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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 05:38 PM




tive of Barcelana, a celebrated engineeer; also re-
nowned in the constructing of the land-gate or en-
trance to Cadiz : he was promoted to this govern-
ment for the purpose of inspecting and repairing
the towers which had been destroyed by Admiral
Vernon, which commission, after he had executed,
he returned to Spain in 1755, and died director-
general of the body of engineers.

61. Don Fernando Morillo Velarde, knight of
the order of Alcantara, colonel of infantry, at that
time king’s lieutenant, when he received the go-
vernment on account of the proprietor having gone
to fortify the town of Portobelo.

62. Don Diego Tabares, knight of the order of
Santiago, brigadier-general ; promoted to this go-
vernment from that of Camana in 1755, and go-
verned till 1761, when arrived his successor,

63. Don Joseph de Sobremonte, Marquis of this
name, a brigadier, who was captain of the regiment
of Spanish guards when he was nominated : he go-
verned till 1770, when he died.

64. Don Gregorio de Sierra, also captain of gre-
nadiers of the express regiment of Spanish guards ;
he entered Cartagena in 1771, and died in 1774.

65. Don Juan Pimienta, colonel of the regi-
ment of the infantry of Zamora, in rank a briga-
dier, and knight of the distinguished order of
Charles III. ; he entered into the possession of the
government in 1774, and died in 1781.

66. Don Roque de Quiroga, king’s lieutenant of
the fortified town, or Plaza ; promoted as provincial
governor through the death of his antecessor, un-
til arrived, under the king’s appointment, the pro-

67. Don Joseph de Carrion y Andrade, a bri-
gadier, who before had been governor of the
Plaza of Manilla, and had rendered himself re-
nowned when it was besieged by the Emperor of
Marruecos, being nominated to this government in
1774 : he died in 1785.

Cartagena, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Choco : it rises in the mountains of
this province nearthe settlement of Noanama, and
enters the sea imimediately at the cape of Corri-

Cartagena, a plain of the province and cor-
regimiento of Maule in the kingdom of Chile,
close to the port of San Antonio.

CARTAGO, a city of the province and go-
vernment of Popayan, founded by the Brigadier
George Robledo in 1540, who gave it this name,
with the dedicatory title of San Juan, his patron;
the greater part of the military in it having come
from the city of Cartagena in Europe. It did lie
between the rivers Otun and Quindio; but the


continual invasions it has experienced from the
Pijaos and Pimaes Indians, who are a bold and
warlike people, determined its inhabitants to re-
move it at the end of the I7th century to the spot
where it now stands ; having bought for that pur-
pose some land of Tomasa Izquierdo, on the bank
of an arm of the river of La Vieja, which is a
large stream, and navigable for canoes and rafts,
and which is at the distance of rather better than
a quarter of a mile from the large river Cauca,
into which the above river enters, forming before
the city an island, which abounds in animals of the
chase, and in cattle, and having on its banks ex-
cellent fishing. This city is of a dry and healthy
climate ; and although hot, the atmosphere is al-
ways clear and serene. It is situate upon a level
and somewhat elevated plain , of beautiful appear-
ance ; the streets are spacious, wide and straight.
It has a very large grand square. Its buildings
are solid and of good structure, and universally
roofed over with straw, having, however, the walls
of solid stone from the top to the bottom ; others
are built of brick, and others with rafters of wood,
the walls being of clay, (which they call imbulidoSy
or inlaid), so solid as to resist the force of the most
violent earthquakes, as was experienced in one
that happened in 1785. At a small distance from
the city are various lakes or pools of water, which
they call denegas, formed by nature, assisted by
art. It is the residence of the lieutenant-gover-
nor of the government of Popayan, of two ordi-
nary alcaldes, two of La Hermandad, two member*
of an inferior court, a recorder, a procurator-gene-
ral, a major domo de propiosy and six regidors^
the cabildo enjoying the privilege of electing and
confirming these officers yearly. It has also a bat-
talion of city militia, and two disciplined compa-
nies ; also some royal cofiers, which were brought
from the city of Anserma. Besides the church of
Matriz, in which is venerated, as the patroness, the
Holy Virgin, under the image of Nuestra Senora
de la Paz, (this being the pious gift of Philip
III.) it has five parishes, viz. Santa Ana, Santa
Barbara, Llano de Buga, Naranjo, Micos, and
Pueblo de los Cerritos. The territory is extremely
fertile and pleasant, abounding as well in fruits
and pulse as in birds of various sorts ; and in no
part whatever are plantains so various, or of so
fine a quality. Tlie coffee is good, and the cacao,
which is of two sorts, is excellent, and is called
yellow and purple hayna. Of no less estimation
is the tobacco, with which a great traffic was
formerly carried on at Choco. The district of this
city abounds in trees, medicinal herbs and fruits,
and in an exquisite variety of cacao plants; also


natural de Barcelona, célebre Ingeniero, como acreditó en la obra de la Puerta de Tierra de Cádiz, fue destinado a este Gobierno para reedificar y mejorar los Castillos que habia destruido el Almirante Wernon, y después de haberlo executado volvió a España el de 1755, y murió hecho Director General del Cuerpo de Ingenieros.
61 Don Fernando Morillo Velarde, Caballero del Orden de Alcántara, Coronel de Infantería, se hallaba de Teniente de Rey, quando recayó el Gobierno en él, por haber pasado el propietario a fortificar la Plaza de Portovelo.
62 Don Diego Tabares, Caballero del Orden de Santiago, Mariscal de Campo, fue promovido del Gobierno, de Cumaná a éste el año de 1755, y gobernó baste el de 1761 que le llegó el sucesor
63 Don Joseph de Sobremonte, Marques de este nombre, Brigadier, que se hallaba de Capitán del Regimiento de Guardias Españolas quando fue nombrado, y gobernó hasta el año de 1770 que murió.
63 Don Gregorio de Sierra, también Capitán de Granaderos del expresado Regimiento de Guardias Españolas, entró en Cartagena el año de 1771 y murió el de 1774.
64 Don Juan Pimienta, Coronel del Regimiento de Infantería de Zamora, graduado de Brigadier, Caballero de la distinguida Orden de Carlos III: entró a la posesión de este Gobierno el año de 1774 y murió el de 1781.
65 Don Roque de Quiroga, Teniente de Rey de la Plaza, entró interinamente a exercer el Gobierno por muerte de su antecesor, hasta que llegó el propietario nombrado por el Rey
66 Don Joseph de Carrion y Andrade, Brigadier, que antes habia sido Gobernador de la Plaza de Melilia, acreditándose en la defensa que hizo quando la sitió el Emperador de Marruecos el año de 1774 nombrado para este Gobierno el de 1785.

Una Playa de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Maule en el Reyno de Chile junto al Puerto de San Antonio.

CARTAGO, Ciudad de la Provincia y Gobierno de Popayan, fundada por el Mariscal Jorge Robledo el año de 1540, qué le dio este nombre, con la advocación de San Jorge su Patrono, por ser la mayor parte de sus Soldados de la Ciudad de Cartagena en Europa, entre los rios Otua y Quindio; pero las continuas invasiones y hostilidades que padecía de los Indios Pijaos y Pimaes atrevidos y guerreros, determinaron sus vecinos a fines del siglo pasado trasladarla al sitio que hoy tiene, y compraron a Tomasa Izquierdo, a orilla de un brazo del río de la Vieja, caudaloso y navegable en canoas y balsas, y a poco mas de un quarto de milla del caudaloso Cauca, en que entra aouel, formando delante de la Ciudad una Isla que es de mucho beneficio para la caza, pesca y cria de ganado; es de clima seco, sano y benigno; pero cálido, de Cielo alegre y claro, situada en terreno llano y algo elevado, de hermosa vista, sus calles son anchas, largas y rectas; tiene una espaciosa Plaza mayor, edificios sólidos y de buena estructura, cubiertos de teja unos y otros de paja, con paredes solidas de piedra desde los cimientos hasta la cornisa, otros de ladrillo, y algunos de armazones de madera con paredes de adobe, que llaman embutidos, tan sólidos, que han resistido a los terremotos, como se experimentó en el que padeció el año pasado de 1785: a poca distancia de la Ciudad hay varias lagunas o estanques de agua que llaman Ciénegas, formadas por la naturaleza con el auxilio del arte: reside en ella un Teniente de Gobernador del de Popayan, dos Alcaldes Ordinarios, dos de la Hermandad, dos Pedáneos, Síndico, Procurador general y Mayordomo de Propios, y seis Regidores, cuyo Cabildo disfruta el privilegio de elegir y confirmar cada año estos oficios, un Batallón de Milicias Urbanas y dos Compañías disciplinadas, Caxas Reales, que se trasladaron de la Ciudad de Anserma; ademas de la Iglesia Matriz, en que se venera como Patraña una Imagen de nuestra Señora de la Paz, dádiva de la piedad de Felipe III, tiene cinco Parroquias en los sitios de Santa Ana, Santa Bárbara, Llano de Buga, Naranjo, Micos y Pueblo de los Cerritos: el territorio es sumamente fértil y ameno, así de frutos y legumbres, como de aves de muchas especies, y en ninguna parte hay tanta variedad de plátanos ni tan exquisitos; el cafe es de buena calidad, y el cacao excélente de dos especies, que llaman de bayna amarilla y morada, y de no menos estimación el tabaco de que hacia antes mucho comercio en el Chocó; abunda el distrito de esta Ciudad en árboles, plantas frutales y medicinales, exquisitas flores y variedad de cocos de diferentes géneros,




tive of Barcelana, a celebrated engineeer; also re-
nowned in the constructing of the land-gate or en-
trance to Cadiz : he was promoted to this govern-
ment for the purpose of inspecting and repairing
the towers which had been destroyed by Admiral
Vernon, which commission, after he had executed,
he returned to Spain in 1755, and died director-
general of the body of engineers.

61. Don Fernando Morillo Velarde, knight of
the order of Alcantara, colonel of infantry, at that
time king’s lieutenant, when he received the go-
vernment on account of the proprietor having gone
to fortify the town of Portobelo.

62. Don Diego Tabares, knight of the order of
Santiago, brigadier-general ; promoted to this go-
vernment from that of Camana in 1755, and go-
verned till 1761, when arrived his successor,

63. Don Joseph de Sobremonte, Marquis of this
name, a brigadier, who was captain of the regiment
of Spanish guards when he was nominated : he go-
verned till 1770, when he died.

64. Don Gregorio de Sierra, also captain of gre-
nadiers of the express regiment of Spanish guards ;
he entered Cartagena in 1771, and died in 1774.

65. Don Juan Pimienta, colonel of the regi-
ment of the infantry of Zamora, in rank a briga-
dier, and knight of the distinguished order of
Charles III. ; he entered into the possession of the
government in 1774, and died in 1781.

66. Don Roque de Quiroga, king’s lieutenant of
the fortified town, or Plaza ; promoted as provincial
governor through the death of his antecessor, un-
til arrived, under the king’s appointment, the pro-

67. Don Joseph de Carrion y Andrade, a bri-
gadier, who before had been governor of the
Plaza of Manilla, and had rendered himself re-
nowned when it was besieged by the Emperor of
Marruecos, being nominated to this government in
1774 : he died in 1785.

Cartagena, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Choco : it rises in the mountains of
this province nearthe settlement of Noanama, and
enters the sea imimediately at the cape of Corri-

Cartagena, a plain of the province and cor-
regimiento of Maule in the kingdom of Chile,
close to the port of San Antonio.

CARTAGO, a city of the province and go-
vernment of Popayan, founded by the Brigadier
George Robledo in 1540, who gave it this name,
with the dedicatory title of San Juan, his patron;
the greater part of the military in it having come
from the city of Cartagena in Europe. It did lie
between the rivers Otun and Quindio; but the


continual invasions it has experienced from the
Pijaos and Pimaes Indians, who are a bold and
warlike people, determined its inhabitants to re-
move it at the end of the I7th century to the spot
where it now stands ; having bought for that pur-
pose some land of Tomasa Izquierdo, on the bank
of an arm of the river of La Vieja, which is a
large stream, and navigable for canoes and rafts,
and which is at the distance of rather better than
a quarter of a mile from the large river Cauca,
into which the above river enters, forming before
the city an island, which abounds in animals of the
chase, and in cattle, and having on its banks ex-
cellent fishing. This city is of a dry and healthy
climate ; and although hot, the atmosphere is al-
ways clear and serene. It is situate upon a level
and somewhat elevated plain , of beautiful appear-
ance ; the streets are spacious, wide and straight.
It has a very large grand square. Its buildings
are solid and of good structure, and universally
roofed over with straw, having, however, the walls
of solid stone from the top to the bottom ; others
are built of brick, and others with rafters of wood,
the walls being of clay, (which they call imbulidoSy
or inlaid), so solid as to resist the force of the most
violent earthquakes, as was experienced in one
that happened in 1785. At a small distance from
the city are various lakes or pools of water, which
they call denegas, formed by nature, assisted by
art. It is the residence of the lieutenant-gover-
nor of the government of Popayan, of two ordi-
nary alcaldes, two of La Hermandad, two member*
of an inferior court, a recorder, a procurator-gene-
ral, a major domo de propiosy and six regidors^
the cabildo enjoying the privilege of electing and
confirming these officers yearly. It has also a bat-
talion of city militia, and two disciplined compa-
nies ; also some royal cofiers, which were brought
from the city of Anserma. Besides the church of
Matriz, in which is venerated, as the patroness, the
Holy Virgin, under the image of Nuestra Senora
de la Paz, (this being the pious gift of Philip
III.) it has five parishes, viz. Santa Ana, Santa
Barbara, Llano de Buga, Naranjo, Micos, and
Pueblo de los Cerritos. The territory is extremely
fertile and pleasant, abounding as well in fruits
and pulse as in birds of various sorts ; and in no
part whatever are plantains so various, or of so
fine a quality. Tlie coffee is good, and the cacao,
which is of two sorts, is excellent, and is called
yellow and purple hayna. Of no less estimation
is the tobacco, with which a great traffic was
formerly carried on at Choco. The district of this
city abounds in trees, medicinal herbs and fruits,
and in an exquisite variety of cacao plants; also
