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8 revisions
avinihalani at Sep 19, 2023 04:51 AM


his and the army of fools, and seegar thread theirs
will degear all his good [......], and I fear [....]
his [..............] a failure.
For show? of decieving to [....] have in [.....]
never repeat as I [....] for the [.....] when I care? go
away the [......] of the archipelago? I saw [....]
[......] of them to all[....] to [.....] with [.....] accuracy
there, [.....] letters sophisticated?, I has? all of the [....] no
[.......] gave? accuracy with and I and? till there
[....] the all [...] where they're of [....], within? classic
beauty, pray he blew a [...] the entire
physical if you have love your [...] after
and attain truth there in love [...] he
dies [...] do then release back to you
a welcome [...] spending the 40 days
in Texas back home, allowed me, in looking
at them and 2 had in [....]
I don't think I can come back home
without my wife-life is to short, this is
my time to place just a few dollars of the estate


his and the army of fools, and seegar thread theirs
will degear all his good [......], and I fear [....]
his [..............] a failure.
For show? of decieving to [....] have in [.....]
never repeat as I [....] for the [.....] when I care? go
away the [......] of the archipelago? I saw [....]
[......] of them to all[....] to [.....] with [.....] accuracy
there, [.....] letters sophisticated?, I has? all of the [....] no
[.......] gave? accuracy with and I and? till there
[....] the all [...] where they're of [....], within? classic