Per unum e pontibus ad urbem aquaeductus trahitur, ponte tamen non impedito. Universa civitas inde potum sumit. Tractim loca sunt designata questoribus regiis servantibus lintres, venum aquam per civitatem portantes, ab aquatoribus ibi exigunt vectigalia. Duos habet alveos is aquaeductus. Quando ex meantis aquae muscoso situ sordescit unus, in alterum labentem aquam dirigunt, donec tergatur alter, ita vicissim detersis in universa civitate purificatam bibunt aquam. Bovis corpus aiunt aquaeductus illius crassitudinem adequare.
Across one of the bridges to the city an aqueduct is carried, without however obstructing the bridge. The whole city takes its drinking water from here. Here and there are designated places for royal quaestors using(?) boats, bringing water for sale throughout the city (in that place, they demand a tax from those who get water). This aqueduct has two channels. When, from the mossy location of the passing water, one of them becomes dirty, they direct the flowing water into the other one, whole the first one is being cleaned, and thus with them being cleaned in turn they drink clean water throughout the whole city. They say that the aqueduct is equal in thickness to the body of an ox.