, until it empties itself into the Orinoco, on its s. shore. The borders of this river are inhabited by a nation of barbarous Indians, who wander continually through the forests without any fixed abode. They are cannibals as well as the other Indian tribes around them, and with whom they keep up a continual warfare.

CAPACA, a settlement of the province of Culiacan in Nueva España ; situate near the head settlement.

CAPACHICA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucarcolla in Peru ; situate on the w. shore of the lake Titicaca.

Capachica, a narrow strip of land formed by the great lake Titicaca. Of these strips there are three, and this appears, for the distance of a league, to be completely divided from any main land.

CAPACHO, a village under the jurisdiction of the town of San Christoval, in the new kingdom of Granada ; of a warm temperature ; abounding in sugar-cane, from which much sugar is manufactured, and in cacao ; but it is much infested by the barbarian Indians, called the Motilones (shorthaired), who destroy the plantations. It contains 200 house- keepers, and is 24; leagues n. e. of Pamplona, in the road which leads to Mérida and La Grita, and eight leagues from the city of San Christoval.

CAPACMARCO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru.

CAPAIA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Aimaraez in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Soraica.

Capaia, another settlement in the province of Barcelona, and government of Cumana; situate on the coast, on the banks of a river of the same name.

Capaia, a river of the same province and government, which rises in the serranía, and after making many turnings runs into the sea, near the cape Codera towards the e.

CAPAIAN, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of the city of Rioja.

CAPAIRE, a settlement of the province of Venezuela, and government of Maracaibo ; situate very near the coast, at the point Colorada, on the shore of the river Guepe.

(CAPALITA, a large town of North America, and in the province of Oaxaca. The country round abounds with sheep, cattle, and excellent fruit.)

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much incommoded by mosquitos ; so that its population is much reduced, and those that remain apply themselves to the cultivation of sugar-canes, maize, yucas^ and plantains.

COLONCHE, a small settlement of Indians, of the district and jurisdiction of Santa Elena, in the government of Guayaquil, and kingdom of Quito ; situate on the s. shore of a river, from whence it takes its name, in lat. 1° 56' s. The said river rises in the mountains of the district, and enters the S. sea, opposite the island of La Plata.

Colonche, a small island of the S. sea, near the coast of the province and government of Guayaquil.

COLONIES OF THE English. See the articles Virginia, Carolina, New England, New York, Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Nova Scotia ; of the J3utch, see Surinam, Berbice, Corentin, CuRAZAo ; of the Portuguese, San Gabriel; of the French, Cayenne, St. Domingo, Martinique; of the Danes, St. Thomas. (See general Tables of Dominions, &c. in the introductory matter.)

COLOPO, a large river of the province and government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito. It runs from s. e. to n. w. at an almost equal distance between the rivers Esmeraldas and Verde, and runs into the S. sea, in the bay of San Mateo, in lat. 58' n.

COLOR, Cabo de, a cape on the coast of the province and captainship of Sergipé in Brazil. It lies between the rivers Real and Ponica.

COLORADA, Punta, a point on the coast of the N. sea, and in the province and government of Venezuela, to the e. of the cape San Roman.

COLORADA, a river of tlie jurisdiction and alcaldta mayor of Penonomé, in the government of Panama, and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains to the s. and enters the Pacific near the settlement of Anton.

COLORADO, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Salta, and s. s. e. of the same.

Colorado, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme; situate on the shore of the river of its name.

Colorado, a river of the province and corre^imiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of Chile. It rises in its cordillera, to the n. runs e. and spends itself in various lakes, on account of the level of tlie country. The geographer Cruz errs in making it enter the river Maipo.

Colorado, another, a large river of the pro-: vince and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana.

Colorado, another, a small river of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, which enters the great river Magdalena before you come to the town of Tamalameque.

Colorado, another, in the province and government of Louisiana, near the road wliich leads to Mexico. It runs s. e. in a very large stream, and enters the sea in the bay of San Bernardo.

Colorado, a cape or point of land of the s. coast of St. Domingo, in the part possessed by the French, between the bays of Tondo and Puer. .

Colorado, a mountain of the province and government of Tucumán, on the shore of the river Salado, and to the s. of the settlement of Nuestra' Sefiora de Buenas Costumbres. ;

COLORADOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of the province and corregimiento of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito, who inhabit some moun-, tains of the same name, very craggy and rugged, abounding in animals and wild beasts, such as bears, lions, tigers, deer, squirrels, monkeys, and marmosets. These Indians, although the greater part of them are reduced to the Catholic faith by the extinguished company of the Jesuits, are given to superstition ; they are divided into two parts, the one called the Colorados of Angamarca, since tlieir principal settlement bears this title, and the other the Colorados of St. Domingo ; they now, belong to the province and government of Esmeraklas, and live retired in the woods, and upon the banks of the rivers Toachi and Quininay, where the missionaries of the religion of St. Domingo of Quito exercise their apostolical zeal. The principal settlement of this place, being situate on the w. shore, is called St. Domingo. The commerce of these Indians, and by which they subsist, is in carrying to Guayaquil, the province by which they are bounded , w dod for making canoes and rafts, sugar-canes, achiote, and agi pepper, and bringing back in exchange cattle, fish, soap, and other necessary eft'ects.

COLOSO, a settlement of the province and government ©f Cartagena ; situate on the shore of the river Pechelin, to the s. s. w. of the town of Maria, to the jurisdiction^of which it appertains.

COLOTLAN, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Mextitlan in Nueva Espana. It contains 240 families of Indians, and is three leagues to the w. of its capital.

COLOTLIPAN, a settlement of the head set-

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CON 499

far as the confines of the akaldia mayof of Tepique. It is of an hot temperature, abounding’ in maize, cotton, cocoa-trees, and other fruits peculiar to the climate : and particularly in large and small cattle, which breed in numberless wards and country estates. It has silver mines, which are worked to tolerable profit. It is but thinly peopled, and the greater part of its inhabitants arc Mustees and Negro slaves. It is watered by the river Canas, which rises in the jurisdiction of Acaponeta. The capital is of the same name. This was founded by Nufio de Guzman in 1531, and is the capital of the kingdom, and where the tribunal of royal audience and episcopal see were erected ; these being afterwards removed to the city of Guadalaxara. This latter city was at the same time made the capital, from its proximity to the shore of the S. sea, its distance from the same being only 12 leagues. It was at that time very wealthy, but it afterwards fell to decay ; the primacy was also taken from it, and it is nothing now but a miserable village. Its natives are the most polite and best affected to the Spaniards of any in the whole kingdom. (To the n. w. of Compostela, as well as in the districts of Autlan, Ahuxcatlan, and Acaponeta, a tobacco of a superior quality was formerly cultivated.) Lat. 21° 10' w. Long. 104° 40' w. The settlements of this jurisdiction are,

Matanchel, Sapotan,

San Pedro, Mazatlan,

Cali may a, Xaltocan.

Compostela, another city, in the island of St. Domingo. See Azua.

COMPTON, a settlement of the English, in the province and colony of Massachusetts ; situate on the coast, at the entrance of the bay of Buzard.

COMUATO, a small island of the lake or sea of Chalapa, in the district of the alcaldia mayor of Zamora, and kingdom of Nueva Espana. It is of a hot and moist temperature, surrounded by thick reeds and Indian fig-trees. In the dry season it communicates with the mainland. Its population is scanty, and consists of 20 families of Spaniards, and in its plains various herds of large cattle graze. Nine leagues from the capital.

COMUTA, a city of the province and captainship of Pará in Brazil, founded in 1581 by Juan Pedro de Olivciro, on the e. shore of the river Paeaxa. It is at present destroyed, and some small houses alone remain, where, for the convenienee of its situation, a small garrison of Portuguese resides.

CONAHASET, a rocky shoal of the coast of

the province and colony of New England, at the entrance of port Boston.

CONAICA, a settlement of tlie province and correp;imiento of Angaraez in Peru.

(CONAJOHARY, a post-town on the s. side of Mohawk river, New York, very large, 36 miles above Schenectady, and 318 from Philadelphia. See Canajoiiary.)

CONANAMA, a bay of the province and govenment of Guayana.

CONANAMA, a river of the same name, in this province.

CONARDO-TUBA, a river of the province captainship o^ Los Ilheos in Brazil. It rises near the coast, and runs e. between those of the Duna and Ilheos.

(CONAWANGO, a n. branch of Alleghany river, in Pennsylvania, which rises from Chataughque lake.)

CONCARY, a river of the province and corregimiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of Chile. It rises from a small lake to the e. of the mountain of the Pie de Palo, and running s, e. returns, forming a curve to the w. when it divides itself into several branches.

CONCEPCION, or Penco, a city of the kingdom of Chile, the capital of the province and corregimiento of its name, founded in 1550 by Pedro de Valdivia. Its situation is upon a barren and uneven territory, somewhat elevated, on the sea-shore, and on the side of a large, noble, and convenient bay. On the n. side it is crossed by a rivulet, and on the s. it is watered by the river Andalien, and lies not far from the Biobio. It is a small city, and its houses and buildings are poor and much reduced. It has, besides the cathedral church, convents of the religious orders of St. Francis, St. Domingo, La Merced, St. Augustin, an hospital of San Juan de Dios, and a college w hich belonged to the regulars of the company of the Jesuits, and which is the best building in it. Its climate is moderately warm, although in the winter the cold is great. It abouiids greatly in all kinds of grain, cattle, and delicious fruits, and these are cultivated in gardens which are found attached to almost every house. It lies open on all sides, being commanded by six eminences ; amongst the which the most prominent is that which is called Del Romitorio, and extends as far as the city. Its only defence is a battery on a level with the water, which defends the anchoring ground of the bay. The natives resemble the rest of tliis kingdom : they are strong, robust, valorous, and well made, most dexterous in the 3 s 2

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