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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



Rio Negro, on a great island formed by this river and that of Pasimoni.

Carlos, San, a bay of the w. coast of Florida, 45 leagues from the soundings of Tortuguilla. Lat. 27° 10'. Long. 284° 30'.

Carlos, San, a small island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes, in the interior of the same, and very close upon the coast.

Carlos, San, a river of the island of Guadalupe, which runs nearly due n. e. and enters the sea in the bay of the Great Cul de Sac.

Carlos, San, a settlement (with the surname of Real) of the province and government of Buenos Ayres ; situate on the shore of the river La Plata, near the colony of Sacramento, which belonged to the Portuguese. In its vicinty, on the n. n. e. part, there is a lake of very good sweet water.

Carlos, San, an island of the straits of Magellan, between the mountain of the Pan de Azucar and cape Galand of the n. coast.

Carlos, San, a valley in the province and government of Tucumán, which is very fertile in vines, wheat, maize, carob-trees, tar, and in birds and animals of the chase. Its natives are those who most of all infested the Spaniards when they conquered this province.

Carlos, San, a settlement and fort of the island of St. Christopher, one of the Antilles.

Carlos, San, another, of the island of Cuba; situate on the n. coast, on the point of land called the Pan de Mantanzas.

Carlos, San, another, of the province and government of Maracaibo ; situate in the island Paxara, on the shore of the Gran Laguna, or Great lake.

Carlos, San, another, of the province and country of Las Amazonas ; a reduccion of the missions which were held there by the regulars of the society of Jesuits. It lies between the rivers Araucaso and Shiquita, in the territory of the Cahumaris Indians.

Carlos, San, another, of the province and government of Guatemala ; situate on the shore of the river of S. Juan, or Del Desaguadero.

Carlos, San, some sierras or mountains, called De Don Carlos, in the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil. They run parallel to the sierra of Los Difuntos, in the extremity of the coast formed by the mouth of the river La Plata.

CARLOSAMA, a large settlement of Indians of the province and corregimiento of Pastes in the kingdom of Quito, on the 5. shore of the river of its name. Its territory is most fertile, but the climate is very cold, and the streets almost always

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Impassable. It is to the zo. n. zo. of the settlement of Ipialos, and e. n. e. of that of Cumbal.

CARLTON, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district and parish of St. Thomas.

CARLUTAS, a river of the province and captainship of Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises near the coast, runs s. s. e. and enters the sea between the Genibabu and the Rio Grande.

CARMA, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Porco in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Porco.

(CARMEL, a township in Dutchess county, New York. By the state census of 1796, 237 of its inhabitants were electors.)

(CARMELO, a river on the coast of New Albion, s. e. of Francisco bay. A little n. from it is Sir Francis Drake’s harbour, where that navigator lay five weeks.)

Carmelo, Sierras del, a cordillera of very lofty mountains of the province of California ; they run to the sea-shore from the sierra of the Enfado, as far as the cape of San Lucas.

CARMEN, a river of the province and colony of Surinam, in the part of Guayana possessed by the Dutch. It rises in the sierra of Rinocote, runs from w. to e. and gathering the waters of many others, enters in a large body into the Mazarroni.

Carmen, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena ; situate in the district of the mountains of Marca, between those of San Jacinto and San Francisco de Asis. It is one of those new settlements that were founded by the Govemor Don Juan Pimienta in 1776.

Carmen, another settlement, with the addition of Frayeles de el, which is the village of the province and captainship of Todos Santos in Brazil ; situate between the rivers Rans and Tucumbira.

Carmen, another, in the same kingdom ; situate near a stream and on the shore of the river Tocantines, on the e. side, and not far from the Arrayal of San Feliz.

Carmen, a large island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes, near the coast, between the islands of San Ildefonso and Agua Verde.

Carmen, a town of the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil ; situate on the shore and at the head of a river which gives it this name.

CARMOT, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca la Grande in Peru ; situate on the shore of the river Chicama.

CARNELAND, Islas de, islands near the coast of the province and government of Honduras,

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Were Held by the Jesuits, in the province and government of Paraguay ; situate almost to the s, of Villa Rica.

CASA-PIEDRA, Isla De, an island of the coast and kingdom of Brazil, and province and captainship of the Rio Janeiro, close to Cape Frio.

CASA-PIEDRA, a settlement of this province and kingdom ; situate near the coast and upon the shore of a river thus called.

Casa-Piedra, a river which runs s. s. e. in this province, and joins the sea very near Cape Frio.

==CASAPOEIRA, Bahia de, or De Barreras Bermejas==, a bay on the coast and in the captainship of Marañon, arid kingdom of Brazil, between the islands Ygirapa and Sipatuba.

CASARA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Andahuailas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chincheros.

Casara, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Vilcas Huaman, also of Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Hualla.

CASARANI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Condesuyos de Arequipa in Peru.

CASARIDA, a settlement of the province and government of Maracaibo ; situate on the coast, at the mouth of the river of its name.

Casarida. This river rises near the coast, runs n. and enters the sea.

CASAS-GRANDES, an extensive and beautiful valley of the province of Los Apaches in Nueva España.

CASAUATAI, a river of the province and country of the Amazonas : it rises from the lake of the Gran Cocama, in 6 ° 48' s. hit. runs to the s. of the Maraiion, and following its course towards the n. for more than 25 leagues, runs e. to enter the Ucayale on its e. side, and afterwards to receive the waters of the Zapofe.

CASCABAMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Andahuailas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Talavera.

CASCABELES, a river of the province and corregimiento of Pastos in the kingdom of Quito : it rises near the ruins of the city of Simancas, and enters the river Caqueta, where are also the ruins of the city of Mocoa.

CASCADE, a small river of country and land of Labrador : it runs s. between the rivers Bois and San Francisco, and enters the sea in the strait of Bellisle.

CASCAJAL, a river of the province and kingdom of Tierra Firme : it rises in the mountains of Portovelo, and runs into the sea through the bay of this city.

Cascajal, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena ; situate on the shore of the river Cauca, in the district and jurisdiction of the town of Mompox.

CASCAJO, ISLA DEL, an island of the coast of the province and government of Cartagena, close to the island of Arenas.

Cascajo, a point of the s. coast of the island of Santo Domingo, in the French possessions : it lies between port Nonet and port Salud.

CASCARA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Parinacochas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Lampa.

CASCAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Conturnaza ; in the district of which there is, at three leagues distance, a large piece of hewn stone of 13 yards long and three quarters of a yard wide on every face, particularly rough and unpolished.

Cascas, a large swamp of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos, which is formed from different arms of the rivers Sarare and Apure, and communicates itself with the lake of Arechona ; both of these lakes being near the last river, and at the skirt of ihe paramo or mountain desert of Chisgas.

CASCAY, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucartambo in Peru.

CASCAYUNCA, an ancient province of Peru, to the n. e. of Cuzco, conquered by Tupac Yupanqui, twelfth Emperor.

(CASCO Bay, in the district of Maine, spreads n. w. between cape Elizabeth on the s. w. and cape Small Point on the n. e. Within these points, which are about 40 miles apart, are about 300 small islands, some of which are inhabited, and nearly all more or less cultivated. The land on these islands, and on the opposite coast on the main, is the best for agriculture of any on the sea-coast of this country. Casco includes several bays. Maquoit bay lays about 20 miles n. of cape Elizabeth. The waters of Casco extend several arms or creeks of salt water into the country. The waters go up Meadow’s river, where vessels of a considerable size are carried by the tide, and where it flows within one mile of the waters of Kennebeck. On the e. side of cape Elizabeth is the arm of the sea called Stroudwater. Farther e. is Presumpscot river, formerly called Presumpea, or Presumpkeag, which rises in Sebago Pond. This river opens to the waters of Casco bay on the e. of Portland ; its extent is not great, but it has several valuable mills upon it. Rayal’s river, called by the natives W estecustego, falls into the bay six miles from

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CENEWINI, a port of the river Poumaron, in the part of the province and government of Cuayana in the possession of the Dutch.

CENIS, a settlement of Indians of the province and government of Louisiana, situate in the road which leads to Mexico. It has a fort whicli was built by the French when they had possession of the province.

CENOMANAS, a barbarous nation of Indians, descended from the Naunas, who live in the woods, and without any fixed abode, along the banks of the great river Magdalena.

CENOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, to the n. of the river Marañon, w ho inhabit the woods near the river Aguarico. They are at continual war with that of the Encabellados.

CENTA, a small river of the province and government of Tucumán. It runs from the z£. to e. and enters the Bermejo. The Fathers Antonio Salinis and Pedro Ortiz de Zarate, of the extinguished company, suffered martyrdom upon its shores whilst pn'aching to the barbarian Indians.

CENTERVILLE, the chief town of Queen Anne’s county, and on the e. side of Chesapeak bay, in Maryland. It lies between the forks of Corsica creek, which runs into Chester river, and has been lately laid out; 18 miles s. of Chester, S4 s. e, by e. of Baltimore, and 93 s. xso. by s. of Philadelphia. Lat. 39° 6' n,~\

CEPEE, a small river of Nova Scotia, which runs s. and enters the Miamis.

CEPEROUX, a French fort, called also San Louis, in Cayenne ; situate at the mouth of the river, and on a lofty spot commanding the entrance of the same. It was taken by the Dutch in 1676 ; and in the following year it was recovered by the French ; which date has been mistaken by Mons. Martiniere, who mentions it as having been lost the year preceding.

CEPITA, a small settlement of the province and corregimiento of Charcas in Peru, above the channel of the great lake Titicaca, near the famous bridge that was built by the Emperor Capac Yiipanqui over the channel, and which is 160 yards in length. The Indians of this settlement are diligent in keeping this bridge in repair, and assist in helping and directing the cavalcades which are continmdly passing it,

CEQUER, a small settlement of the province and corregimiento of Pastos in the kingdom of Quito, to the n. of this city, and on the shore of the river Telembi. Its temperature is cold, and it is the direct road for such as are going to the province of Barbacoas.

CEQUIN, a mountain of the province of Los Canelos in the kingdom of Quito. Its skirts are washed by the river Puyuc, and on the other side by the Bobonasa : from it rise the rivers Tinguisa and Paba-yacu, which run from w. to e. until they enter the Bobonasa. It is entirely covered with thick woods, save upon the top, where there is ncifher tree nor plant.

CERCADO, a province and corregimiento of Peru, bounded n. by that of Chancay, n.e. by that of Canta, e. by that of Huarochiri, by that of Cañete, and w. by the S. sea; is 13 leagues long s. and eight wide at the widest part; is of a very mild and kind temperature, but somewhat sickly ; and is neither subject to tempests nor high Avinds, although it is often visited by earthquakes. It only rains in the winter, and this is a species of small sprinkling shower which they call garua; so that they have no necessity for houses with roofs, and they are covered only with clay or mortar. The whole of its territory is fertile, and abounds in seeds and fruits. The herb alfalfa, which is good forage for horses, is particularly cultivated, there being a great demand for it at Lima. Here are many estates of sugar-cane, from Avhich sugar is manufactured, as Avell as honey, and a kind of drink called guarape. Chica is also made here; this being the common drink of the Indians throughout the whole kingdom. It is irrigated by the rivers Rinac and Lurin, which run down from the province of Guarochiri, and by the Carrabayilo, which runs from the province of Canta : all three of them are small ; but in the months of December, January and February, which is the rainy season in the sierra^ they swell greatly. Its population consists of seven parochial settlements, and as many others thereunto annexed. Its repartimiento used to amount to 10,000 dollars, and it paid an alcaxala of 80 dollars per annum. The capital is of the same name, and the other 14 settlements are,













San Joseph de Bellavista.

Cercado, San Cristoval de, a settlement to the s. of the city of Lima, to which it is as a suburb. It is inhabited only by Indians, who are governed by a cazique ; and until 1776, it was a cure of the regulars of the company of Jesuits, who had in it a college.

CERCELLES, a river of the island of Guadalupe. It rises in the mountains, runs e. and en

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rdistinguished for being very sure-footed and active. The horned cattle have, through the favourable temperature of the climate, acquired a larger size, while their flesh has become better and more nutritive ; the sheep imported from Spain retain a wool as beautiful as that of the best Spanish sheep, each sheep yielding annually from 10 to 15 lbs. of wool ; they breed twice a-year, and have generally two at a birth. The common price of cattle throughout the country is from three to four filippi (fifteen or twenty francs), but in the seaports the price is fixed by an ancient regulation, at 10 crowns ; of which the commandant of the port receives four, and the owner six.

The different kinds of trees known in Chile amount to 97, and of these only 13 shed their leaves : amongst the plants, there are 3000 not mentioned in botanical works. _The melons here are, according to Molina, three feet long, and the only fruits unknown are medlars, service apples, three-grained medlar, and the jujubre. Of the indigenous worms, insects, &c. are 36 species, andthetunicated cuttle-fish found here is of 150 lbs. weight. There are 13 species of crabs and crawfish found on the sea-coast, and four species in the fresh waters. There are 135 species ofland-birds, and of quadrupeds 36, without those imported. The various kinds of esculent fish found upon the coast are computed by the fishermen at 76, the most of them differing from those of the n. hemisphere, and appearing to be peculiar to that sea.

Amongst the earths of this country is a clay thought to be very analogous to kaolin of the Chinese ; another kind called roro, producing an excellent black dye, and represented by Feuille and Frazier as superior to the best European blacks. The membraneous mica^ otherwise Muscovy grass, is also found here in the greatest perfection, both as respects its transparency and the size of its laminae ; of this substance the country people manufacture artificial flowers, and like the Russians, make use of it for glazing their houses. The thin plates which are used for windows are by many preferred to glass, from their being pliable and less fragile, and possessing what appears to be a peculiar property, of freely admitting the light and a view of external objects to those within, while persons without are prevented from seeing any thing in the house.

22. Present revolution. — In Chile, the authority of the mother country has been superseded by the aristocracy of the colony. The government has fallen, peaceably and without resistance, into the hands of the great Creole families, who seem hitherto to have used their power with temper and moderation. See La PijAta.]

Same name, a river of the former kingdom (Chile), in the district of Tolten Baxo. It runs w. and enters the sea between the rivers Tolten and Budi.

Same name, a point of the coast of the province and corregimienio of Arequipa,

Same name, a small island of the S. sea, in the same province and corregimiento.

CHILENO, Paso del, a ford of the river Jazegua, in the province and government of Buenos Ayres, close to the river Cordobes.

CHILERIOS, a river of the province and government of Buenos Aires. It runs North Carolinan and cnler§ the river Negro.

CHILES, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Pasto in the kingdom of Quito.

[CHILHOWEE, mountain, in the s. e. part of the state of Tennessee, and between it and the Cherokee country.]

CHILIA, a settlement of the province and |corregimiento of Caxaraarquilla and Collay in Peru.

CHILINTOMO, a mountain of the province and government of Guayaquil in the kingdom of Quito ; inhabited by some Indians, who, although reduced to the Catholic faith, are nevertheless of such vile habits as constantly to manifest how deeply idolatry is rooted in them.

CHILIPUIN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chachapoyas in Peru.

[CHILISQUAQUE, a township on Susquehannah river, in Pennsylvania.]

CHILLAHUA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carangas in Peru, and of the archbishopric of Charcas.

[CHILLAKOTHE, an Indian town]on the Great Miami, which was destroyed in 1782 by a body of militia from Kentucky. General Harmar supposes this to be the “ English Tawixtwi,” in H utchins’s map. Here are the ruins of an old fort, and on both sides of the river are extensive meadows. This name is applied to many different places, in honour of an influential chief who formerly headed the Shawanoes. See Tawixtwi.]

[Chillakothe, Old, is an Indian town destroyed by the forces of the United States in 1780. It lies about three miles s. of Little Mimia river j the country in its vicinity is of a rich soil, and is beautifully chequered with meadows.]

CHILLAN, a city, the capital of the district and corregimiento of this name (Chillan) in the kingdom of Chile. It is very small and poor, although it contains some families of distinction. It consists.


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(bring in exchange dry goods, and this they do either by avoiding the vigilance of the guards, or by purchasing a connivance. The population of Coi^ is composed of 10,000 people of all colours ; few slaves are to be seen here, since the Indians, although they everywhere else have a particular partiality for the blacks, entertain a decided aversion against them in this city. This antipathy was very useful in 1797 to the public tranquillity, for when the Negro slaves employed at w ork in the fields, wished to follow the example of the blacks of St. Domingo, and selected chiefs, under whom they committed some robberies, the Indians of Corojoined the white people, and marched against the rebels with most extraordinary courage ; the revolt was thus suppressed almost as soon as it broke out ; the ring-leaders were hanged, and every thing was restored to order ; the rebel army never amounted to more than 400 blacks. All work at Coro is done by Indians, notwithstanding the wages are very low ; indeed they li ve here with so much parsimony that a person cannot fetch fire from his neighbour’s without carrying in exchange a piece of wood of the size of the firing he takes away, and even this is not always done without difficulty. The city has no spring, and the water they drink is brought from the distance of half a league by asses in barrels, of which two compose a load. The houses, though originally well built, bear evident marks of misery, and of the ravages of time; those belongingto the Indians are yet more pitiful. The streets run in parallel lines, but are not paved ; the public buildings consist of a parish church, formerly a cathedral, which title is yet given to it by the inhabitants, although for more than 160 years it has been without a bishop or a chapter, the duty being performed by two curates, belonging to a convent containing about seven or eight Franciscans, and to a parish church in which are three monks of the same order. The civil power is exercised by a cahildo. Since 1799, a military commandant has been established here, who shares at the same time the judicatory authority, and that of the police ; his revenue being 2000 dollars per annum. Two miles to the n. of Coro is an isthmus of about one league in breadth, which joins tlie peninsula of Paragona to the continent ; it stretches out from the s. w. to n. w. about 20 leagues ; is inhabited by Indians and a few whites, whose only employment is the rearing of cattle, which they smuggle over in great numbers to Cura^oa ; the butchers’ shops of that island being always better supplied than those of the principal cities of Ticrra Firme.


This was the only city of Venezuela, except Maracaibo, which had not declared independence on the 2Ist August 1811. See Venezuela. The city is in lat. 11° 24' n. and long. 69° 40'; it is a league distant from the sea, SO leagues w. of Caracas, 33 n. of Barquisimeto, and 55 of Maracaibo.)

Coro, a settlement of the province and coregimiento of Pastos in the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of the river Cascabeles, where this enters the Caqueta.

Coro, another, of the province and corregimienlo of Carangas in Peru, and of the archbishopric of Charcas ; annexed to the curacy of Corquemar.

COROA Grande, a settlement of the province and captainship of Pará in Brazil ; situate on the shore of the river Tocantines.

COROA, a large shoal near the coast of the province and captainship of Marañan in Brazil, at the entrance of the river Coras.


COROBAMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chachapoyas in Peru, in which is venerated a miraculous image of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. Near it are two caves, each capable of containing 50 horsemen with their spears erect.

COROBAMBA, another settlement in the above province and kingdom.

COROBANA, a river of the province and government of Guayana, which, according to Mr. Beilin, in his chart and description of the course of a part of the Orinoco, runs continually n. and enters this river near where it runs into the sea.

COROCOTO, a settlement of Indians, of the province and corregimiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of Chile; situate on the shore of one of the lakes of Huanacache, distinct from the following town.

COROCOTO, a town of the above province and corregimiento, a reduccion of the Pampas Indians ; situate on the shore of the river Tunuyan, near the high road which leads from Mendoza to Buenos Ayres, in the district of which are tiie estates of Carrizal Grande, Carvalillo, Lulunta, and Mendocinos.

COROCUBI, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions. It is small, runs s. and enters the Negro, forming a dangerous torrent or whirl-pool, which bears the same name.

COROI, a settlement of the missions wliicli belong to the French in Guayana; situate near th« coast, and at the mouth of the river Kourrou.

3 s.

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