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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


hither many barbarous nations of Indians have retired, selecting for their dwelling places the few plains which belong to the province. The Emperor Yupanqui endeavoured to make it subservient to his controul, but without success : the same disappointment awaited Pedro de Andia in his attempt to subjugate it in the year 1538.

ABISMES, Quartel des, that part or division of the island of Guadaloupe which looks to the NE. It takes its name from its having some creeks, or inlets, which serve as places of shelter for vessels, in case of invasion either from enemies or from hurricanes. Here they ride quite safe, for the bottom is very good ; and being made fast to the strong palm-trees which abound here, they stand in no need of being anchored, which would be inconvenient, and attended with risk, on account of the thick roots thrown out by the above trees. Further on is a small island called Des Cochons, where an engineer, of the name of Renau, endeavoured, without success, in 1700, to build a fort, for the sake of securing the harbour, which is a good one.

ABITANIS, a mountain of the province and corregimiento of Lipes in Peru. In the Quechuan tongue it signifies the ore of gold, from a celebrated mine which is at present nearly abandoned, from the want of workmen. It is nearly contiguous to the settlement of Colcha.

ABITIBBI, a small lake in Upper Canada, on the S side of which is a settlement called Frederick, which last lies in N lat. 48° 35'. W long. 82°. Also the name of a river which runs N and joins Moose river near its mouth at James's bay.

ABITIBIS, a lake of the country of Hudson, in the territory of the Indians of this name. This lake is N of Nipissing lake, the NE boundary of Canada, in New South Wales: it has communication with James's bay, near Moose fort. Lat. 48° 39' N Long. 79° 2' W.

ABITIGAS, a nation of barbarous Indians, of the province and corregimiento of Tarma in Peru. It is very numerous and warlike ; and they live a wandering life in the woods. It is 60 leagues to the E of the mountains of the Andes; bounded on the S, by the Ipillos Indians.

ABORROEN, a port of the coast of Brasil, in the province and capitainship of Seara, between the river Escorgogive and the bay of Inobu.

ABRA, an island of the straits of Magellan, at the entrance of the third and last narrow pass, called the Passage.

[ABRAM'S CREEK, falls into Hudson's river, near the city of Hudson.]

ABREOLHOS, on the coast of Brasil, and of the province and capitainship of Espiritu Santo, between the rivers Percipe and Quororupa, in S lat. 18° 19' 30". W long. 39° 5 1° 30". Here are some hidden rocks, or sandbanks, extremely dangerous ; and although there are various navigable channels, it requires the utmost caution to avoid shipwreck, this having been the lot of an infinite number of vessels. These sandbanks are more than 20 leagues distant from the continent, and extend themselves upwards of five leagues to the E of the Island of Tuego. Their situation, taken in the the centre, is in 170° 51' 20" S lat. W long. 39° 18'.

[ABROJOS, a bank, with several small rocks and isles, E of Turk's island, in N lat. 21° 5'. W long. 70° 40'. Between this bank and Turk's Island is a deep channel, for ships of any burden, three leagues wide.]

Abrojos, a shoal of the N. sea. See the article Panuela Quadrado.

ABSECON, Beach, on the coast of New Jersey, 16 miles SW from Little Egg harbour.

ABUCARA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru, in a valley of the same name. It was anciently the capital of this province, and had the same denomination. At present it is much reduced, the corregidor having left it to establish himself in Lucanas. Lat. 15° 33' S Long. 73° 28' W

ABUCEES, S. Joseph de los, a settlement of the missions of the Sucumbios Indians, who were founded by, and maintained at the expence of, the abolished order of the Jesuits, in the province and government of Quixos and Macas, of the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of a small river, which enters the Putumayo. Lat. 0° 36' N Long. 75° 22' W.

ABURRA, S. Bartolomé de, a town of the province and government of Antioquia, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, founded in 1542, by the Marshal George Robledo, in a fertile and extensive valley of the same name, which was discovered in 1540 by Captain Geronimo Luis Texelo. It abounds in all kinds of fruits, seeds, and vegetables, and is of a hot temperature. In its district are found many huacas, or sepulchres of the Indians, in which great riches are deposited. It has now so much fallen to decay, that it is no more than a miserable hamlet. In its vicinity are some streams of salt water, from which the Indians procure salt for their use. Lat. 5° 51' 30" N Long. 75° 17' W ACA, a settlement of the alcaldía mayor of Tlaxclala, in Nueva España.

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the Catholic faith, and are reduced to settlements, though the number of these is very small.

CHITEPEC, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espaiia. It is of a cold temperature, and contains 39 families of Indians, who live by sowing maize, the only vegetable production of their territory. Five leagues w. n. w. of its capital.

CHITO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito, upon the s. shore of the river Sangalla, and in the royal road of Loxa, which leads to Tomependa. In its vicinity are some gold mines, but which are not worked ; its temperature is hot and moist, and consequently unhealthy.

[CHITTENDEN County, in Vermont, lies on lake Champlain, between Franklin county on the w. and Addison s. ; La Moille river passes through its n. w. corner, and Onion river divides it nearly in the centre.' Its chief town is Burlington. This county contained, by the census of 1791, 44 townships and 7301 inhabitants. Since that time the n. counties have been taken from it, so that neither its size or number of inhabitants can now be ascertained.]

[Chittenden, a township in Rutland county, Vermont, contains 159 inhabitants. The road over the mountain passes through this township. It lies seven miles e. from the fort on Otter creek, in Pittsford, and about 60 n. by e. from Bennington.]

[CHITTENENGO, or Canaserage, a considerable stream which runs n. into lake Oneida, in the state of New York.]

CHIUAO, a small river of the province and colony of Surinam, or the part of Guayana possessed by the Dutch . It rises in the mountain of Sincomay, runs n. and turning w. enters another river which is without a name, and where several others unite to enter the Cuyuni on the s. side.

CHIUATA, a river of the province and government of Cumana in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises from some plains in this territory, runs s. collecting the waters of several other rivers, particularly that of the Suata, and then enters the sea, just as it becomes navigable.

Same name, another river of the same province and government (Cumana), which rises at the foot of the serramas of Paraguay, to the w. of the town of San Fernando, runs s. and enters the Orinoco.

CHIUCHA, S. Juan de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lipes, and archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of San Christoval.

CHIUCHIN, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Chancay in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Canchas. In its district there is a mineral hot-water spring, much renowned for the curing of various kinds of maladies.

CHIUCHIU, a settlement of the province and government of Atacama, and archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru.

CHIUGOTOS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the province and government of Venezuela, bordering upon the settlement of Maracapana. They are very few, and live retired in the mountains ; they are cruel even to cannibalism.

CHIUICOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Buenos Aires ; situate to the s. of its capital.

CHIXILA, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Villalta in Nueva Espana. It is of an hot temperature, contains 134 families of Indians, and lies 12 leagues to the n. of its capital.

CHOCAIA, Nueva, a settlement of the province of Chichas and Tarija in Peru ; of the district of the former, and annexed to the curacy of Tatasi.

CHOCAMAN, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Zacan, and alcaldia mayor of Cordoba, in Nueva Espana. It is of a cold and moist temperature, contains 103 families of Indians, and is five leagues to the n, n. w. of the capital.

CHOCAN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Aabaca.

CHOCAYAS, a mountain of the province and corregimiento of Chichas and Tarija in Peru, and jurisdiction of Chuquisaca. It is celebrated for its rich gold mines.

CHOCO, a large province and government of the jurisdiction of Popayan ; by the territory of which it is bounded e. and s. e . ; on the w. by the Pacific or S. sea; n. by the barbarous nations of Indians, and by the province of Darien ; and s. by that of Barbacoas. The whole of this province abounds in woods and mountains, and is crossed by a chain of the Andes, which run as far as the isthmus of Panama. It is watered by several rivers and streams, all of which run w. and enter the S. sea. The districts of Citara and Raposo form a part of this province ; very few of their ancient inhabitants remain at the present day ; the greater part of them having perished in the war of the

Last edit over 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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wliich there is a bank of fine sand, extending a mile into the sea, and affording good anchorage. Lat. 1° 59' n. Long. 157° 35' w.]

[Christmas Sound, in Tien a del Fuego, S. America. Lat. 55° 21' n. Long. 69° 48' tw.]

CHRISTOVAL, San, a town of the government and jurisdiction of Maracaibo in the Nuevo Rey no de Granada; founded by Captain Juan de Maldonado in 1560. It is of •a hot but healthy temperature, produces abundance of sugar-canes, of which are made honey, sugar, and conserves, in immense quantities ; also a great proportion of smoking tobacco, which is carried to Maracaibo. It has a good church and a convent t)f St. Augustin, which latter has fallen much to decay with regard to its establishment. The population of the town consists of 400 housekeepers. It lies 20 leagues n. e. of Pamplona, from the jurisdiction of which it is divided by the river Pamplonilla. It is the native place of Don Gregorio de Jaimes, archdeacon of Santa Fe, and bishop of Santa Marta.

Same name, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lipes, archbishopric of Charcas in Peru ; in which took place the following extraordinary occurrence: The curate of this place going to confess a sick person in the settlement of Tahisa of the province of Paria, which was annexed to this, sunk into a spring of water in the pampas or llanos dela Sal, when he was drowned, and with the two Indians who accompanied him on horseback, never more appeared, nor were any vestiges ever found of them : this was the reason why the latter settlement has since been disunited from the curacy of San Christoval.

Same name, a capital city of the province and captainship of Sergipé in the kingdom of Brazil ; being also known by that name. It is founded on the sea-shore, and has a fine and well defended port. It has a magnificent parish church with the title of Nuestra Senora de la Victoria ; two fine convents, the one of the order of the Franciscans, and the other of the Carmelites ; also a chapel of devotion of the Virgin of the Rosary. The councilhouse is a very fine edifice, and in the suburbs is a hermitage of San Gonzalo, which is frequented as a pilgrimage by this and other settlements of the jurisdiction. In this city resides the chief captain, who governs this province, and who is attended by a company of troops as a body-guard. In early times it was filled with nobility, descended from the first families in Portugal; but it is now reduced to 600 housekeepers. in its district, towards the part called Coninquiva, is a parish with four chapels, and towards the river Vaza-Barris five others. It has also 25 engines, by which abundance of sugar of an excellent quality is manufactured ; this article affords a great commerce w ith t!ic bay of Todos Santos. Lat. ll°40's. Long. ST'* SO' tw.

Same name, an island of the N. sea ; one of the Antilles, discoverctl by Admiral Christoj)her Columbus, who gave it his name, in 149S. It is five leagues in circumference, and is very fertile, and abounding in productions, particularly in cotton, tobacco, indigo, sugar, and brandy ; by all of which it carries on a great commerce. Here arc some good salines, and in the mountains are some woods of fine timber, well adapted for the building of ships. The English and the French both established themselves here in 1625, holding a divided possession, when they were driven out by the Spaniards. After this the former again returned and re-established themselves in the greatest part of the island, leaving, however, a small share to the French, until the year 1713, when the latter, in conjunction with the Spaniards themselves, ceded it entirely to the English, who from that time have held it and kept it well fortified. [St. Christopher, situate in lat. 17° 21', long. 62° 48' ze. was called by its ancient possessors, the Charibes, Liamuiga, or the Fertile Island. It was discovered in November 1493 by Columbus himself, who was so pleased with its appearance, that he honoured it with his own Christian name. But it was neither planted nor possessed by the Spaniards. It was, however, (notwithstanding that the general opinion ascribes the honour of seniority to Barbadoes), the eldest of all the British territories in the \V. Indies, and in truth, the common mother both of the English and French settlements in the Charibean islands. A Mr. Thomas Warner, an Englishman, associated himself Avith 14 other persons in the year 1622, and with them took his passage on board a ship bound to Virginia. From thence he and his companions sailed from St. Christopher’s, where they arrived in January 1623, and by the month of September following had raised a good crop of tobacco, which they proposed to make their staple commodity. By the generality of historians who have treated of the affairs of the W. Indies, it is asserted that a party oflhe French, under the command of a person of the name of D’Esnambuc, took possession of one part of this island, on the same day that Mr. Warner landed on the other; but the truth is, that the first landing of Warner and his associates happened two years before the arrival of D’Esnambuc; who, it is admitted by Du Tertre, did not leave France until IG25. Unfortunately the English settlers, in the latter end of

1623, had their plantations demolished by a dread- j

3 N 2

Last edit over 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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belongs to the bishopric of La Paz, and is so situate as to have a fine view of the lake. It is a settlement at once the most pleasant and convenient, fertile, and abounding in fruits and cattle, but its temperature is excessively cold. It has two parishes, with the dedicatory title of Santo Domingo and La Asuncion, and two hermitages dedicated to St. Barbara and St. Sebastian. The other settlements are,

Asiento de Minas de Mi- Asiento del Desagua-

chacani, dero,

Asiento de San Ante- Acora,

nio de Esquilache, Hi lave,

Pomata, *July,

Asiento de Huacullani, Santiago,


Same name, The lake of, which, although it be thus called, is also known by the name of Titicaca, is 51 leagues in length from n. w. to s. e. and 26 in width, although in some parts less. On its shores are six provinces or corregimientos^ which are. The province of this Paucarcolla, name, Lampa, Pacages, Asangaro. Omasuyos, This lake is of sufficient depth for vessels of any size, since in many bays not far in from its shores there are from four to six fathoms of water, and within it, some places from 40 to 50. It is, as far as is ascertained, without any shoals or banks. Near it grow some herbs, called clacchos, eaten by the cows and pigs ; also a great quantity of the herb called totora, or cat’s tail, which in some parts grows to the length of a yard and an half. Of this the Indians make rafts, not only for fishing but for carrying to and fro the cattleand productions of the harvest and crops growing in the various islands lying in this lake. Some of these islands are so covered and hemmed in with the herb totora that it requires much force and labour to cut a passage through it. In one of the largest of these islands the Incas had a magnificent temple, dedicated to the sun, the first that was ever built. This lake is not without its tempests and squalls ; they are, on the contrary, frequent, and have at times caused no inconsiderable mischief. Its waters are thick, but are nevertheless drank by the cattle, and even the Indians ; particularly by those of the nation of the Uros, who are a poor ignorant people, who formerly lived upon the islands in great wretchedness, and who by dint of great solicitations have been prevailed upon to leave them for the mainland^ where they now reside in some miserable caves, excavated places, or holes in the earth covered over with fiags of totora^ maintain-



ing themselves by fishing. This lake contains likewise various kinds of fish, such as trout, ormantos, cuches, anchovies, and boquillas in abundance; these are, for the most part, about the length of a man’s hand, and three fingers thick. The Indians of Yunguyo take upwards of 700 yearly, and sell them at four and six dollars the thousand. They also catch some small pejereyesy and an infinite variety of birds, which are salted, and afford excellent food. It is confidently and repeatedly asserted by the Indians, that the greater part of the riches of the country was thrown into this lake when the Spaniards entered it at the time of the conquest ; and amongst other valuables the great gold chain made by the order of the Inca Huayanacap, which was 2S3 yards in length, and within which 6000 men could dance.

CHUCURPU, an ancient settlement of warlike Indians of the province and corregimiento of Cuzco in Peru. It lies to the e. of this city, and was subjected and united to the empire after a long resistance by Pachacutec, emperor of the Incas.

CHUCUTI, a river of the province and government of Darien in the government of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains towards the e. and following this course, enters the Taranena at a small distance from its source.

CHUDAUINAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the kingdom of Quito, to the s, e. of this city. They inhabit the part lying s. w. of the river Pastaza, and are bounded on the s. e, by the Ipapuisas, and w. by the Xibaros. They are not numerous, owing to the continual wars which they have maintained with their neighbours ; and though of a martial spirt, they are of a docile and humane disposition. Some of them have 'United themselves with the Andoas, in the settlement of this name, which lies upon the w. shore of the river Pastaza.

CHUECA, San Agustin de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lipes, and archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of San Christoval.

CHUETI, a river of the province and government of Choco. It rises in the sierras of Abide, runs w. and enters the Paganagandi.

CHUFIAS, a barbarous nation of Indians who inhabit the e. of the river Aguaricu, bounded on the n. w. by the nation of the Encabellados, with whom they are in continual warfare.

CHUGOD, Santa Catalina de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Chetu.

CHUI, a river of the province and captainship 3 o

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corregimiento of Huamanga in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Anco.

CHUNIANIS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the lands of Magellan, in the vicinity of the straits of Magellan. It is a tribe descended from the Huyellanes. They are numerous and ferocious ; the men and women go entirely naked ; their arms are bows and arrows, the latter being pointed with well-filed flints ; they are robust, of great strength, and fine appearance. Some travellers pretend that these are the fabulous giants of whom so many have written.

CHUPA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Asangaro in Peru.

Same name, a very lofty mountain of the province and government of Veragua in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, to the s. of the capital, midway betw'cen the coasts of the two seas.

CHUPACHOS, a river of Peru, which flows down from the mountains of the Andes. It rises from the lake Patancocho, in lat. 10° 4P s . ; washes the country of the Chupachos Indians, from whence it takes its name, and finishes its course by emptying itself into the Mollobamba, on the®, side, in lat. 7° 21' s.

CHUPAN, a settlement of the province and corregbniento of Huamalies in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Banos.

CHUPANA, a river of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito. It rises iu the cordillera of the Andes, to the n. of the city of Guanuco in Peru, and after collecting the waters of several other rivers in its protracted course, enters the river Maranon in a very broad stream.

CHUPAS, an extensive valley or plain of the province and corregimiento of Huamanga in Peru, near to the city. It is celebrated for the battle which was fought here by the Licentiate Baca de Castro, of the royal council of Castille, governor of Peru, on the 16th September 1542, against the army of the rebels commanded by Diego de Almagro the younger, and son of the conqueror of the same name, when the latter was routed and taken prisoner with the loss of more than 700 men.

Same name, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canta in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Pari.

CHUPE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cicasica in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Y anacache.

CHUQUI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Calca and Lares in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of of Lares.


Same name, settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Yamparaes, not far from the town of Potosi.


CHUQUIBAMBA, a settlement and capital of the province and corregimiento of Condesuyos de Arequipa in Peru. It is of a cold and unpleasant temperature, and lies four leagues from Camana.

Same name, another settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Cochabamba in Peru.

Same name, another settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Chachapoyas, of the same kingdom.

CHUQUICARA, a river of the province and corregimiento of Guamachuco. It rises in the same province, and enters the river Santa, changing its own name to this, immediately that it touche* the boundary of this jurisdiction, which it divide* from those of Truxillo and Guamachuco.

CHUQUICHAMBI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Charangas, archbishopric of Charcas in Peru.

CHUQUICOTA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carangas, and the archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru.

CHUQUILLA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lipas, and archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of San Christoval.

CHUQUl-MAGU, a river of Peru. It rises in the mountains of Jaen de Bracamoros, of the kingdom of Quito, and after laving the territory of the corregimiento ofPiura, enters the S. sea.

CHUQUINGA, a settlement close to that of Nasca, and nearly upon the shore of the river Amancay, where there is a narrow pass, through which two men cannot without great difficulty go abreast ; for on one side rises the mountain nearly perpendicular, and on the other is a precipice which runs into the river ; this is the spot where a signal victory was obtained by the rebel Francisco Hernandez Giron, in 1554, against the Brigadier Alonzo de Alvarado, both of them leaders of factions, maintaining the separate interests enkindled in the civil wars of Peru.

Same name, another settlement, in the province and corregimiento of Aymaraez, also in Peru.

CHUQUIRIBAMBA, a large settlement of Indians, of the province and corregimiento of Loxa in the kingdom of Quito ; on the shore of a small river which enters the Catamayu, on which account some maintain that it is the origin of the latter. It is surrounded by a beautiful and fertile

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