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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


ABACU, a point of land on the S coast of the island of St. Domingo.

ABADES, a settlement of the province and government of Popayan, in the district and jurisdiction of San Juan de Pasto.

ABANCAY, a province and corregimiento of Peru, bounded on the E by the large city of Cuzco, (its jurisdiction beginning at the parish of Santa Ana of that city), and on the W by the province of Andahuailas; N by that of Calcaylares, forming, in this part, an extended chain of snowcovered mountains ; S by the provinces of Cotabamba and Aimaraez; S W by Chilques and Masques. It extends 26 leagues from E to W and is 14 broad. Its most considerable river is the Apurimac, which is separated from it at the N W and bends its course, united with other streams, towards the mountains of the Andes. This river is crossed by a wooden bridge of 80 yards long and 3 broad, which is in the high road from Lima to Cuzco, and other provinces of the sierra. The toll collected here is four rials of silver for every load of goods of the produce of the country, and twelve for those of the produce of Europe. The temperature of this province is mild, and for the most part salubrious, with the exception of a few vallies, where, on account of the excessive heat and humidity, tertian agues are not uncommon. It produces wheat, maize, and other grain in great abundance, and its breed of horned cattle is by no means inconsiderable; but its principal production is sugar, which they refine so well, that it may challenge the finest European sugars for whiteness : this is carried for sale to Cuzco and other provinces, and is held in great estimation. It also produces hemp, cloth manufactures of the country ; and in its territories mines of silver are not wanting, especially in the mountain which they call Jalcanta, although the natives avail themselves not of the advantages so liberally held out to them. Its jurisdiction comprehends 17 settlements. The repartimento, quota of tribute, amounted to 108,750 dollars, and it rendered yearly 870 for the alcabala. The following are the 17 settlements : The capital, Limatambo, Huanicapa, Mollepata, Curahuasi, Pantipata, Cachora, Pibil, Antilla, Chonta, Anta, Pocquiura, Ibin, Surite, Chachaypucquio, Huaracondo. Sumata,

Abancay, the capital of the above province, founded in a spacious valley, which gives it its title: it is also so called from a river, over which has been thrown one of the largest bridges in the kingdom, being the first that was built there, and looked upon as a monument of skill. In the above valley the jurisdiction of this province, and that of Andahuailas, becomes divided. It is also memorable for the victories gained in its vicinity by the king's troops against Gonzalo Pizarro, in the years 1542 and 1548. It has a convent of the religious order of St. Dominic ; this order being the first of those which established themselves in Peru. 20 leagues distant from the city of Cuzco. Lat. 13° 31' 30" S Long. 72° 26' W.7

Abancay, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cuenca, in the kingdom of Quito, situate on the shore of the river Paute.

ABANES, a barbarous nation of Indians, of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, in the plains of San Juan, to the N of the Orinoco. They inhabit the woods on the shores of this river, as well as other small woods ; and are bounded, E by the Salivas, and W by the Caberres and Andaquies. They are docile, of good dispositions, and are easily converted to the Catholic faith.

ABANGOUI, a large settlement of the province and government of Paraguay. It is composed of Indians of the Guarani nation, and situate on the shore of the river Taquani. It was discovered by Alvar Nuñez Cabezade Vaca, in 1541.

ABARANQUEN, a small river of the province and government of Guayana, or Nueva Andalusia. It rises in the country of the Quiriquipas Indians, runs from S to N and enters the Aruy.

ABARY, a small river of Guayana, between the Berbice and the Demerary. See Mahaica.

ABBEVILLE County, in Ninetysix district, S. Carolina, bounded on the N E by the Saluda, and on the SW by the Savannah, is 35 miles in length and 21 in breadth ; contains 9197 inhabitants, including 1665 slaves.

ABBOTS, a small river of N. Carolina, which runs S W and enters the Pedi, at a little distance from the source of this river, in the territory of the Granville limits.

ABECOCHI, a settlement of Indians of S. Carolina, situate on the shore of the river Cousa. The English have a settlement here, with a fort for its defence.

ABEICAS, a nation of Indians of New France, bounded on the N by the Alibamis, and E by the Cheraquis. They live at a distance from the large rivers, and the only produce of their territory is some canes, which are not thicker than a finger, but of so hard a texture, that, when split, they cut exactly like a knife. These Indians speak the Tchicachan language, and with the other nations are in alliance against the Iroquees.

Last edit about 6 years ago by rodeleon

In its vicinity is a reservoir, formed of hewn stone, which serves at once to catch the waters as they come down from the sierra, and to conduct them to Tepcaca, three leagues N N W of its capital.

ACAXUCHITLAN the head settlement of the alcaldía mayor of Tulazingo, to the N E. It contains 406 Indian families, and is a curacy of the bishopric of La Puebla de los Angeles. Distant four leagues to the E of its capital.

ACAYUCA, the alcaldía mayor of Nueva España, and of the province of Goazacoalco. Its jurisdiction is very extended, and consists, for the most part, of places of a hot and moist temperature, but so fertile is it that it gives annually four crops of maize; and as there is no demand for this production in the other provinces, it follows, of course, that the Indians here are little given to industry. Indeed the ground never requires the plough, and the whole of their labours during the seedtime consist merely in smoothing the surface of the mountains, and in scratching up the ground with a pointed stick. It is at times infested by locusts, which destroy the plants and crops ; and having never been able to find a remedy against this evil, the inhabitants had recourse to the protection of the virgin of La Conception, which is revered in the head settlement of the district of the Chichimecas ; and it is said that, owing to her mediatory influence, the plague has been thought to diminish. This province is watered by the abundant river of the Goazacoalco. The settlements of this alcaldía are, Xocoteapa, Macayapa, Menzapa, Molocan, Theimanquillo, Tinantitlan, Chinameca, Zoconusco, Olutla, Otcapa, Pochutla, Ostitan, Cozolcaque, Ixhuatla, Macatepeque.

another, the capital of the above, situate on the coast of the N. sea. Its inhabitants are composed of 30 families of Spaniards, 296 of Indians, and 70 of Mustees and Mulattoes. It lies a little more than 100 leagues S E of Mexico. Lat. 17° 53' N Long. 94° 46' 30" W.

another, settlement in the alcaldía mayor of Pachuca, in the kingdom of Nueva España, annexed to the curacy of Tezayuca, and containing 100 Indian families.

Acacingo, the head settlement of the district of the alcaldía mayor of Tepcaca, situate in a plain of a mild temperature, and watered by two streams which run close to all the houses of the settlement, to the great comfort of the inhabitants. In the middle of the above plain there is a beautiful fountain, a convent of the religious order of St. Francis, a very ancient building, and some other buildings, which have been erected since the conquest of the country. The parish church is a piece of the most ancient architecture. The inhabitants are composed of 150 families of Spaniards, 104 of Mustees, 31 of Mulattoes, and 700 of Indians; 3 1/4 leagues E to the NE of its capital.

ACAZUTLA, a port of the S sea, on the coast of the province of the alcaldía mayor of Zuchitepec, in the kingdom of Guatemala, between the point of Los Remedios, and the settlement of Guapaca. [Lat. 14° 42' N Long. 90° 3'.]

ACCHA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru, situate on the skirt of a mountain, which has a prominence, seeming as though it were about to fall upon the settlement. This mountain is constantly dwindling away without any assignable cause. Lat. 13° 19 s. Long. 71° 13' W

ACCHA-AMANSAIA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru.

ACCHA-URINZABA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masque in Peru.

Aceites, a river of the province and government of Caraccas, in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains, and enters the Orituco.

[ACCOCESAWS. The ancient town and principal place of residence of these Indians is on the W side of Colorado of Rio Rouge, about 200 miles S W of Nacogdoches, but they often change their place of residence for a season : being near the bay, they make great use of fish, oysters &c.; kill a great many deer, which are the largest and fattest in the province ; and their country is universally said to be inferior to no part of the province in soil, growth of timber, goodness of water, and beauty of surface; they have a language peculiar to themselves, but have a mode of communication by dumb signs, which they all understand: number about 80 men. Thirty or forty years ago, the Spaniards had a mission here, but broke it up, or moved it to Nacogdoches. They talk of resettling it, and speak in the highest terms,of the country.]

[ACCOMACK County, in Virginia, is situated on a peninsula, bounded N by Maryland, E by the ocean, and on the W by Chesapeak bay, and contains 13.959 inhabitants, including 4.262 slaves.]

Last edit about 6 years ago by rodeleon

sels can go 25 miles above Wilmington, and large boats 90 miles, to Fayetteville. The n. e. branch joins the n. w. branch a little above Wilmington, and is navigable by sea vessels 20 miles above that town, and by large boats to S. Washington, 40 miles further, and by rafts to Sarecto, which is nearly 70 miles. The whole length of Cape Fear river is about 200 miles.)

Cape Gross or Great, the point or extremity of the e. coast of lake Superior in Canada, where this begins to run out, in order to empty itself into lake Huron.

Cape Gross or Great, another point of the island of St. Christopher, one of the Antilles, in the s. e. extremity, facing the s. w. and is one of the two which form the Grand Ance, or Great bay.

(Cape May is the s. westernmost point of the state of New Jersey, and of the county to which it gives name. Lat. 38° 59' n. Long. 74° 55' w. It lies 20 miles n. e. from cape Henlopen, which forms the s. w. point of the mouth of Delaware bay, as cape May does the n. e.)

(Cape May County spreads n. around the cape of its name, is a healthy sandy tract of country, of sufficient fertility to give support to 2571 industrious and peaceable inhabitants. The county is divided into Upper, Middle, and Lower precincts.)

(CAPERIVACA, a large river in Guayana, S. America.)

CAPERU, a river of the province and government of Guayana, which enters the Apure, according to Mr. Bellin.

CAPETI, a river of the province and government of Darien, in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains in the interior of this province, runs from e. to w. and enters the large river of Tuira.

CAPI, a settlement of the province and corregimienio of Chilques and Masques in Peru.

Capi, a small river of the country of the Amazonas, in the territory of the Portuguese. It runs from e. to w. and enters the Marañon opposite the city of Pará. Don Juan de la Cruz, in his map of S. America, calls it Cupiu.

CAPIATA, a small settlement of the province and government of Paraguay ; situate on the shore of the river of its name, three leagues e. of the city of Asuncion. [Lat. 25° 21' 45". Long. 57° 31' 48" w.]

CAPIGUI, a river of the province and caplainship of St. Vincent in Brazil. It runs to the s. s. w. and enters the Mboapiari.

CAPILLA, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of

Santiago del Estero, on the bank of the river Choromoros.

Capilla Nueva, a parish of the province and government of Buenos Ayres, mentioned only by D. Cosme Bueno. [It is situate on the river Negro. Lat. 33° 12' 30" s. Long. 67° 57' 40" w.]

CAPILLAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Castro-Vireyna in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Huasitara.

CAPILLUCAS, a settlement of the regular order of the Jesuits, now abolished, in the province and government of Mainas of the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shores of the river of the Amazonas.

Capillucas, a lake of the same province and government; formed from an overflow or channel of the river Napo, and at no great distance from the banks of this river.

Capillucas, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Yauyos in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Tauripampa.

CAPINANS, a settlement of Louisiana ; situate on the banks of the river Panzacola.

CAPINATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Sicasica in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Cabari.

CAPINOTA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cochambaba in Peru, and of the archbishopric of Charcas ; in which there is, independent of the parish-church, a convent of the order of San Agustin.

CAPIRA, a settlement of the jurisdiction and alcaldía mayor of Nata, in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate on the skirts of a mountain, at a little distance from the coast of the S. sea.

CAPIRATO, a settlement of the province and government of Cinaloa in Nueva España; situate on the sea-coast.

==CAPITAINE, Oric du, or Barranco del Capitan==, a small river of Virginia. It runs to the s. e. and enters the Ohio.

CAPITANA, Point of the, on the coast of the island Guaricura ; one of those islands which lie in the river of the Amazonas : it looks to the n.

CAPITANEJO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the new kingdom of Granada; situate on the bank of the river Sogamoso, in the territory called Cabuya de Chicamocha, which is the direct road from Tunja to Santa Fe. It is of a very hot temperature, abounding in sugar-cane, and other productions of a warm climate. The natives are very subject to an epidemic disorder of lumps or swellings under the chin. Its population consists of 100 housekeepers.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934



DEL PUERTO, a city of the province and government of Antioquia in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; founded by Gaspar de Kodas, on the spot of the Matanza of Valdivia, in 1676. It has changed its place several times, on account of the badness of.its temperature : and, lastly, in the year 1588, it was removed by Francisco Redondo to the spot where it now stands : is one league from the river Cauca, on a very steep declivity, which is also of an unhealthy temperature, although abounding greatly in gold mines, which are, however, but little worked. Jt is the native place of,

Fr. Marcos Vetancur, provincial of St. Domingo in Santa Fe:

Fr. Lorenzo de Figueroa, of the province of San Francisco :

Don Andres de Vetancur, elected bishop of La Concepcion in Chile;

Fr. Diego de Figueroa, provincial of San Augustin in Santa Fe : and

Don Luis de Vetancur, precentor of Quito, inquisitor of Lima, and bishop-elect of Popayan ; all brothers, and men of singular virtue and learning.

CEAPA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Marques in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Pampacucho.

CEBACO, a settlement of the province and alcaldia major of Matagalpa in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CECIL, a county, being one of the ten which compose the colony and province of Maryland.

(Cecil, a township in Washington county, Pennsylvania.)

CECILIA, Dona, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate on the shore of the large river Magdalena, opposite the lake Zapatosa, three leagues from the town of Mompox.

CECONTEPEC, a settlement of the province and alcaldia major of San Salvador in the kingdom of Guatemala.

(CEDAR Point, a port of entry in Charles county, Maryland, on the e. side of Potowmac river, about 12 miles below port Tobacco, and 96 s. by w. of Baltimore. Its exports are chiefly tobacco and Indian corn, and in 1794 amounted in value to 18,593 dollars.)

(Cedar Point, a cape on the w. side of Delaware bay, in St. Mary’s county, Maryland.)

(Cedar Lick, a salt spring in the state of Tennessee, 19 miles from Nashville, four from Big spring, and six from Little spring.)

Cedar, a river of the province and colony of


Pennsylvania, which traverses New Jersey, and enters the sea.

Cedar, another small river of the province and colony of Delaware, which runs e. and enters the sea in the bay of its name.

Cedar, a small island of South Carolina; situate within the strait of Parapticoe.

Cedar, another island of the province and colony of Maryland, between that of Chingoteag and that of Little Matompkin.

CEDAZOS, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zapopan in Nueva España, in which dwell some Maslees, Mulattoes, and Indians, who live by cultivating seeds.

CEDROS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucartambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Challabamba.

Cedros, another settlement in the province and government of Cinaloa ; situate on the shore of the river Mayo, on the confines of the province of Astimuri.

Cedros, a river of New France or Canada. It runs s. e. and enters the lake Erie near the mouth of the strait of Misigagues.

CEGUEHUE, a small river of the province and government of Quijos y Macas in the kingdom of Quito. It enters, a little way from its source, into the Azuela.

CELAYA, a town of the intendancy of Guanaxuato in the kingdom of Nueva Espana. Sumptuous edifices have been recently constructed here, as also at Queretaro and Guanaxuato. The church of the Carmelites of Celaya has a fine appearance ; it is adorned with Corinthian and Ionic columns. Its height is 1833 metres, or 6018 feet.

CELEDIN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru.

CELLACACA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chichas and Tarija in Peru.

CENDRE, a cape or point of land of the coast of Acadia.

CENEGUANGA, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme; situate on the coast near the river Piedras.

CENEGUETAS, a settlement of the province and government of Guayaquil in the kingdom of Quito.

CENGUYO, San Pedro de, a settlement of the head settlement of Yrimbo, and alcaldia mayor of Maravatio, in the bishopric of Mechoacan, and kingdom of Nueva Espaiia. It contains 60 families of Indians, and is two leagues to the n. zo. of its head settlement.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934




de Granada, rises in the valley of Cerinza, runs n. and passing tlirough the city of San Gil, turns to the w. and enters the Suarez or Sabandija.

CHALCAXINGO, a settlement of the head settlement of Xonacatepéc, and alcaldía mayor of Cuernavaca, in Nueva España.

CHALCHILGUITES, a settlement of the province and government of Nueva Vizcaya; situate close to that of Sombrerete.

CHALCHITLAN, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Capanabastla in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHALCO, Hamanalco, a district and alcaldía mayor of Nueva España ; situate between the n. and s. of the city of Mexico, at eight leagues distance ; is very fertile, and abounds in productions and the necessaries of life, especially in wheat and maize; the crops of the former usually amount to 30,000 (argas (a measure containing four bushels) yearly, and of the latter to 25,000. Besides this it produces great quantities of seeds, woods, sugar, honey, and the fruits of a hot climate, all of which arc carried to Mexico, as well by land carriage as by the lake, which is so favourable to its commerce. In the sierra of the volcano of this jurisdiction, there are silver mines, but they are not worked, on account of the great expence. The population consists of 46 settlements, of which 16 are head settlements of districts, and in 15 of these there are parish churches. Tlie capital is of the same name, and it is situate on the shore of a lake enjoying a mild temperature, and well known from the fair which it celebrates every Friday throughout the year, to which flock a great number of people from the neighbouring provinces with merchandize ; some even coming from the most distant parts in canoes by the lake, or with droves of mules on land. It lies between the rivers Fiamanalco and Tenango, which run into the lake, and the waters of this serve, when it is necessary, to replenish the lake of Mexico, for which purpose there are proper sluices provided. It contains 350 families of Indians, and some Spaniards and Mustees ; is seven leagues from Mexico. The other settlements are,

Fiamanalco, Atlautla,

San Pedro de Ecazingo, Ayapango,

Tepozozolco, Ixtapalucan,

San Juan Tenango, Ayozingo,

Amecameca, Mexquique,

Zentlalpan, Hahuac,

Chimalhuacan, Themamatla,

Tepetuxpan, Ozumba.

CHALCO, with the dedicatory title of San Agustin, another settlement of the head settle-

ment of Coxcotlan, and the alcaldia mayor of Valles, in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Aquismon ; is of an extremely hot and moist temperature, on account of which it has been abandoned by several Indian families who resided in it formerly ; 12 of these families only are now remaining ; is 23 leagues from its capital.

CHALCO, another, of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zochicoatlan ; situate in the plain of a deep break or hole made by mountain floods ; is of a hot temperature, and contains 35 families of Indians ; lies 12 leagues to the n. of its capital.

(Chalco Lake. See Mexico.)

CHALCOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Cahuanca.

CHALEUAPAN, a settlement of the province and government of Nicaragua in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHALEURS, a bay on the coast of the province of Nova Scotia or Acadia, and gulf of St. Lawrence. It is large and convenient.

CHALEURS, another bay on the s. coast of the island of Newfoundland, near the point which looks to the w.

(CHALEURS, a deep and broad bay on the w. side of the gulf of St. Lawrence. From this bay to that of Verte, on the s. in the s. e. corner of the gulf, is the n. e. sea line of the British province of New Brunswick.)

CHALINGA, a settlement of Indians of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile.

CHALIQUE, San Pablo de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru.

CHALLABAMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucartambo in Peru.

CHALLACATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Garu Mendoza.

CHALLACOLLO, a settlement of the same province and corregimiento as the former, belonging to the archbishopric of Charcas. It has a convent of monks of the order of St. Augustin.

CHALLAHUACHO, a river of the province and corregimiento of Chilques y Masques in Peru. It rises near the settlement of Capi, runs in a serpentine course to the n. n. w. and enters the Apurirnac.

CHALLANA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru.

CHALLAPAMPA an ancient province of Peru, of small extent, and to the c. of Cuzco. It

Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934
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