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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





running to unite themselves with that of Toachi. It is to the n. of the paramo of Elenisa, and is sometimes covered with snow.

CORCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huanoquite.

(CORCAS, or Grand Corcas, an island almost in the form of a crescent, n. of St. Domingo, in the windward passage, about seven leagues w. of Turk’s island, and about 20 e. of Little Inagua or Heneagua. Lat. 21° 45' n. Long. 71° ob' w.)

CORCHUE, a settlement of Indians of the province and government of Valdivia in the kingdom of Chile.

CORCOLA, a settlement of the Portuguese, in the territory of the Giiayazas Indians, of the kingdom of Brazil; situate at the source and on the shore of the river Tocantines.

CORCOUADO, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits in the province and government of Los Llanos, of the Nuevo Reyno de Gratiada, and which is at present under the charge of the religious order of St. Francis.

CORCOUADO, a rock or island of the S. sea, opposite the port of Santa, of the province and corregimiento of this name in Peru.

CORCULLA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Parinacochas in Peru.

CORDES. See Verdf.


CORDILLIERS, Montagne des, a mountain of the island of Cayenne, on the skirts of avliich the French have a fort and establishment for its defence.

CORDON, PUNTA DEL, a point of the coast of the w. head of the island of St. Domingo, on the shore of the port Pimiento.

CORDOVA, a province and alcaldia mayor of Nueva España; bounded w. by the province of Orizava ; n. by that of San Juan de los Llanos ; e. by that of the ancient Vera Cruz ; and s. by the rugged mountains of Songolica. It has on the 5. e. and s.s. e. the great estate of Mataanona, 10 leagues from Taliscona, the last boundary of Vera Cruz. It is of a hot and moist temperature ; the greater part of its district is composed of broken and uneven grounds, and mountains covered with cedars, walnuts, pines, and ocotales. It has also beautiful and fertile plains, abounds in birds and animals of the chase, and no less in fish, many trout and bohos being caught out of the rivers by which this province is irrigated. In the spacious plain of Altotonga runs a rapid river, by which it is

fertilized, and rendered abundant in every kind of vegetable production. Here also breed many flocks of cattle, which are the chief commerce of the place. The capital bears the same name.

This was founded in 1618, by order of the viceroy Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova, Marquis of Gnadalcazar, who gave it his name. It is of a hot and moist temperature ; situate to the w. of some small mountains, which form an half-circle, and are surrounded by many umbrageous trees. The parish church is magnificent, of exquisite architecture, and rich ornaments. Here is a convent of the religious Descalzos (barefooted order) of St. Francis, and one of St. Hippolyte dela Caridad, in which there is an hospital for the sick Spaniards, and for the black slaves, endowed by the masters and proprietors of certain mills, in which an infinite quantity of sugar is made. It abounds in this artich', with those of tobacco, China oranges, ajonjoli, large cattle, and swine ; as also other fruits and articles of merchandize peculiar to Europe and the kingdom itself. [Hun.boldt assert.s that the environs of Cordova and Orizaba produce all the tobacco consumed in New Spain.] Its population consists of 260 families of Spaniards, 126 of Mustees, 70 of Mulattoes and Negroes, and 273 of Mexican Indians ; of many others also who are of various classes, and Avho work in the sugar-mills. Forty-eight leagues to the e. «. c. of Mexico, in lat. 18° 50' ; long. 96° 56'. Theother settlements of this jurisdiction are,

Santa Ana de Zacan, San Diego,




Sta. Maria Magdalena, Calcahualco,

S. Antonio Huatuzco, Amatlan de los Reyes,

San Bartolome, Totutla,



San Diego Huatuzco, San J uan de la Punta, San Lorenzo.

Cordova, another city, the capital of the provinco and government of Tucumán in Peru ; founded by the governor of that province, Geronimo Cabrera, in 1573, and not by Juan Nuilezde Prado, in 1549, according to the erroneous account of the Exjesuit Coleti. It was in the territory of the Comichingones Indians, and part which they called Kisliisacate, on the shore of the river Piicani ; but removed from thence to the x. part of the same river ; the parish being dedicated to Nuestra Senora de la Pena of France, and being under the obligation of celebrating its festival on the day of the conception, when it was also usual to display the spectacle of a bull-fight. It is situate in a narrow bay, close to which is a lotty n'ountain. It is much exposed to inundations in the rainy

Last edit over 5 years ago by kmr3934



COROICO, a settlement of the province and eorregimiento of Cicasica in Peru ; situate on the shore of the river of its name, where there is a port for small vessels. This river rises in the cordillera of Ancuma, to the s. of the settlement of Palca, and to the e. of the city of La Paz. It runs in a very rapid course to the e. and forming a curve turns n. and enters the w. side of the Beni, in lat. 16° 50' s.

COROMA, a settlement of the province and eorregimiento of Porco in Peru.

COROMANDIERES, some small islands of the N. sea, near the coast of Acadia inN. America, near the coast of Scatari. They are also called Del Infierno, or Devil’s isles.

COROMOTO, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the shore of the river Guanarito, to the s. of the town of Guanaro.

CORON, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huanoquite.

CORONA-REAL, a city of the province of Guayana, and government of Curaana, founded on the shores of the river Orinoco in 1759, by the Rear-Admiral Don Joseph de Iturriaga, for which purpose he assembled together some wandering people of the provinces of Caracas and Barcelona. At present, however, it is as it were desert and abandoned, since its inhabitants have returned to their former savage state of life, having been constantly pursued and harassed by the Charibes Indians, against whom they could no longer maintain their ground, after that the king’s garrison had been withdrawn, and since, owing to the distance at which they were situate from the capital, it was in vain for them to look for any succour from that quarter.

Corona-Real, a large bay in the lake of Maracaibo, on thew. side.

Corona-Real, a rocky isle, or ridge of rocks, close to the n. coast of the island of Guadalupe, between cape St. Juan and the port or bay of Mole.

CORONADOS, a small island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes ; situate very near the island of Carmen, on its n. e. side, which looks to the coast of New Spain.

(CORONDA, a town of the province and government of Buenos Ayres ; situate on a river forming the island of Santa Fe, about five leagues s. w. of that town, in Lat. 31° 58' 47". Long. 61° 2' a).)

CORONANGO, Santa Maria de, a head settlement of the alcaldia maj/or of Cholula in Nueva Espafia. It contains 94 families of In-


dians, and to its district belong nine other settlements. It lies one league to the n. of its capital.

CORONEL, Puerto del, a port on the coast of the province and corregimiento of Quillota, and kingdom of Chile, between the port of Longotoraa and the river Quilimari.

CORONEL, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It rises to the ^ . of the city of Nirua, and afterwards unites itself with the Grape, to enter the Tinaco.

CORONEL, a point of the coast of the kingdom of Chile, in the province and corregimiento of Quillota, between the mouth of the river Biobio and the heights of Villagran.

CORONGO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Conchucos in Peru.

COROPA, a spacious country of the province and government of Guayana, which extends itself between the river Coropatuba to the s. w. the Maranon to the s. the Avari to the e. the mountains of Oyacop of the Charibes Indians to the n. and the mountains of Dorado or Manoa to the n.w. The whole of its territory is, as it were, unknown. The Portuguese possess the shores of the Maranon and the sea-coast as far as the bay of Vicente Pinzon ; the Dutch of the colony of Surinam, by the river Esequevo or Esquivo, called also Rupununi, have penetrated as far as the Maranon, by the river Paranapitinga. The mountains, which some have represented as being full of gold, silver, and precious stones, sparkling in the rays of the sun, are merely fables, which, at the beginning of the conquests, deceived many who had gone in search of these rich treasures, and fell a sacrifice to the fatigues and labours which they experienced in these dry and mountainous countries. The Portuguese have constructed here two forts, called Paru and Macapa. Mr. De la Martiniere, with his usual want of accuracy, says that the Portuguese have a settlement called Coropa, at the mouth of the river Coropatuba, where it enters the Maranon ; the Coropatuba joins the Maranon on the n. side, in the country of Coropa, and at the settlement of this name ; this settlement being nothing more than a small fort, and lying in the province of Topayos, on the s. shore of the Maranon, and being known by the name ofCurupa, in the chart published in 1744, and in that of the Father Juan Magnin, in 1749.

COROPATUBA. See Curupatuba.

COROPUNA, a desert of the province of Cuzco in Peru, between the provinces of Parinacocha and Canas or Aruni. It extends more than 12 leagues s. to n. and is troublesome and dangerous to traverse.

Last edit over 5 years ago by kmr3934


c u s


the most pleasant situation that could be desired, in an inland country, upon a high swelling ridge of sand hills, within 3 or 400 yards of a large and beautiful lake, abounding with fish and fowl. The lake is terminated on one side by extensive forests, consisting of orange groves, overtopped with grand magnolias, palms, poplar, tilia, liveoaks, &c. ; on the other side by extensive green plains and meadows. The town consists of 30 habitations, each of which consists of two houses, nearly of the same size, large, and convenient, and covered close with the bark of the cypress tree. Each has a little garden spot, containing corn, beans, tobacco, and other vegetables. In the great Alachua savannah, about two miles distant, is an inclosed plantation, which is worked and tended by the whole community, yet every family has its particular part. Each family gathers and deposits in its granary its proper share, setting apart a small contribution for the public granary, which stands in the midst of the plantation.]

CUSE, a river of the kingdom of Peru. It rises in the mountains of the province of Moxos, and runs e. w. from the river and lake of Sara to the river Ubay. It follows its course to the n. and enters the last mentioned river. [CUSHAI, a small river which empties into Albemarle sound, between Chowan and the Roanoke, in N. Carolina.] [CUSHETUNK Mountains, in Hunterdon county, New Jersey.]

[CUSHING, a township in Lincoln county, district of Maine, separated from Warren and Thoraaston by St. George's river. It was incorporated in 1789, contains 942 inhabitants, and lies 216 miles w. by n. of Boston.] CUSHNOE, a waterfal of the river Kenebec, in the province of Sagadahoc, opposite fort Wertern. CUSI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Yauyos in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pampas. CUSIANA, a settlement of the jurisdiction of Santiago de las Atalayas, and government of San Juan de los Llanos, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; annexed to the curacy of Santiago. It is much reduced and very poor, of a hot temperature, and producing only maize, yucas, plantains, &c. Cusiana, a river of the same province (San Juan de los Llanos). It rises from a small lake near the settlement of Gameza, in the jurisdiction and corregimiento of Tunja, and there enters the Mcta.

CUSIBAMBA, a river of the province and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru. It rises in the cordillera of the Andes, runs w. and en- e u t iers the Apurimac, opposite the settlement of Curaguasi. Cusibamba, a valley of this province.

CUSICAS, a barbarous nation of Indians, who dwell to the e. of the nation of the Chiquitos, and to the n. of the settlement of San Juan Bautista de los Xamoros. All that is known of them is, that they are numerous and ferocious. CUSITAS, a settlement of Indians of the province and colony of Georgia ; situate on the shore of the river Apalachicola. CUSMO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Santa in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Guarmey. [CUSSENS, a small river in Cumberland county, Maine, which runs a s. e. course to Casco bay, between the towns of Freeport and N. Yarmouth.] [CUSSEWAGA, a settlement in Pennsylvania.] CUSSIA, a settlement of the Salivas Indians, forming the greater part of this nation, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate near the river Sinaruco, in the llanuras or plains of the Orinoco. The Caribes destroyed and burnt it in 1684. CUSSIQUINA, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas, which laves the territory of the Mayorunas Indians, who live upon its borders to the s. This river, after running many leagues to the n, e. enters the said territory, in lat. 3° 20' *.

[CUSSITAH, an Indian town in the w. part of Georgia, 12 miles above the Broken Arrow, on Chattahoosee river.] CUSTODIO, a river of the kingdom of Brazil. It runs n. n. w. is small, and enters the Tocantines, between that of San Elias and the river Preto or De la Palma. CUSUMPE, a small lake of the province of Hampshire; one of those of New England, between the rivers Pennycook and Pygwaket. CUTACO, a river in a narrow vale of the Andes, the bed of which was ascertained by Humboldt, in 1802, to be at the vast depth of 4200 feet. On its banks are many plantations of sugarcanes. CUTAGOCHI, a settlement of Cherokees Indians, in the province, and colony of S. Carolina ; situate at the source of the river Eu phase, where the English have a commercial establishment. CUTAWA, or Catawba, a river of N. Carolina. It runs n. and enters the Ohio ;. its waters are always full of coal.

CUTERUO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to' the curacy of Huambos.

Last edit over 5 years ago by jgo384
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