Texas State Association of Architects

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Texas State Association of Architects Expenses-Dues



Waco May 13th 1890

To the Executive Committee of the TSAA the following is the disbursements of the Secretary for the year 1889, 1890

By [amount] of [??] [Pres.] W.C. Dodson 75.00
On hand from [amount] not turned over to Treas. 20.00
To [Lakes] of Proceedings 300 copies each day 20.00
" Extra notices 3.00
" Telegram R.C. McLean .75
" E.T. Heiner .40
Postage 1.00
1000 [Act] Legislature 15.00
[Expensage an acts] .35
500 Copies minutes 20.00
Postage on proceedings 3.60
Stationary 3.55
Postage 1.00
Notice [or or on?] [unit...?] San Antonio 5.50
Ballance [Balance] on hand 20.85
$95.00 $95.00
W.W. Larmour Secty Texas.S.A.A.

Apr J. J. Kane

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Last edit about 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


List of members in arrears for due for the year 1899 & 90

[Alfred] Albert F. Beckmann //note// Pd. Cortez Clark Geo E. Vickey //note// Pd. Sam. P. Herbert //note// Pd. Geo. E. King Oscar Ruffini //note// Pd. W. H. Tyndall Guy M. Tozer Albert Ullrich //note// Pd. J Wiley Gordon. //note// Pd.

Mentions paid dues and in hand of the secretary J.J. Kane 5.00 F.W. Kane 5.00 Geo. S. Kane 5.00 A.O. Watson 5.00 20.00

WW Larmour Secty. T.S.A.A. May 10/90

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Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer

Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings

Needs Review


Afternoon session 2:30 pm

President called the meeting to order and the report of the com. on charter and [seal?] was received [&?] requesting further time in which to report which was granted

On motion it was decided to refer to the executive com. the question of drafting a final bill [repudiating?] the practice of architecture for presentation to the legislature -

It was moved and carried that this association hold its next regular meeting in Austin on the third Tuesday of January 1887.

On motion an appropriation of $75.00 was made for the purpose of procuring charter paying for [?] and [?] expenses -

The name of J J Caine of Fort Worth was proposed for membership in this Ass'in and on motion his name was added to the list of charter members -

The follow resolution was adapted

Resolved that the thanks of Texas State Ass'in of Archts be tendered to [W] Tom Smith for the use of the Parlors of the Hotel Brunswick for the meetings of this convention.

On motion the secty was authorized to have printed five hundred copies of the Constitution, By Laws and Rules of Practice.

Last edit 9 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


Mr. Preston moved that 1000 copies be ordered printed.

Mr. W. W. Larmour substituted by insisting 500 copies.

Both the original notion and the substitute were withdrawn, and the Ex. Committee were authorized to have printed 1000 copies of the bill.

On motion, the convention adjourned to 10:30 Wednesday A.M.

Wednesday 10:30 A.M.

Meeting called to order by the President. Mr Tobey, in behalf of Capital Contractors, extended an invitation to the Association to visit the granite quarries at Burnet.

Mr. Heiner moved that the invitation be accepted: Mr. Dodson moved an amendment that the thanks of the Assocition be extended Mr. Wilke for his courtesy, but that the invitation be declined - which was adopted.

On motion, the convention adjourned to 2:30 P.M.

Afternoon Session

Meeting called to order by the Pres.

It was moved by Mr. Dodson that the President appoint two committees, of 3 members each, to nominate affairs for the ensuing year, and also [its?] place for holding the next convention. Carried.

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Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


profession, [be?] it

Resolved by the Texas Society of Engineers, that [we?] stand ready to endorse any measures that may be taken with such an object in view, and to give our assistance in every way practically -"

Signed S. Haviland Secy of T. S. of Es

Moved by Mr. Heiner that the communication be read and ordered spread on the minutes and that the Sec'y be instructed to extend to the T. S. of Es. the thanks of our Association.


On motion the secretary was ordered to have printed 500 copies of the proceedings of the convention, the roll of membership and schedule of changes.

Moved by Mr. Wahrenberger that $50.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary be appropriated to pay for printing the Proceedings, [?] and also for printing the 1000 copies of Bill Regulating the practice of Architecture, the balance of any, to be applied for incidental expenses of the Association.


The following report was r'ced from the Executive Committee, and on motion of Mr. Tobey, was adopted and ordered expressed on the minutes: -

Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 35 in total