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76- El santo está adentro de la iglesia
(2) ˈžandyus nuko·o ˈžɨtɨ ˈbeʔe sandu
(1) žandyus asp+vb ˈžyɨtɨ be·ʔ sa·ntu
El santo =estar adrento estomago (hablando de un santo)

77- los hombres lo van a cargar en sus hombros.
(1) hnaʔa ˈžɨbɨ ˈte·e ˈkunudo·ki (ˈuna i~i~) ˈsandua
{žiʔbu kuu Loc??? hombros}
(2) - žiʔu,, ,, verbo to be/in a temporary state (peñoles) ,, una i~i~ santua
(3) pronombre de santo
kudoki sandu

78- nueve palos largos.
ɨ~·ɨ~ (ʔi) žuhnu xa·ni~ʔ
{nueve árbol largos}

79- ocho cerros largos.
?? noise on tape obscures words una čɨɨ ˈdu~xu~ una čɨʔɨ tɨ~xu~u~
čɨ yutu xu~u~ una čɨ ʔɨto xu~u~

80- cuatrocientas personas.
ˈxɨmɨ ˈsiento ˈžɨbɨ
cuatro cientos hombres žɨbɨʔ

Notes and Questions

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On 77, the first word appears to be "dos", but upon further inspection of the sentence, the same symbol for 'd' appears in 'lo', leading me to believe that the said "dos" should be "los". However, I am not sure, since the author seems to only be writing 'd's like such in 76.

What's also strange is that there doesn't seem to be one author, or if there is, then he/she seems to be changing handwriting constantly.


L is the right choice (Los hombres lo van a charger, etc.). The second hand (marginal notes) is Kathryn's.