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15 revisions
ethan at Sep 18, 2023 10:02 PM


there is a fine article by prof. Max Muller of Oxford
in "The Arena" an english [?], an "The like significances
of the [?] parliament of religions" - see 2 [?]- [?] of
"The Arena Publishing Co, Boston - it entails several
other fine articles - he [?] me a number with his [?]
as a [?] - you [?] [?] to Boston [?] [?]
[Your?] state [?] may the [perplexity?] a [?]
believed [?] presided men
are [?] to please for [?] [?] of a free state
Our [?] [?] are so had [?] an affect
to found a new party with [hu?] as a motto is
[the] [necessity?] of the [hour?] [?] [?] very suggestion [?]
such a [nece?] shows how hopeless is our con =
dition. For in a free country general corruption
in high places, is only the natural fruit [?] a
dieing [?]. Look at the [u?] of [?]
[Yerh?] and [Parlchurst?], now [idaliged?] in a [spos?]
of [returning?] virtue, nice [some?] the overwhelmed by
the energy of the bad men the is [expezing?] -
Cleveland [stau?] for the right as he believes if,
[?], [selu?] [peiu?]. [?]. The [r?] who [nau?] [?] [sol?]


there is a fine article by prof. Max Muller of Oxford
in "The Arena" an english [?], an "The like significances
of the [?] parliament of religions" - see 2 [?]- [?] of
"The Arena Publishing Co, Boston - it entails several
other fine articles - he [?] me a number with his [?]
as a [?] - you [?] [?] to Boston [?] [?]
[Your?] state [?] may the [perplexity?] a [?]
believed [?] presided men
are [?] to please for [?] [?] of a free state
Our [?] [?] are so had [?] an affect
to found a new party with [hu?] as a motto is
[the] [necessity?] of the [hour?] [?] [?] very suggestion [?]
such a [nece?] shows how hopeless is our con =
dition. For in a free country general corruption
in high places, is only the natural fruit [?] a
dieing [?]. Look at the [u?] of [?]
[Yerh?] and [Parlchurst?], now [idaliged?] in a [spos?]
of [returning?] virtue, nice [some?] the overwhelmed by
the energy of the bad men the is [expezing?] -
Cleveland [stau?] for the right as he believes if,
[?], [selu?] [peiu?]. [?]. The [r?] who [nau?] [?] [sol?]