Pages That Mention Carabaillo
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
in America, and they reckon the gold it has produced at 33 millions of dollars, without counting that which has been concealed ; but at present they scarce procure from it 200 pound weight a year, on account of the increased charges of labour, and the want of energy in the inhabitants. Many lumps of gold have been found here, among which there is still remembered to have been one of the figure of a horse, which weighed 100 weight and some odd pounds, and which was carried to the Emperor Charles V. ; and likewise another lump which was sent to Philip II. bearing a resemblance to the head of a man, which, however, was lost together with much other riches in the channel of Bahama. This latter lump was found in the washing place of Ynahuaya. Nearly the whole of the territory of this province is interspered with gold. The most celebrated washing places that it had were called San Juan del Oro, Paulo Coya, Ananea, and that which was superior to all, Aporoma. In the year 1713, a lump of silver also was discovered in the mountain of Ucuntaya, being of a very solid piece of metal, and of prodigious value ; in its rivers are found sands of gold, to which at certain times of the year, the Indians have recourse, in order to pay their tributes. There are also other mines of silver and copper in various parts, and springs of hot water. It is very liable to earthquakes, and according to the tradition of the Indians, there was one which took place before the conquest, so large as to overturn mountains, and that, opening the earth, it swallowed up in an abyss many towns with their inhabitants. They likewise assert, that in the year 1747, another earthquake, throwing out of the ground a dirty and muddy water, thereby infected the rivers to such a degree as to cause a dreadful and general mortality. It has some large rivers as well as small ; all of which empty themselves into the Ynambari, thus rendering this river extremely abundant : towards the n. and n. e. which, as we have observed, is bounded by the infidel Indians, there are large tracts of ground covered with coca and rice, with an abundance of mountain fruits. In the aforesaid river they are accustomed to take shad and large dories by shooting them with muskets, or by piercing them with arrows or darts. There are also some lakes, which, although without fish, abound in ducks, snipes, and other aquatic fowl. The infidel Indians have made various irruptions into this province: its capital is Sandia, and its natives, who amount to 28,000, are divided into 26 settlements, as follows : The repartimiento received by the corregidor used to amount to 82,800 dollars, and it paid 662 yearly for alcavala.
Sandia, Coaza,
Cuiocuio. Cruzero,
Laqueique, Ajoiani,
Yñacoreque, Usicaios,
Queneque, Esquena,
Patambuco, Cuntuquita,
S. Juan del Oro, Ynambari,
Quiaca, Ayapata,
Sina, Ytuata,
Para, Macusani,
Limbani, Ollachea,
Chejani, Azaroma,
Aporoma, Corani.
CARABAILLO, a river of the province and corregimiento of Cercado in Peru. It rises in the province of Canta from three lakes to the n. of the capital, and continues its course until it join the sea close to the point of Marques.
CARABAILLO, a settlement of this province and corregimiento.
CARABANA, a river of the province and government of Guayana, which runs to the s. and enters the Orinoco between the Corquina and the Arrewow. According to Bellin, in his map of the course of part of the Orinoco, it is distant from the other river called Corobana, which also enters the Orinoco on the opposite side.
CARABATANG, a river of the province and captainship of Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises in the sierra of the Tiguares Indians, near the coast, runs s. s. e. and enters the sea between the Cong and the Goyana.
CARABELAS, River of the, in the province and captainship of Puerto Seguro in Brazil. It rises in the cold sierra of the Pories Indians, runs s. e. and according to Cruz, e. and enters the sea opposite the bank of the Escollos (hidden rocks).
Carabelas, Grandes, a port of the island of Cuba, on the n. part.
Carabelas, Chicas, a bay in the same island, and on the same coast, between the settlement of Guanajo and the Puerto del Poniente (w. port.)
CARABERES. See article Guarayos.
CARABUCO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Omasuyos in Peru ; in the vicinity of which are the ruins of a chapel, which was dedicated to St. Bartholomew ; and the Indians have a tradition that the above-mentioned saint appeared here and preached the gospel to them : thus, in the principal altar of the church, they reverence a large cross of very strong wood, and which is celebrated for having wrought many miracles ; splinters of it being anxiously sought after by the faithful, wherefrom to form small crosses ;