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4 revisions
bmwils15 at Mar 25, 2024 08:50 PM


1- Mix- 8 Tall
Questionare II - 21 Syntax
by Zapotitlán Palmas

What is his name?
- Paulino López Martinez
His age?
- 45 years
Do you live here?
- Yes
Since when?
- Always
Have you lived anywhere else?
- No, I mostly dedicate myself to the countryside
Can you read and write?
- A little.
What language do you speak at home?
- Well here is the Mixtec
With your wife and children?
- No, my kids don't speak it anymore.
Do you have any way of getting into your language that indicates that it is Mixtec?
Does this town have its name in Mixtec?
- If you say žoθo kunu -> zapotitlanpalmo


1- Mix- 8 Tall
Questionare II - 21 Syntax
by Zapotitlán Palmas

What is his name?
- Paulino López Martinez
His age?
- 45 years
Do you live here?
- Yes
Since when?
- Always
Have you lived anywhere else?
- No, I mostly dedicate myself to the countryside
Can you read and write?
- A little.
What language do you speak at home?
- Well here is the Mixtec
With your wife and children?
- No, my kids don't speak it anymore.
Do you have any way of getting into your language that indicates that it is Mixtec?
Does this town have its name in Mixtec?
- If you say žoθo kunu -> zapotitlanpalmo